Leadership is influence. Nothing more or less.
Last week I had one of my followers on the Gram tell me I was an idiot on a post I made about citing Adolf Hitler’s strong leadership skills.
He went on to tell me how Hitler was a horrible person so couldn’t be a good leader. Stating that he didn’t get any electoral votes citing government beauracity and positional authority.
While I agree with his facts on the lack of democracy. I also agree that clearly, Hiter was a HORRIBLE person.
But he missed the point on what leadership actually is.
Yes, Hitler was a HORRIBLE person but a great leader.
Leadership is influence.
Nothing more or less.
If you have influence, you have leadership.
And clearly he had it.
Taking it a step deeper into the rabbit hole..
Leadership is actually neutral.
It is just a tool that can be used for the good and bad.
So my message today is to arm yourself with leadership skills.
And then use them for good to HELP and NOT hurt others!