
Leadership Lesson: Charge Hard With Flexibility

Leadership Lesson: Charge Hard With Flexibility 150 150 Bryce Henson

Here are 2 truths when leading.  You will never have all the desired information before you need to take action. Yes, it’s important to source as much data before you begin to move.  This will increase your probability of success. Then once you do, charge hard with passion around the direction you believe is right.…

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[MM]: A lesson from Mom!

[MM]: A lesson from Mom! 150 150 Bryce Henson

Happy Monday Mindset! This week hits differently. My mom, Donna, who we call “Mother Dove” is Michigan-bound on Wednesday. She’s been my California roommate since 2014. Lately, semi-retired, she’s moved between staying with me and my brother Barrett in Michigan. Post-Christmas, she fled the Midwest freeze for some West Coast fun—and it’s been a blast.…

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Leadership Lesson: Discipline = Leadership

Leadership Lesson: Discipline = Leadership 150 150 Bryce Henson

In the words of Jocko Wilink. Discipline = freedom. Here’s a 2nd truth. Discipline = leadership. You can only lead someone else as far as the discipline in which you possess. So my leadership lesson is this: Want to be a better leader? Dial up your discipline. Then watch your leadership explode! Stay tuned for…

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[MM]: The Lesson from 2 Guinness Book of World Records

[MM]: The Lesson from 2 Guinness Book of World Records 150 150 Bryce Henson

Happy Monday Mindset! I spent the last week in Houston, Texas for our 1st Mastermind Workshop of the year. Fit Body Mastermind is a leadership coaching program designed to provide extra leadership training for our owners.  We had a solid crew of presenters who taught about leadership, process, and client experience as our theme.  My…

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Leadership Lesson: It’s Fickle

Leadership Lesson: It’s Fickle 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership is like fitness. You can get fit. But you can always get fitter. You can learn to lead. But can always become a better leader.  Depending on how you view it, this can be exciting or depressing. Exciting because there’s an endless opportunity to improve.  Depressing because it’s overwhelming to know you need to…

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[MM]: My Level 10 Problem + Your Solution

[MM]: My Level 10 Problem + Your Solution 150 150 Bryce Henson

Happy Monday Mindset! “OMG, babe, something is wrong, I cannot walk!” That is what I shrieked in late August to my wife Tatiana as I hopped off the treadmill just finishing my 2-mile run in agonizing pain! You see, I love to run as it unlocks mental clarity and creativity which is my therapy. I…

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Leadership Lesson: It’s hard

Leadership Lesson: It’s hard 150 150 Bryce Henson

Working with people is hard. Building a team is hard. Leading is hard.   This is the hard truth of life, leadership, and business. However, here’s the 2nd truth. While hard. This is where the value lies.   My lesson today is this:  When things get hard. When people’s issues stack up. Reframe your frustration to gratitude.…

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[MM]: A reminder from Daphe, Alabama

[MM]: A reminder from Daphe, Alabama 150 150 Bryce Henson

Happy Monday Mindset! This past weekend I spent in Daphne, Alabama. I was there with my Fit Body Boot Camp Media team to capture some inspirational content showcasing some amazing transformations of our Fit Body clients. While that was the business focus. I was also there to acknowledge our amazing clients of Daphne Fit Body,…

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Leadership Lesson: Your Leadership Capacity

Leadership Lesson: Your Leadership Capacity 150 150 Bryce Henson

A couple of weeks ago, we had our coach facing Elite Training in Southern California. My brother Barrett led an incredible workshop and asked me to speak on Leadership. In my talk, I laid out a framework for self-leadership called the 2 D’s which are founded on 1) Direction and 2) Discipline. To lead yourself…

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[MM]: Your #1 Wealth.

[MM]: Your #1 Wealth. 150 150 Bryce Henson

Happy Monday Mindset! Your Health is Your #1 Wealth. I was humbly reminded of this famous adage last week. “A healthy man has a million dreams, a sick man has one.” Why? I picked up the flu with a 102 fever for 4 days. It broke a 2-year no-sick streak. I was seeing stars, in…

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