Leadership Lesson: Rule 6. Post a Sign that Says’ No Energy Vampires Allowed’ on Your Bus
“Negative people create negative corporate cultures, while positive people do the opposite.” – Jon Gordon.
Real talk:
Energy Vampires will crush you, your mindset and organization.
Don’t believe me?
Consider how you speak English..
What accent do you have when you speak?
I sound American.
Not because I wanted to sound American when I was younger.
In fact, there was nothing intentional about this.
It’s due to the fact I grew up in the USA.
My environment shaped the way I learned to speak our language.
My wife Tatiana is the opposite.
She speaks beautiful English, but speaks with a different cadence.
It’s noticeable that she sounds different.
You see, she sings English like she sings Brazilian Portuguese.
The environment in her youth, shaped her ability to learn our language.
The morale of this story?
Your environment shapes and influences you.
So don’t fool yourself by thinking you can allow a negative influence in your environment without having consequences.
Since leadership is about influence.
You can ONLY let positive people influence you and hop on your energy bus.
Therefore, no energy vampires.
Bottom line.
The truth?
Strong leaders embrace this rule.
Weak leaders negotiate on why their long standing relationships with these vampires should still be allowed.
That used to be me until I made a choice to be a better leader.
Your choice.