Daily Archives :

Monday, December 7, 2020

Monday Mindset – How do you respond to your environment? 🥕🥚☕️ 574 547 Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset – How do you respond to your environment? 🥕🥚☕️


Happy Monday!

I hope you had an incredible weekend like I did. That in mind, it was extremely challenging, but one filled with bonding with our team. So I am very excited to share some big takeaways next week!

But for today, I received this message from my good friend Matt who is a Fit Body Boot Camp owner in Michigan and fellow Vice President of our franchise.

The message was so profound and timely that I received value and trust you will to..

“How do you respond to your environment?

This message is so important in our current climate.

Jon Gordon, one of my favorite authors and thought leaders says there are 3 types of people when it comes to responding to your environment (the rest is paraphrased from a speech he gave).

You have the carrot, the egg, and the coffee bean.

When you put a carrot into hot water it gets soft and it gets weakened.

When you put an egg into hot water it gets hardened.

When you put a coffee bean into hot water it transforms its environment into coffee.

So often we allow our environment to weaken us like the carrot.

So often we allow our environments to harden our hearts, make us angry, make us bitter, and make us resentful like the egg.

Instead, we want to be like the coffee bean. The coffee bean transforms the world from the inside out.

We transform from the power that is inside of us as that is where the power lies.

Your circumstances do not define you, you define your circumstances.

You define your circumstances by your belief, your faith, your optimism, your vision, your purpose, and by your love.

You have the ability to shape your world.

You have the ability to shape your future.

The power lies within you. Be like the coffee bean!”

Make it a great Monday and week!

Committed to your success,

-Coach Bryce