Happy Monday Mindset!
“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the Courage to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference.”
I am a recovering alcoholic.
In December of 2016, it became apparent I needed a change after experiencing one of the worst moments of my life.
It wasn’t easy.
But I decided to enroll into a 12 step meeting and will never forget the experience.
It was a Monday evening and I was terrified to walk through the door.
In some ways I didn’t want to, but in many ways I knew needed to.
When the meeting adjourned, the prayer known as the “Serenity Prayer” was said as a group.
It hasn’t left me till this day as I hear it every Monday night.
Its changed my life.
There’s such beauty and simplicity in the prayer.
You see in life, there’s many things you cannot change.
Accept them and move forward.
This will release frustration.
However, there’s many things you need to change and have the ability.
For these, change them now with no delay.
This will release guilt, and create clarity & freedom.
With time, life experience and a conscious pursuit of wisdom, my hope for us both is that we will be able to tell the difference with more clarity.
Have a great week!
Bryce Henson
CEO, Fit Body
PS Click HERE to watch the recent episode the CEO Show podcast where I uncover the fact that You’ll never achieve the American Dream in 2024, unless you DO THIS…