
Monday Mindset: The true value of your fitness

Monday Mindset: The true value of your fitness 1024 768 Bryce Henson

Happy Monday! 🙌 I am very excited to be home after an action-packed trip to Nashville delivering the Fit Body Elite Training workshop for our owners and coaches in the brand. 🤗 I will share some good takeaways from the trip next week. The best part of returning?  My wife Tatiana picked me up from…

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Leadership is always the problem and always the solution.

Leadership is always the problem and always the solution. 150 150 Bryce Henson

In fact and in the words of Jocko Willink… There are no bad teams.  Rather, just bad leaders. That’s incredibly humbling, but also incredibly empowering. As the greater you lead yourself, the greater you can lead others. It starts with you. And once you accept this very difficult reality that your current leadership is the…

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Monday Mindset: You never know when you will need your fitness..

Monday Mindset: You never know when you will need your fitness.. 150 150 Bryce Henson

Happy Monday! I’m traveling again, this time to Nashville delivering a week-long training to our owners and coaches throughout the Fit Body brand. 🤗 I return on Sunday so, in next Monday’s Mindset message, I will have some good take-aways for you so be ready! For today, I’m still reflecting on last week. 🤔 If…

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Communication is an ally of Leadership

Communication is an ally of Leadership 150 150 Bryce Henson

Communication is an ally of Leadership. The better communication skills you develop, the better leader you become. Why? At its root, Leadership is about creating clarity. Clarity for yourself, clarity for your team, clarity for your clients, clarity for your following. So the more effective communicator you are, the more clarity everyone has and consequently…

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Monday Mindset: Some takeaways from my trip to Sioux Falls

Monday Mindset: Some takeaways from my trip to Sioux Falls 1024 768 Bryce Henson

Happy Monday! I just got back to California after an incredible weekend celebrating my friend and Fit Body Franchise Business Coach CJ, his team & clients Sioux Falls Fit Body in South Dakota. ❤️ You may remember CJ and his team from all the virtual Fit Body workouts during COVID. And it was my first…

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No. 6 Default Aggressive – Effective leaders default aggressive

No. 6 Default Aggressive – Effective leaders default aggressive 150 150 Bryce Henson

Simply put, effective leaders play to win. Thus, in order to win you must have a default aggressive. To provide some other perspective and in sales, there’s a famous quote saying “Timid Salesmen have skinny kids”. This is also true of leadership. This in mind, there’s many times as a leader it’s in the best…

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No. 5 Detach – Effective leaders can remove emotion by detaching

No. 5 Detach – Effective leaders can remove emotion by detaching 150 150 Bryce Henson

Just when you thought we were complete with Jocko’s 4 laws of combat and leadership, I am here to exceed expectations and provide the final 2 and a summary from the  Now on to lesson Number 5! In Leadership Strategy and Tactics: Field Manual, Jocko Willink compares two of his Platoon Commanders early in…

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Monday Mindset: Intentional or Conditional?

Monday Mindset: Intentional or Conditional? 919 1024 Bryce Henson

This past weekend was exceptional as I had the opportunity to MC the High Performance Summit led by Bedros Keulian & Wes Watson where I gave the opening keynote.. If you haven’t heard of Wes, he is a MEGA successful fitness coach and entrepreneur. đź’Ż In fact, he’s known as “America’s Most Famous Felon”.  Yes,…

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No. 4 Decentralized Command

No. 4 Decentralized Command 150 150 Bryce Henson

As a continuation from the last 4 weeks, I read the expert from MSP magazine and wanted to share its break down. Number is 4 Decentralized Command and this is the sole purpose of me sending this weekly message to better your leadership. Why? Because Decentralized Command means everybody is a leader. That’s what you…

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Monday Mindset: Just because it’s not your fault, doesn’t mean it’s not your responsibility.

Monday Mindset: Just because it’s not your fault, doesn’t mean it’s not your responsibility. 1024 1024 Bryce Henson

I hope you enjoyed a good Father’s Day weekend!  We had a great client appreciation picnic on Saturday so a big thanks to all who attended. And as it pertains to Sunday, I wanted to wish a BIG Happy Fathers Day again to all the awesome dads.đź’Ą My siblings and I caught great fortune with…

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