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Monday, October 26, 2020

Monday Mindset – Circumstance do not change Responsibility 761 405 Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset – Circumstance do not change Responsibility

Happy Monday!

I had a different Monday Mindset topic planned for today, but this morning something came up so I wanted to share the experience and lesson.

To give a little context, today was a rough one for me as my body was tired. I definitely didn’t feel like getting to book camp. But thankfully I got  a really good night’s sleep so I knew it was just the resistance we all feel as humans and not a serious concern.

So made it to the 5:15am session and pushed through an awesome circuit with Coach Jake, John and the Mission Viejo crew! The session was great and we had finished through the station work portion and had 2 minutes left, pushing through the finishers doing mountain climbers and then BOOM!!!!! 🔥🔥

The power went out, it went completely black, lights and music went out and was an eerie silence. It was very startling for a few seconds nearly everyone came to a halt, myself included.

And that’s exactly when coach yelled out:

“Team – we are not done yet. Plank position, we have 2 minutes left.  Let’s go!”

So we all held tight in plank position in the complete darkness.  And it turned out in the last 45 seconds the power came back on and we finished the session with the lights  & music on and in good fashion.

But regardless, we all finished (lights or no lights) and that is the lesson today….

Circumstance don’t change responsibility.

The power went out (circumstance), but we finished the session. (responsibility)

You are tired today (circumstance), but you still must work out your body. (responsibility)

You feel like cake today (circumstance), but you put it down and pick the salad instead. (responsibility)

Someone mistreats you (circumstance), but you still must be kind (responsibility).

You just don’t feel like finishing your project at work by deadline (circumstance), but you do it anyway. (responsibility)

So by now you get the point.

As human nature tends to put focus and assign blame on the circumstance, (on why something wasn’t done), but if you want to live a beautiful and fulfilled life, the secret is to focus on the responsibility instead.  So please remember:

Circumstance don’t change responsibility.

Make it a great Monday and strong start to your week!

-Coach Bryce