Leadership Lesson: #10 The Law of Connection
On the Law of Connection, John Maxwell writes…
“When it comes to working with people, the heart comes before the head.”
Logic is important.
But alone it will only take you so far.
In order to really get people on board with your mission & leadership, you need to connect with their HEARTS through their emotions.
Yes, people are EMOTIONAL beings. People need to feel LOVED and VALUED around their emotions.
There are many ways to do this, but here are a few:
- Be open and vulnerable. When you share your inner feelings & struggles, it creates a deep connection.
- Be curious. Ask questions about THEM!
- Use the phrase: “Enough about me, how about you? How are you, what’s new? Tell me about that trip, etc!”
- Then LISTEN intently!
- Be PRESENT. This makes people feel valued.
- Engage. Create and hold eye contact.
- Share gratitude and love. When sincere, tell someone you love them early and often.
When you create connections around emotion, people put their guard down, you gain friendship and INFLUENCE which is the foundation of leadership.