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Monday, October 14, 2024

[MM]: This 1 thing changed the game 150 150 Bryce Henson

[MM]: This 1 thing changed the game

Happy Monday Mindset! 🙌

I read this quote by Benjamin Frankin during my junior of college.

It stopped me in my tracks at the simplicity but genius of it.

“Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.”

I wanted to be healthy, wealthy, and wise so it resonated.

But truth be told.

I didn’t act on it until about 8 years later. 

However, when I did, it changed the game.

In fact, without adopting it, I wouldn’t be writing this email today. 

I wouldn’t have been a business owner, lived abroad, and ascended to become the CEO of an international fitness franchise.


When you get a jump on the day, you are more productive.

When you are more productive, you become even more productive.

The law of momentum is real.

The trick?

Get to bed by 9pm.

This will create the momentum for you to rise early and dominate your day.

Make it a GREAT and EARLY Week!

Bryce Henson
CEO, Fit Body 

PS Click HERE to watch the recent episode of the CEO Show podcast where I uncover The Brutal Truth of Becoming a Strong Father and Leader in a Society That Wants You to Fail.