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Monday, March 14, 2022

Monday Mindset – Hitler & JFK 150 150 Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset – Hitler & JFK

Happy Monday!!
I received the below message recently from my business partner, and founder of Fit Body, Bedros Keuilian. And with all the craziness continuing in the world, it made me stop and think.
Since I got the value I wanted to share it with you in hopes it will do the same for you. 👇
I read a lot of stuff… stuff that many people would find weird or strange. 🤓
Recently I was reading about Hitler and how he got into power, stayed in power, and got support for the genocide of six million Jews from millions of his citizens.
You’d wonder how people would allow that to happen right❓
You’d wonder why no one in Germany tried to stop him, right?
It’s simple really and the answer is found in two quotes… one from Hitler and the other from John F Kennedy.
HITLER: “I use emotion for the many and reason for the few.”
Hitler learned early on that people are emotional and reactive. Only a few are reasonable or logical. So, he realized that if he could control a person’s emotions then he could predict their reaction.
One of the most effective ways to make people emotional is to incite FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt). ☑️
FUD is still used today on the masses to gain control and compliance – almost like mind control.
Want an example?
Just flick on the mainstream news and very easy to see this in real-time.
A lesson?
If you want to free yourself of this mind control then learn to control and manage your emotions. React less. Respond more. 💯
Emotional people REACT. Reasonable people RESPOND.
Those who tend to react put the power in the hands of others. Those who respond hold the power and control.
John F Kennedy said: “Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth”.
Emotionally charged people conform quickly and lose their freedoms and grow weaker.
To recap, the lesson here is this…
1. Take control of your emotions and you’ll become uncontrollable.
2, Respond and don’t react.
3. Fear, uncertainty, and doubt are the enemy of freedom and growth.
Here’s to an amazing week ahead team! 🙌
Much love and respect,
-Coach Bryce
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