
Leadership Lesson: Winners Win

Leadership Lesson: Winners Win 150 150 Bryce Henson

This is a famous adage in sports. It’s true for leadership. As a leader, you must put your team in a position to win. If you cannot do this, you will not possess long-term influence which is the essence of leadership. This is the bottom line. The good news? Winning is a mentality.  With time,…

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[MM]: A true friend

[MM]: A true friend 150 150 Bryce Henson

Happy Monday Mindset! I met my good friend Matt Johns in October of 2007 here in Orange County through one of my best friends from England. “Johnzy” grew up a few hours from London and decided to take a traveling trip through California. Fortune was on my side as we hit it off immediately. Kindred…

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Leadership Lesson: Leaders Take the Lead

Leadership Lesson: Leaders Take the Lead 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leaders take the lead. Sounds basic but is often overlooked in leadership. When starting any new initiative, here’s the tough truth. There is always resistance. There are always unknowns and kinks to work through in anything new. Always. This is the reason why when a leader begins a new initiative, they must be the ones…

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[MM]: Life: a game of inches (Saturday’s assassination attempt)

[MM]: Life: a game of inches (Saturday’s assassination attempt) 150 150 Bryce Henson

Happy Monday Mindset! No doubt you saw the events on Saturday as world-renowned businessman and former President Donald Trump was 2 inches from being assassinated. Whether you love or hate the man. That is not the focus as this is not a political message. Instead, it’s one engrained in humanity and perspective. As I reflected…

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Leadership Lesson: Leaders Translate

Leadership Lesson: Leaders Translate 150 150 Bryce Henson

We learned last week that leaders connect. A way to connect is through translation; which is today’s lesson. You see, effective leaders translate. In other words, they speak to their audience. I was reminded of my recent trip to London for my friend Matt’s wedding. Thankfully, we use the same English language.  But there are…

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[MM]: Freedom & …

[MM]: Freedom & … 150 150 Bryce Henson

Happy Monday Mindset! I hope you had a great holiday weekend. I did! It was productive and started with a full body circuit at my Mission Viejo Fit Body location. Just the way I like it. 🙂 As I reflect, the 4th has become one of my favorite holidays. In my youth, I took it…

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Leadership Lesson: Leaders Connect

Leadership Lesson: Leaders Connect 150 150 Bryce Henson

A big aspect of leadership is connection. There are many ways to do this. A big one is through language & culture. Why? These things are meaningful to people. I was reminded of this on my recent trip to the UK for my friend Matt’s wedding. While I met many Britts. Being a first-world country…

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[MM]: ½ Way Home

[MM]: ½ Way Home 150 150 Bryce Henson

Happy Monday Mindset! July 1 is here. It’s the start of Q3 which means we are officially ½ way through 2024! Where has the year gone? The truth is that both life & business happen fast. This is why you must lead a life of intention. So let me ask you. Have you made progress…

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Leadership Lesson: Leadership is Perspective. Perspective is Leadership.

Leadership Lesson: Leadership is Perspective. Perspective is Leadership. 150 150 Bryce Henson

As the headline states, the more perspective you gain, the better leader you can become. There are many ways to gain perspective. Today’s lesson is about travel. I learned this lesson in May 2004 when I enrolled myself through a study abroad program entering my senior year of college. I put myself on a plane…

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[MM]: Leadership & Perspective

[MM]: Leadership & Perspective 150 150 Bryce Henson

Happy Monday! As the headline states, the more perspective you gain, the better leader you can become. Even if this means being a better leader of self as your next step. Now there are many ways to gain perspective. Today’s lesson is about travel. I learned this lesson in May 2004 when I enrolled in…

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