Your host Bryce Henson recaps an interview he had with one of their most successful FBBC franchisees Matt Wilber. Bryce did a live coaching with one of his best friends Matt recently, and during the session, he asked Bryce a series of interview questions. Matt created and launched a Domination Workshop back in 2017 to give tips and strategies to other franchisees.
Tune in as Bryce goes through the second half of the 15 questions in the second part of the Domination Q&A.
01:15 – Your host Bryce introduces today’s show, where he talks about an interview he did with one of their most successful FBBC franchisees Matt Wilber. Matt created a Domination Workshop back in 2017 to give tips and strategies to other franchisees. Tune in for the second part of the Domination Q&A.
04:05 – Picking up at Bryce’s backstory, he shares some of the most painful parts of his story growing up and what parts of his childhood drive him to this day.
13:47 – Bryce shares his top 3 leadership lessons he learned as a CEO.
25:40 – Learn about the top 3 topics Bryce has learned from Bedros, including marketing, vulnerability, and standing up for what you believe.
30:45 – Bryce shares how is working on “turning it off” as the thing he wants to fix about himself.
33:50 – The final question from Bryce’s interview with Matt: hear how being so hard on yourself can be a good and a bad thing.
“No one will ever have a higher expectation of me than myself” – Bryce Henson