Posts By :

Bryce Henson

[MM]: A priority gut check 150 150 Bryce Henson

[MM]: A priority gut check

Happy Monday Mindset!

Thank you for your support as the fundraiser ended last week.

The good news is that we raised nearly $7,000 for the California Fire Foundation Relief effort because of you!

Donate to the Fit Body California Fire Foundation Fund

Hitting so close to home, I have many thoughts about the tragedy that unfolded. 

Most are outside the scope of this email. 

However, the 1 consistent thought that hasn’t escaped me is the fragility of life. 

As humans, we are programmed to default to the fallacy that life is permanent.

Cognitively though, we know it’s not. 

It’s an interesting dichotomy of human nature.

The events of last week were a stark reminder of the value of what’s important, the fragility of life, and how little time we have left.

I hope you let that set in. 

As we look to 2025, I also hope you have grand goals that will help you, your family, and your community. 

I urge you to reflect and make sure you’ve prioritized what’s truly important.

Yes, financial success is mission-critical so should be a big focus.

However, your goals should include attention to your relationships, loved ones, and the impact on your family and community you can make.

Speaking for myself, I re-prioritized a couple of things for 2025 which is a silver lining of the tragedy.

My hope and message today is for you to do the same!

Head up and onward my friend.

Bryce Henson
CEO, Fit Body 

PS Click HERE to learn How to Develop a Mindset To Fight For What You Believe!

Leadership Lesson: Better Leadership for 2025 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: Better Leadership for 2025

I received this below leadership message from my friend Craig Ballantyne last week.

I thought it was spot on so I wanted to share it with you.

This way, you can level up your leadership for 2025.

Phases of leadership:

  • You must first lead yourself (good habits)
  • You must lead with vision (helping your team see their future)
  • You must lead with listening (communication skills i.e. active listening)
  • And you must keep it all going with accountability and difficult discussions
[MM]: Our Mission + The Los Angeles Fires 150 150 Bryce Henson

[MM]: Our Mission + The Los Angeles Fires

Happy Monday Mindset!

I had a different mindset message for you today.

However, will table that until next week.


It’s no secret, that the recent fires here in Los Angeles, California have taken center stage. 

Our country has had a rough go with Mother Nature over the last few months.

This one hits especially close to home.

As such, I’m including a mindset message I sent my Franchise Partners today.

I trust you will get value and would like you to share the message as we unite together to help a bad situation & those in need.


The good news?

HQ and our Fit Body locations are safe at the moment.

The bad news?

Many others are not so lucky.

As I took a step back with my team this week, we reflected on our mission here at Fit Body Boot Camp.

It is to inspire fitness and change lives.

We do that in many ways.

Mainly through fitness, nutrition, and mindset coaching.

However, we also do that by coming together as a community and helping when others are in need.

Well, my friend, there are many in need.

The people of Los Angeles, California, and most specifically, the California Fire Foundation need our help.

This foundation has the most boots-on-the-ground access to help the victims & provide relief but needs financial resources. 

Solition-minded, we are jumping in to help.

We just initiated the Fit Body California Fire Foundation Fundraiser which we will be sharing with our global clients in this Thursday’s BTS newsletter.

Our target is to raise $25,000 by this Friday, January 17. 

Here is how:

Donate to the Fit Body California Fire Foundation Fund

We have included some extra swipe files below to help and will be posting some social media graphics on our HQ social for you to share to add to the brand awareness effort.

Time is of the essence. 

Thank you for your support and we are excited to inspire fitness and change more lives with your help.

Bryce Henson
CEO, Fit Body 

PS Click HERE to learn why I Quit Alcohol And How It Changed My Life

Leadership Lesson: The 3 qualities 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: The 3 qualities

Last year Bedros and I were chatting about leadership and life.

He shared with me 3 qualities of leadership that effective leaders possess.


These qualities attract people. 

And leadership is more of a game of attraction than promotion. 

To aid you, I would encourage you to take note and then develop the qualities for your own leadership and life.

  1.  Have a clear mission
  2.  Be comfortable in your skin
  3.  Enjoy the ride
[MM]: 8+ years alcohol-free 150 150 Bryce Henson

[MM]: 8+ years alcohol-free

Happy Monday Mindset!

I hope your 2025 is off to a great start.

I just back from a 12-day trip to Brazil to spend Christmas and New Year with my wife Tatiana’s family. 

During the trip, I was there to make good on a promise I made Tatiana’s mom 12 years ago.

I also celebrated a milestone of 8 years of being alcohol-free.

Here’s a little backstory:

For a long time, it was tough to see I had a problem with alcohol. 

I was never a daily drinker. 

In fact, my drinking became less frequent through my early 30’s.

However, the 2nd truth is it became more aggressive on the times I did drink about a handful of times per month.

For me, when I start, I cannot stop as a craving for more develops.  

This is the same craving that sugar induces for most people.

 The problem?

I didn’t understand the craving from my biochemistry made me drink differently than most people.

I was blind to this fact. 

As a result, I had bad experiences due to overdrinking that drew on my relationships and self-confidence.

The straw that broke the camel’s back?

It was seeing a loved one with the same problem’s life come in distress.

After a mountain of personal, relational, and legal issues, it became apparent this was a serious issue needing resolving.

My advice was to stop drinking completely and seek help.

Good advice.

However, I realized the cold hard truth that this was advice I needed to take myself. 

The realization of being a hypocritic was painful enough that it got me to stop drinking and seek help.

This is my message today.

We all have our cross to bear. 

Mine is alcohol.

Yours might be sugar, porn, or gambling to name a few.

Whatever your coping mechanism.

Realize this truth:

There are many people out there who have solved the problem you might be currently going through.

The 2nd truth:

They want to help.

You just must go through enough pain, have the desire, and then dig up all the strength and humility to seek it.

No, it won’t be easy.

Yes, you can make a change.

The best part?

When you do, your life will change just like mine did 8 years ago last week. 

If I can be of service, I’m here cheering you on.

Just reply.

 Happy Monday and let’s go 2025!

Bryce Henson
CEO, Fit Body 

PS Click HERE to learn how to hit the ground running in 2025!

Leadership Lesson: Leaders Reflect 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: Leaders Reflect

When driving your car, most of the time you need to be looking at what’s ahead.

This is important to ensure you arrive at the desired destination.

However, at times, you need to use your rearview mirror.

It’s there for a reason.

This provides a moment of reflection to check blind spots as you navigate forward.

This is the same with leadership.

Most times you need to look at what’s in front of you.

In fact, this is where the majority of your leadership time should be spent.

However, there are times when it’s needed to step back, reflect, and assess your blind spots.

We all have them.

By doing both, it will increase the probability you arrive at your destination safely and effectively. 

So my leadership message today as 2024 winds down is to look ahead to 2025.

Create your plan and cast your vision.

However, don’t forget to take some time this week to reflect on the good, the bad, and the ugly of 2024.

This will give you a better perspective & vision to navigate the new year safely and effectively.

After all, leaders reflect.

[MM]: The 5 Questions (The Year-End Reflection) 150 150 Bryce Henson

[MM]: The 5 Questions (The Year-End Reflection)

Happy Monday Mindset! 🙌

In the blink of an eye, another year is almost in the books.

Crazy, right?

If you are anything like me.

Every year that passes by, goes by quicker.

I’m sure you can relate.

The truth is that if we don’t take a second to reflect on each year, it will pass us by.

So looking ahead to 2025, help me help you by investing 30 minutes with a pen & paper and completing the below 5 questions.

Doing this practice has been a game-changer for my life.

I want the same for you.

Let’s learn from 2024 and make 2025 the best yet!

Happy New Year!

  1. What’s been your biggest win in 2024?
  2. What’s been your biggest challenge in 2024?
  3. What do you need to start doing in 2025?
  4. What do you need to stop doing in 2025?
  5. If we were meeting here 1 year from today, looking back over the year, what has to have happened for you to feel happy about your progress?

Bryce Henson
CEO, Fit Body 

PS Click HERE to learn Why So Many Men Feel Stuck—and the Blueprint to Break Free

Leadership Lesson: Leaders Possess Presence 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: Leaders Possess Presence

Effective leadership requires presence.

How to develop more presence you might ask?

Drum roll.

Wait for it.

Are you ready?

Be present.

My leadership message today?

During today’s celebration and throughout the holidays.

Be present with your loved ones.

Put away the phone.

Turn off the TV.

Dig into enriching conversations with your loved ones about the important things in life.


Make eye contact.

Be present.

After all, good leadership possesses presence.

Merry Christmas!

[MM]: Make a promise, keep a promise (Brazil) 150 150 Bryce Henson

[MM]: Make a promise, keep a promise (Brazil)

Happy Monday Mindset! 🙌

Live from Rio De Janeiro Brazil having arrived yesterday.


To make good on a promise I made my mother-in-law Cristina back in 2012.

The promise?

To bring her daughter home for Christmas after sweeping her away from her Brazilian home after living there from 2010-2012.

Looking back, it’s been a 12-year sprint of keeping that promise.

Of course, there are other big benefits of making the journey including gaining access to perspective and my Brazilian family.

Travel gives you perspective and develops leadership ability.

I buy into the adage.

“Perspective is Leadership and Leadership is Perspective”.

So this annual ritual makes me a better leader.

Looking ahead to this special week.

My main message is to be a person of your word.

When you make a promise, keep a promise.

No matter the challenge or inconvenience. 

Not only does this create more credibility with others. 

It creates more self credibility.

The best part?

Self-credibility is the foundation of self-confidence.

This is your success formula!

Merry Christmas!

Bryce Henson
CEO, Fit Body 

PS Click HERE to learn how a Boy Behind the Berlin Wall Became a Business Leader in America

Leadership Lesson: If someone doesn’t want to be you, they will never follow you. 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: If someone doesn’t want to be you, they will never follow you.

Let me explain.

Leadership is a game of attraction, not promotion.

It’s an inside game.

Meaning, you need to do the ongoing internal work to become a better and more enlightened human being.

This is a lifelong pursuit.


If someone doesn’t want to be you, they will never follow you.

This is at the foundation of long-term leadership.

The lesson today?

The best leadership hack is to build the person you want to follow and then demonstrate that person to the world.