The Law of Addition is the 5th law of leadership.
The Law of Addition states that a truly great leader leads by adding value and serving others rather than climbing the ranks.
How can you add value?
There are many, but here are a few.
- Value people.
- Make yourself available to your people.
- Relate to what your people value.
- Solve Problems.
From a personal application perspective, the biggest mindset shift to take advantage of this law is this..
View your value as being the SOLUTION!
Problems will ALWAYS happen. This is engrained in the human condition and a sign of life.
So instead of pitying yourself when problems arise which we are all guilty of.. Instead, view yourself as the SOLUTION.
In fact, this is why you get paid to be a problem solver!
This shift changed my leadership ability which is what I want for you, and is the LAW OF ADDITION at work.