I had my semi-annual ½ day with Bedros last Monday to discuss big picture strategy for Fit Body growth.
We talk about sales, marketing and scaling as a primary focus as the norm.
This time, we also talked about my personal branding.
And how it is used as a marketing strategy to continue to grow our Franchise System.
We then discussed my passion for leadership. That parlayed into a follow up marketing meeting with Lauren and Trevor..
In that meeting, it dawned on me why I enjoy the study of it so much.
You see, when I first started out my entrepreneurship journey..
I knew that if I launched a successful business..
I could then provide myself freedom, income, impact and legacy.
The target was clear:
To become a strong entrepreneur and grow a successful fitness business to accomplish the above goals.
And while I knew the concept of Leadership was important.
I didn’t understand the GRAVITY of it until about 2 years into my entrepreneurial journey when I realized my leadership was broken.
You see..
I focused on how to be better in these categories:
Sales, Marketing, Operations, Recruiting, HR and all other skill sets an “entrepreneur” needs to be successful in launching a business.
It overwhelmed me.
Then about 2 years in the journey, I attended a workshop Bedros put on about his 6 Pillars of Leadership.
He went into great detail not only teaching the content, but showcasing his leadership of oversights as a young entrepreneur.
I had many of the same.
It was then I had my big ah-hah around the #1 skill in business and life success..
And why my team wasn’t buying into my vision and why my business was good but not great..
What was it?
You guessed..
It was my lack of LEADERSHIP skills.
You see, to run a business there are so many skills needed in the team.
So many!!
It’s overwhelming and impossible for 1 person to acquire them all which was my previous belief.
The challenge is if you attempt to learn every skill set that a business needs, it is a recipe for overwhelm and failure.
What I realized is that if I could acquire and get good at the #1 skill of leadership.
I then could assemble a team of subject matter experts way better than me at their given zone of genius.
I could lead an all star team and build a company that creates more income, impact and legacy more than I even thought was possible.
Turns out, I was right.
This is the value of LEADERSHIP.
It’s the #1 skill.
It’s is always the problem. It’s always the SOLUTION to an entrepreneur’s goals of income, impact and legacy.
Next week I will share my 3 guiding principles around leadership so stay tuned..