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Monday, April 26, 2021

Monday Mindset: the KISS of death 575 573 Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset: the KISS of death

My business partner and CEO of FBBC Bedros writes a Monday email to his team just like I send one to you. As the goal is to set the tone for the week as business & fitness are both primarily mental challenges!

And his message below he sent a few weeks ago around the “Kiss of death” is so important to avoid as the value of life is constantly learning and growing to be the best version of you.

In fact, that is exactly why I fell in love with fitness as committing to a program is an exercise in personal development and growth.

As if you are not healthy and fit, how can you be positive and fulfilled?

Enjoy his mindset message and trust you will get value as I did! Let’s make it a GREAT week!

-Coach Bryce

Good morning team!

Hope you had a wonderful weekend. So much great weather here in Cali!

This might be the most important Monday Morning Email that I ever write to you… 

Ask anyone and they’ll tell you that self development and personal growth is a good thing. 

I think that’s been pretty well established. 

But there’s a dark side to personal and professional growth. 

A side that many experience as they develop to the higher version of themselves, but they don’t realize what’s happening until it’s too late. 

 I’ve experienced it myself so I share this from first hand experience. 

It’s the upper limit. 

EVERYONE has an upper limit. It’s like a glass ceiling that you press up against as you develop personally and professionally. 

The goal is to break through that upper limiting glass ceiling, but more than not we end up pressing against this upper limit and our old identity pulls us back down to our comfort zone. 

 Like I said, the upper limit is something that we all have… 

 …but if we don’t navigate through it effectively we end up sabotaging ourselves and sliding back into the old version of who we are – your old identity (your comfort zone). 

 Here’s how the upper limit works. When you hit the upper limit, meaning when you achieve higher self awareness, success, happiness or wealth, your ego (YOUR OLD IDENTITY)  tends to bring you back down to where you’re most familiar with, in other words your comfort zone. 

 This happens by giving yourself negative thoughts or doing negative behaviors that ruin what you’ve achieved – like losing all the money after winning the lottery, arguing with your partner after becoming successful or thinking of negative things when you have happy thoughts because you’re just more familiar with a negative self narrative.  

 This is why I call upper limiting the KISS OF DEATH. 

 How do you stop upper limiting so that you can enjoy your new level of personal and professional growth? 

 You become self-aware that it’s going to happen, because it’s going to happen to all of us when we do the work and grow…

 …and then you tell yourself that you’re worth it and not to screw it up. 

 Love and gratitude team! 
