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Monday, January 8, 2024

[MM]: Bear Your Burden Well 931 1024 Bryce Henson

[MM]: Bear Your Burden Well

Happy Monday!✨

I want to share a leadership story with you today.


Because in order to be a better leader of your family..

You have to lead yourself well first.👊

And a big part of leading you, is being healthy and fit.💪

Another part  of leading is bearing your burden well.

Let me explain.👇

My mother Donna called my brother Barrett & I last week.

She shared the news that our Uncle Ed who is 84 will have open heart surgery next week.


The kicker?🤔

He just told his children and siblings last week after knowing for 4 months.

Now for some backstory..

My Uncle Ed is the patriarch of our family.

He is a man of few words.

He doesn’t like the limelight.

But he’s the man when poop hits the fan, and you need help for something important…

You call!🙌

He’s a good man and a strong man.

He’s been the backbone of our family for decades and someone that our family admires.

Now you might be asking yourself this…

Why did he wait to disclose this information to his kids for nearly ½ a year?

The answer..

He didn’t want to burden his family during the holiday season.

It was apparent to him that there was nothing that could have been done aside from creating worry.

He knew that this should be his burden to carry..

And when the time is more opportune in consideration of his loved ones, he would then share the news which is exactly what he did..

Stoic Leadership at its finest.💥

This also presents the dichotomy to leadership and why it’s difficult.

Most times, strong and proactive communication is the best strategy.

Default to this.

However, there are times that you need to bear the burden alone as a leader of your family.

This is why it’s called “the burden of leadership”.

To my uncle’s credit.. 

He’s an incredible leader of himself and family.🔥

Over the years, most of his leadership lessons have been caught and not taught.

This is yet another.

So please learn this value lesson from my Uncle Ed.. 

As a leader of both yourself and family..

You must bear your burden well.

Please send good vibes for a successful surgery.🙏

-Coach Bryce

PS. GOOD NEWS! I am officially announcing that our 8-week New Year challenge starts January 22, and you get to work from NOW until January 22 for FREE! Click HERE to register.