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Bryce Henson

[MM]: The 3 costs of leadership 150 150 Bryce Henson

[MM]: The 3 costs of leadership

Happy Monday Mindset!

Family! 🙌

I received the below note from my team in light of the World Conference.

The cost of leadership is grounded in truth.

I was humbled and grateful; but most importantly, it made me think of you.


According to Kirby Smart, University of Georgia (Bulldogs) Head Football Coach, there are 3 costs of leadership: 

  1. You will have to make hard decisions that negatively impact the people you care about.
  2. You will be disliked despite your best attempts to do the best for the most.
  3. You will be misunderstood and won’t always have the opportunity to defend yourself. 

Those are the costs we never asked you to incur, but you do so on our behalf daily. 

The brand and our HQ Team are better because of you… and we want to always be improving FOR you, too. 

From the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU for making this year’s World Conference a priority, and thank you for being there for us! 

While it was sent to me, it was for you!

My friend, this is the cost of leadership.

It’s not easy nor for the faint of heart, but worth the impact you create.

Today message?

Leadership is required to create the income and impact you deserve.

So keep leading!

After all, your team, clients, and community are counting on you.

Have a great week!

Bryce Henson
CEO, Fit Body 

PS Click HERE to watch the recent episode of the CEO Show podcast where I uncover How Cancel Culture is Destroying America: The Dangerous Silencing Method No One Is Talking About.

Leadership Lesson: The 5 Answers 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: The 5 Answers

On a recent podcast of ours, Bedros asked me 5 leadership questions.  In the spirit of serving you, I thought it would be of value to break each question and answer down in the next 5 weeks!

Here is the first week’s question and answer.

1.) Bryce, the term leadership is a vague term often thrown around to indicate achievement, growth, status, etc. It’s something we know we need but not easily defined. What does leadership mean to you?

Leadership is influence, nothing more or less. 

If you can influence others, you can lead. 

Please note, most young leaders overlook that the first step of leadership is an “inside job”.

To influence others, you must first influence yourself through discipline and persistence. 

Therefore, my outlook on leadership is a focus on setting the standard and then being the standard through discipline and persistence.

No one has any factory-installed magical powers as a leader. 

However, the 1 thing I’ve learned is if I lead my life in a way that’s standard in all aspects of life.

This influences others to do the same.

The great John Maxwell calls this leading life with “Morale Authority”.

In leadership, it’s a useful tool to influence.

Simple, not easy!

Leadership Lesson: A Leader Is Curious 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: A Leader Is Curious

Most leadership skills are developed.

A rare few are factory-installed.

One of my rare superpowers as a leader is my curiosity about people.

I feel lucky because, for me, it’s factory-installed.

I find humans fascinating and am curious almost to a fault. 

But when you lead people, curiosity is a good thing.


Well, the truth is that people want to be valued.

They want to share and feel appreciated.

This is ingrained in human nature.

So when you get into a state of curiosity and ask questions about them.

It connects with people and makes them feel valued.

The best part?

You learn not only about a person, but it gives you an incredible life perspective. 

2 important things to lead.

My message is today is if you want to a better leader.

Ask questions, learn about people’s upbringing, childhood, background, family, and beliefs.

Be more curious!

When you do, watch your leadership explode.

[MM]: This prayer changed my life. 150 150 Bryce Henson

[MM]: This prayer changed my life.

Happy Monday Mindset!

“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the Courage to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference.”

I am a recovering alcoholic. 

In December of 2016, it became apparent I needed a change after experiencing one of the worst moments of my life.

It wasn’t easy.

But I decided to enroll into a 12 step meeting and will never forget the experience. 

It was a Monday evening and I was terrified to walk through the door.

In some ways I didn’t want to, but in many ways I knew needed to.

When the meeting adjourned, the prayer known as the “Serenity Prayer” was said as a group.

It hasn’t left me till this day as I hear it every Monday night.

Its changed my life. 


There’s such beauty and simplicity in the prayer.

You see in life, there’s many things you cannot change.

Accept them and move forward.

This will release frustration. 

However, there’s many things you need to change and have the ability.

For these, change them now with no delay.

This will release guilt, and create clarity & freedom. 

With time, life experience and a conscious pursuit of wisdom, my hope for us both is that we will be able to tell the difference with more clarity.

Have a great week!

Bryce Henson
CEO, Fit Body 

PS Click HERE to watch the recent episode the CEO Show podcast where I uncover the fact that You’ll never achieve the American Dream in 2024, unless you DO THIS…

Tuesday Leadership Lesson 150 150 Bryce Henson

Tuesday Leadership Lesson

As a leader, you will encounter problems.

Lots of them.

In fact, the stronger the problem solver, the stronger the leader.

This a simple truth that’s many times overlooked.

The very reason a leader is in place is to be the solution to the onslaught of problems your team or organization faces.

If there are no problems, there’s no need to lead.

So today’s message is this.

Next time you get overwhelmed or frustrated with professional problems.

Remember the very reason you get paid is to solve them.

This is your value.

Now go be the solution.

This is leadership.

[MM]: Learn this from the person you hate 150 150 Bryce Henson

[MM]: Learn this from the person you hate

Happy Monday Mindset!

Years ago, I listened to a podcast episode by Tim Ferris who is a New York Times Best Selling Author and renowned “Bio Hacker”.

He went on to say that one of the biggest breakthroughs in his life was when he made the active decision to re-frame his anger toward the people that “he hated” by asking himself this question..

“What can I learn from this person?”

Now why would he do this?

Tim believed it creates a liberating mental experience and a source of value from his enemies.

My take?

He is right!

That podcast episode changed my life as I have applied it many times through hard situations.

As a result, I’ve won and want you too. 🙂

A recent example is from 2 weeks ago during my keynote talk to my 525+ Franchise Partners and coaches within the Fit Body brand at our World Conference.

The story of my talk?

The infamous Coach Jim Harbough and the University of Michigan Wolverines winning the 2024 National Championship in college football.

You see, being a Michigan State grad, University of Michigan is my rival.

As you would imagine, it was tough seeing them win a national championship in January of this year.

I don’t like Jim Harbough and wasn’t happy!

The kicker?

I took a step back and studied Jim’s 10 year career as head coach for the University of Michigan.

It led me to uncovering 3 principles on how he led his football program which I’ve now applied to my leadership at Fit Body Boot Camp.

I then went on stage in front of 525+ people and shared insights from their winning seasons and the lessons I learned from the experience.

Most importantly, how the lessons will benefit you, our team, coaches and community.

The result?

My owners and coaches and I just got better from an experience that “I despised”.

The best part?

I feel amazing about it while adding value to my brand!

My message for you today?

The reality is that in life you are going to LOVE a lot of people.

I hope most people for that matter! 

However, there’s some that you won’t vibe with, or even worse, you will despise.

This is just life my friend.

Instead of getting angry, frustrated and filled with negative energy stewing on someone who’s crossed you.

Create a mental re-frame and ask yourself this:

“What is 1 thing I can learn from this person?” 

Then apply the lesson to your life.

Life changer!

Have a great week!

Bryce Henson
CEO, Fit Body 

PS Click HERE to watch the recent episode of my Leadership Breakdown of the Donald Trump Assasination Attempt! 

Leadership Lesson: Leadership is About Connection 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: Leadership is About Connection

I was reminded of this over the weekend at our biggest World Conference event in Franchise history.

We had north of 500+ owners and coaches in attendance who were on fire!

Our team CRUSHED the execution.

We delivered strong training from top to bottom to level up our owners, coaches, and brand.

While that was important and valuable.

The biggest sense of value was in the connections made with our people.

After all, leaders connect and build relationships.

In fact, this is the foundation of influence, otherwise known as leadership.

Today’s message?

If you want to have more influence on others, be proactive and intentional in building connections and deepening your relationships. When you do, watch your leadership explode.

[MM]: Veni, Vidi, Vici (2024 World Conference) 150 150 Bryce Henson

[MM]: Veni, Vidi, Vici (2024 World Conference)

Happy Monday Mindset!

Translation from Cesar’s Latin:

“We came, we saw, we conquered!”

What an experience in Las Vegas!

We rocked the house with our 2024 World Conference.

It was the biggest training event in Franchise history with 525+ in attendance.

The best part?

We poured into our Franchise Partners and coaches with education, training and belief!

This way, they in turn will do the same for their clients & community.

Today’s message is I wish you a life of IMPACT!

After all, a life of IMPACT is where fullfilment is derived.

If you are looking for an opportunity..

I invite you to be part of our Fit Body Family!

Simply reply “IMPACT” and will introduce you to my Franchise Advisor Trevor for a quick introductory chat.

For now, click HERE to see the Day 1 Recap!

Have a great week!

Bryce Henson
CEO, Fit Body 

Leadership Lesson: The Big 3 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: The Big 3

I was chatting with Bedros a few weeks ago and he shared a leadership framework from the great Robert Green, author of 48 Law of Power.

If you develop these 3 qualities, you will have influence with others which is the foundation of leadership.

The message resonated and hope it does with you which is this week’s leadership lesson.

  • Be comfortable in your skin
  • Be headed in an intentional direction
  • Enjoy the ride


[MM]: Coaches Need Coaches: 2024 World Conference 150 150 Bryce Henson

[MM]: Coaches Need Coaches: 2024 World Conference

Happy Monday Mindset!

This week is always one of my favorites of the year.


Well, my Fit Body HQ team and I get to welcome in over 500+ Fit Body owners and coaches from across North America to our 2024 Annual World Conference.

This year we are in Las Vegas, Nevada!

Now you might be asking yourself, what is the World Conference?

It’s our #1 mega training event put on by Fit Body Headquarters where we level up our Franchise Partners and coaches brand wide.

This way, they can level up their service and grow their income and impact in their local community!

Sadly, this is where most other franchise systems fail and just another thing that separates us here at Fit Body Boot Camp.

The best part?

It will be the biggest in Franchise History given our growth as a brand!

Looking ahead, today’s message is that we all need coaches in our lives to grow.

Coaches provide guidance and accountability against our blind spots. 

Yes, we all have them in various aspects of life.

This is why my team and I keep investing an incredible amount of both time, experiential and financial resources into our Franchise Partners and coaches throughout the brand.

Just remember: even coaches need coaches!

Have a great week!

Bryce Henson
CEO, Fit Body 

PS Here is a recap of our 2023 World Conference event: Click HERE!