
Leadership Lesson: Discipline = Freedom

Leadership Lesson: Discipline = Freedom 150 150 Bryce Henson

Yesterday here in the States, we observed Memorial Day. It’s a day that we observe in honor of those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. After all, freedom isn’t free. Since the dawn of time, humans have tried to oppress others in the name of survival and power. This is the nature of…

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[MM]: Opportunity. Not an obligation 🇺🇸

[MM]: Opportunity. Not an obligation 🇺🇸 150 150 Bryce Henson

Family! 🙌 Happy Memorial Day. 🇺🇸 Yes, that means it’s Murph Day. But why?🤔 It honors the sacrifice of those beautiful souls who gave their life to protect our freedom. After all.. Freedom is what our country stands for. 🇺🇸 Freedom is the gift that fitness gives.💪 The best part? We have the opportunity to…

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Leadership Lesson: Own It

Leadership Lesson: Own It 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership is about owning it. Yes, the good, bad, and ugly. Case in point, Tatiana and I received an apology letter from a former coach of ours this week. He coached for us a few years ago as our Head Coach. Good-hearted dude but made some poor choices, became negative, dropped some balls, and then…

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[MM]: Own It

[MM]: Own It 150 150 Bryce Henson

Happy Monday!🙌 Today’s mindset message is about leadership.✨ There’s a lot to the subject. But at the core. Leadership is about owning it.👊 Or in other words, taking responsibility for your actions. Yes, the good, bad, and ugly. To illustrate my point, I will share a story with you from last week.👇 Unexpectedly, Coach Tatiana…

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Leadership Lesson: Lead Your Empire

Leadership Lesson: Lead Your Empire 150 150 Bryce Henson

Well, my friend, this is where things get interesting. Leading an empire takes a lot more skill set than the first 2. However, without the foundation of self and family leadership, there’s not a possibility for the third. Now before you can lead an empire. You must always ask yourself this. How far down the…

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[MM]: What’s even worse than rock bottom..

[MM]: What’s even worse than rock bottom.. 150 150 Bryce Henson

Happy Monday!🙌 Last week I was in the studio with my business partner Bedros. We recorded a few new episodes for the release of my newly branded podcast the “CEO Show” with Bryce Henson. I’m excited for the release of the show on July 3 so stay tuned.👊 In 1 of the episodes, we talked…

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Leadership Lesson: Lead Your Family

Leadership Lesson: Lead Your Family 150 150 Bryce Henson

In the last 2 weeks, we uncovered a simple way to lead yourself.  Through your fitness. Taking care of your health and fitness is your ultimate form of self-leadership. Now it’s time to expand on the leadership framework. When you can lead yourself, you are capable of leading your family. The best way to do…

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[MM]: It’s not the size of the dog…

[MM]: It’s not the size of the dog… 150 150 Bryce Henson

Happy Monday Mindset! To finish off the quote from the headline.. It’s not the size of the dog in the fight. It’s the size of the fight in the dog! Why do I share this today? I just connected with an old friend which reminded me of this motto I took on in my youth.You…

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Leadership Lesson: Lead Yourself Over The 99%

Leadership Lesson: Lead Yourself Over The 99% 150 150 Bryce Henson

Last week we covered this:  Leading yourself is the first principle to become a better leader. By dialing in your fitness and maintaining a healthy weight, you now are qualified to lead 80% of people in our country. Ok, great. But let’s take it to another level, shall we? What if you wanted a tool…

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[MM]: The secret to life success

[MM]: The secret to life success 150 150 Bryce Henson

Happy Monday Mindset! This weekend I was at the Limitless Personal Growth Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah.  I was there to support my business partner and Founder of Fit Body, Bedros Keuilian who gave a big keynote. The topic of his talk? How to launch and scale businesses which is his zone of genius.…

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