
Leadership Lesson: Your Character

Leadership Lesson: Your Character 150 150 Bryce Henson

Before jumping in today’s lesson.. I wanted to close the loop from last week on why I find my buddy Stefan to be 1 of the most interesting people I know.. He was born in LA. This makes him American. Although, he is European by culture.  His parents moved to Paris for 10 years after…

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[MM]: Perspective

[MM]: Perspective 1024 768 Bryce Henson

Happy Monday Mindset!🙌 I hope you had a great Thanksgiving!🙏 It’s my favorite holiday of the year without question. The best part? Tatiana and I coached the day’s sessions!🌟 With my role in overseeing our brand, I don’t get the opportunity often. But it’s always a treat. Why? It reminds me why I got into…

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Leadership Lesson: The Most Important Thing

Leadership Lesson: The Most Important Thing 150 150 Bryce Henson

I was in Seattle over the weekend visiting my good buddy Stefan of 20 years. I haven’t taken 1.5 days off in a long time and it felt great. The time was extra special to spend with his 2 kids and wife who are like family to Tatiana & I.  Stefan has had a big…

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[MM]: Giving Thanks

[MM]: Giving Thanks 1024 768 Bryce Henson

Happy Monday Mindset!🙌 Coach Jake sent Tatiana and I a text message a couple weeks ago on Sunday, November 5. In general terms, the date is burned in my brain. Yet, this year, his message caught me by surprise in the hustle and bustle. Why did he message? Coach Jake congratulated us.🌟 Being that on…

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Leadership Lesson: Veterans Day Leadership

Leadership Lesson: Veterans Day Leadership 150 150 Bryce Henson

Veterans Day was this past Saturday here in the States. Love and respect to the beautiful souls who served. Many who paid the ultimate price for our freedom. In studying leadership and human personality styles..  I find it interesting that the most popular personality style for the military is different than you might think. What…

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[MM]: Never take this for granted

[MM]: Never take this for granted 150 150 Bryce Henson

Happy Monday Mindset!🙌 It was Veterans Day on Saturday.🌟 It reminded me of something we should never take for granted. What specifically? FREEDOM.✨ Why? This is a tough truth of life.. FREEDOM is not free. As you are aware.. You don’t have to look too hard just in these last 3 years alone. Violence, chaos…

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Leadership Lesson: The Most Important Thing

Leadership Lesson: The Most Important Thing 150 150 Bryce Henson

November is here! This means, we are going to take a month break from the 21 Laws by Maxwell for some variety before finishing out laws #15-21 in the New Year. Specific to today..  I want to take a step back around leadership and focus on the 1 key ingredient to leadership success. As I…

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[MM]: Perspective Mr. Henson. Perspective.

[MM]: Perspective Mr. Henson. Perspective. 1024 768 Bryce Henson

Happy Monday Mindset!🙌 A couple of months ago, I walked downstairs at 2am to grab some water from the fridge as I was feeling a bit dehydrated.💧 When my feet hit the carpet on the living room floor, I immediately knew something was wrong. Why? I could hear the “squish” of the water soaked carpet…

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Tuesday Leadership Lesson

Tuesday Leadership Lesson 150 150 Bryce Henson

As John Maxwell writes in The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership.. “Victorious leaders have one thing in common: they share an unwillingness to accept defeat.”  This is probably 1 of my favorite laws of leadership.  In fact, it’s why I LOVE the saying “winners-win”. As if you cannot drive a winning culture, you will not…

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[MM]: The Confidence to Pursue Your Dreams

[MM]: The Confidence to Pursue Your Dreams 1024 759 Bryce Henson

Happy Monday Mindset!🙌 Last Friday was bittersweet as we bid farewell to our beloved coach Kelin.💕 Kelin is a beautiful soul and put together an incredible body of work for our clients, team and community here at Mission Viejo Fit Body. She’s off to pursue her dreams of living in Denver, Colorado while coaching for…

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