A big aspect of leadership is connection.
There are many ways to do this.
A big one is through language & culture.
These things are meaningful to people.
I was reminded of this on my recent trip to the UK for my friend Matt’s wedding.
While I met many Britts.
Being a first-world country with a high standard of living, I met many foreigners throughout Europe living there too.
One thing I learned in my travels years ago which is similar to learning someone’s name.
If you can speak 1 word of someone’s language or know a distinct fact about their culture.
This provides an immediate connection point.
Upon this discovery, I’ve made a point to learn about 30+ words in various languages which acts as an immediate bridge to connect.
As a result, when I meet someone and learn where there from.
I greet them with my 1 word in their language OR ask them to teach me “thank you”.
Their reaction?
90% of the time their eyes light up, their guard goes down and they lean into the conversation.
This creates an instant connection which is a tool to help you lead.