
Courage is the next C in the 5 step framework of leadership.

Courage is the next C in the 5 step framework of leadership. 150 150 Bryce Henson

Taking a step back.. Leadership is about being vulnerable. It’s about going against the grain.  In fact, many times leadership requires you to put your neck on the line to direct change. This is a fundamental aspect of leadership. In order to do this… you need courage. WHY? Humans are wired to avoid conflict. That’s…

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[MM] Whats your deep er reason?

[MM] Whats your deep er reason? 150 150 Bryce Henson

I cannot believe September and Labor Day is already here!💥 As we enter the “Fall season” which is busy with football and back-to-school events..  It made me stop and think about what’s really important in life.. So asked myself this question..🤔 Why do most people want to get back in the gym after summer and…

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The first C of leadership is Clarity

The first C of leadership is Clarity 150 150 Bryce Henson

The first C of leadership is Clarity.  As the leader, clarity inward for yourself and clarity outward for your team & organization is the first step.  As without a clear target to pursue, friction and underperformance will set in any organization.  Thus, as a leader, you must take time to reflect, and go inward often,…

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Leadership Advice to my Former Self

Leadership Advice to my Former Self 150 150 Bryce Henson

Advice to my former self: Rewind the clock to November 5, 2012, the day Tatiana & I launched our first Fit Body location, I would have told myself to invest & focus on developing my leadership skills.  As leadership (more than fitness/nutrition coaching) has been the biggest mover in growing my team and membership base.…

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[MM] Life lessons from 2 “strangers”

[MM] Life lessons from 2 “strangers” 1024 768 Bryce Henson

Happy Mindset Monday! Today’s message is about love and gratitude with some life lessons that will help you on your journey. 💥 Looking at the included picture, there are no words to truly describe my deep love and gratitude for these amazing ladies. The snap is of my mother-in-law Cristina and my dear friend Mara. They are my 2…

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The true goal of a leader

The true goal of a leader 150 150 Bryce Henson

Simply put, to get people to do what they need to do to support the mission and team. As when the team wins, everyone wins. Simple but true. My question for you.. Are you working towards getting people to support the mission and team? If so, you are leading.. If not, get to it.

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Monday Mindset: When Things Don’t Go As Planned! 👍

Monday Mindset: When Things Don’t Go As Planned! 👍 150 150 Bryce Henson

I received this story with a great lesson from my friend Randy recently and wanted to share to get your mind right this Monday.. The Chinese Farmer  Once upon a time, there was a Chinese farmer whose horse ran away. 🧑‍🌾 That evening, all of his neighbors came around to commiserate. They said, “We are so sorry…

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Decentralized Command.

Decentralized Command. 150 150 Bryce Henson

One of the most important but underutilized elements of leadership. Meaning leaders create & support small teams of leaders who have the autonomy to make decisions to move the mission forward. As even the best leaders can only truly invest their time and knowledge into a handful of people.  These people then lead their downline.…

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Monday Mindset: 3 Nashville Takeaways..

Monday Mindset: 3 Nashville Takeaways.. 1024 768 Bryce Henson

Happy Monday! Last week I returned from delivering a week-long training in Nashville Tennessee to nearly 300 attendees.🙌 The group was made up of owners, leaders, and coaches all wanting to get even better in the service of their clients, teammates, and community.⚡️ While the days were action-packed full of incredible teaching and takeaways. Here…

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My biggest leadership secret?

My biggest leadership secret? 150 150 Bryce Henson

The ability to lead yourself. Sounds basic but it’s extremely true. When you develop the ability to lead yourself by creating discipline in your life (eating well, exercising, being an early riser and overall highly dependable). You will be able to accomplish many things from a productivity perspective as its first value point. But much…

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