
Leadership Lesson: Leaders Connect

Leadership Lesson: Leaders Connect 150 150 Bryce Henson

A big aspect of leadership is connection. There are many ways to do this. A big one is through language & culture. Why? These things are meaningful to people. I was reminded of this on my recent trip to the UK for my friend Matt’s wedding. While I met many Britts. Being a first-world country…

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[MM]: ½ Way Home

[MM]: ½ Way Home 150 150 Bryce Henson

Happy Monday Mindset! July 1 is here. It’s the start of Q3 which means we are officially ½ way through 2024! Where has the year gone? The truth is that both life & business happen fast. This is why you must lead a life of intention. So let me ask you. Have you made progress…

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Leadership Lesson: Leadership is Perspective. Perspective is Leadership.

Leadership Lesson: Leadership is Perspective. Perspective is Leadership. 150 150 Bryce Henson

As the headline states, the more perspective you gain, the better leader you can become. There are many ways to gain perspective. Today’s lesson is about travel. I learned this lesson in May 2004 when I enrolled myself through a study abroad program entering my senior year of college. I put myself on a plane…

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[MM]: Leadership & Perspective

[MM]: Leadership & Perspective 150 150 Bryce Henson

Happy Monday! As the headline states, the more perspective you gain, the better leader you can become. Even if this means being a better leader of self as your next step. Now there are many ways to gain perspective. Today’s lesson is about travel. I learned this lesson in May 2004 when I enrolled in…

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Leadership Lesson: One’s Ability to Lead Is Tied To This..

Leadership Lesson: One’s Ability to Lead Is Tied To This.. 150 150 Bryce Henson

I just did a podcast swap with a new friend Ben Newman. Ben and I were introduced through our mutual friend Amberly Lago. We both come from the Midwest, from homes with abandoned fathers who were addicts, went to the same university, and have a passion for coaching, winning, and leading. Kindred spirits. Ben was…

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[MM]: Wisdom

[MM]: Wisdom 1024 768 Bryce Henson

Happy Monday! Wisdom is something I’ve valued ever since I was a boy. It started with my relationship with my grandma Josephine. We became close after my family escaped my father’s addiction in 1991 and landed on her door for close to a decade through out the 90’s. My grandma was heaven sent. Through the…

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Leadership Lesson: You will be out of it soon

Leadership Lesson: You will be out of it soon 150 150 Bryce Henson

I wear a necklace with the saying “Momento Mori”.  It’s Latin and translates to “Remember your death”. Sounds cold, but it’s true. The truth is as a leader, the message gives perspective.  The truth about life is this: Everything is temporary. To put a bow on the lesson today, I received the message below from…

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[MM]: You’ll be out of it soon

[MM]: You’ll be out of it soon 150 150 Bryce Henson

Happy Monday! My business partner Joey sent me an email last week with the below message and thought of you. If you’re in the storm, you’ll be out of it soon. Think calm. Poise.  If you’re in the sun, you’ll be out of it soon. Think chaos. Prepare. It stopped me dead in my tracks.…

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Leadership Lesson: Calm & Chaos

Leadership Lesson: Calm & Chaos 150 150 Bryce Henson

There are many dichotomies in leadership. I want to share 1 with you today. As a leader. In times of calm, you must create chaos. In this sense I mean you need to create initiatives that are uncomfortable to push the mission & revenue forward. However.. In times of chaos, you must create calmness. Calmness…

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[MM]: Developed: Not Hired

[MM]: Developed: Not Hired 1024 768 Bryce Henson

Happy Monday! I hope you had a productive weekend. Mine was spent in Austin, TX as my good friend and CEO of a marketing agency called Loud Rumor flew me out to give a keynote at his event. I spoke to a 200 person audience of Fitness Professionals full of passion! My requested topic? How…

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