Happy Monday!
We just finished up our Stronger Together Challenge and excited to keep the momentum going as we launch our Fit Body 28 Days of Fitness today! The program includes a weekly theme (this week is Hydration) along with a daily physical challenge to make sure we have some fun while keeping healthy & fit during Quarantine.
Aside from that and getting into today’s message; I am sad to report I received some very sour news last week. My grammar school basketball coach and best friend from my youth’s father, Coach Tom passed away unexpectedly. He was 69, and tested negative for COVID 19, but as my friend Thayne said, in the last few years he let off the focus of self-care.
And while very sad, there is always a lesson which first and foremost, is to live with urgency and passion. As tomorrow is not promised for any of us and the most fulfilled and happy people I know, are in pursuit of a mission or purpose, bigger than themselves.
And the other giant lesson he left is to be intentional about the life you lead and the impact you want to have. As in the end, it’s not the materials things that you acquire (which will all be returned), it’s the legacy you will leave and the impact you had on those around you.
And for me, Coach Tom made a big impact.
Truthfully, he was rough around the edges, was a bit grumpy at times, which turned into downright scary if you upset him. He had very high expectations for our basketball teams and always ensured he held the line of discipline and structure in his program.
Which going through the experience, wasn’t very desirable most of the times in the actual moment. But, he left an incredible positive mark on our teams mindset, work ethic, & desire to work together which led to the big success we had as a team.
He was also a very good-hearted man. And even though very tough on discipline, it was very easy to see it came from a good place which empowered us to work harder because no matter what, we knew he cared about us.
He didn’t like “flash” and cared mostly about the fundamentals of the game and a focus on out conditioning our opponents as being a foundational strategy for success.
And when things got too tough, he knew when to let up, and give praise, appreciation and an even a hug to ensure team morale was positive.
So in closing, here are the lessons from my Coach Tom that you can implement in your life.
- Be tough & disciplined, but caring.
- Train hard, whether or not anyone is watching.
- Practice doesn’t make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect, so train every day as its game day.
- Forget about being flashy; rather focus on & master the fundamentals.
- Expect more of yourself and be a team player.
- Care about the people around you.
Sound advice for us all. RIP Coach Tom. Your lessons will live on..
Let’s make it a GREAT WEEK.
-Coach Bryce