
[MM]: The 5 Questions (The Year-End Reflection)

[MM]: The 5 Questions (The Year-End Reflection) 150 150 Bryce Henson

Happy Monday Mindset! 🙌 In the blink of an eye, another year is almost in the books. Crazy, right? If you are anything like me. Every year that passes by, goes by quicker. I’m sure you can relate. The truth is that if we don’t take a second to reflect on each year, it will…

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Leadership Lesson: Leaders Possess Presence

Leadership Lesson: Leaders Possess Presence 150 150 Bryce Henson

Effective leadership requires presence. How to develop more presence you might ask? Drum roll. Wait for it. Are you ready? Be present. My leadership message today? During today’s celebration and throughout the holidays. Be present with your loved ones. Put away the phone. Turn off the TV. Dig into enriching conversations with your loved ones…

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[MM]: Make a promise, keep a promise (Brazil)

[MM]: Make a promise, keep a promise (Brazil) 150 150 Bryce Henson

Happy Monday Mindset! 🙌 Live from Rio De Janeiro Brazil having arrived yesterday. Why? To make good on a promise I made my mother-in-law Cristina back in 2012. The promise? To bring her daughter home for Christmas after sweeping her away from her Brazilian home after living there from 2010-2012. Looking back, it’s been a…

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Leadership Lesson: If someone doesn’t want to be you, they will never follow you.

Leadership Lesson: If someone doesn’t want to be you, they will never follow you. 150 150 Bryce Henson

Let me explain. Leadership is a game of attraction, not promotion. It’s an inside game. Meaning, you need to do the ongoing internal work to become a better and more enlightened human being. This is a lifelong pursuit. Why? If someone doesn’t want to be you, they will never follow you. This is at the…

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[MM]: Big things start small (194,000 item donation)

[MM]: Big things start small (194,000 item donation) 150 150 Bryce Henson

  Happy Monday Mindset! 🙌 Back in 2021, my friend and franchise partner CJ, who has a heart of gold, came to me and our HQ team with an idea. “Bryce, we do such great work here at Fit Body helping our clients with their fitness and fat loss goals, but know we can do…

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Leadership Lesson: We All Yearn

Leadership Lesson: We All Yearn 150 150 Bryce Henson

One truth I’ve learned about leadership over the years. Deep down, we all yearn for a strong leader. Someone to: Guide us Mentor us Speak vision to us Be our cheerleader Hold us accountable Create a roadmap Demonstrate success Show us the way This is a factory installed in all of us humans. The lesson…

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[MM]: God is an Amazing Personal Trainer

[MM]: God is an Amazing Personal Trainer 150 150 Bryce Henson

  Happy Monday Mindset! 🙌 This past weekend was fulfilling as my business partners, Bedros, Jay Redman and I put on a Legacy Tribe Meet-Up event. Legacy Tribe is a stand-alone business development coaching program. It is also a program that introduces entrepreneurs to our Fit Body Boot Camp ownership opportunity. Saturday’s meet-up was an…

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Leadership Lesson: Leadership is Elusive

Leadership Lesson: Leadership is Elusive 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership is Elusive. It’s a lifelong pursuit. Just when you think you have it, you realize you don’t. Just when you think it’s impossible, you realize it’s attainable.  The truth is this: Sometimes you are ahead. Sometimes you’re behind. The race is long. However, no matter where you are in the moment on your leadership…

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[MM]: Out with the old, in with the new!

[MM]: Out with the old, in with the new! 150 150 Bryce Henson

Happy Monday Mindset! 🙌 On October 1, my wife Tatiana and I transferred our last Fit Body Boot Camp location in Mission Viejo, California to our friend and former Fit Body client Melissa. The main reason was so I could spend even more time leading the Fit Body brand. Taking a look back at the…

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Leadership Lesson: It’s a powerful tool of influence

Leadership Lesson: It’s a powerful tool of influence 150 150 Bryce Henson

In German, the translation of the word “Leadership” has a negative connotation.  This is different than here in the US where the word is typically looked on fondly. I learned that last week when I interviewed my friends Dr. Dirk and Dr. Petra Frese on my CEO Show Podcast, who grew up on other sides…

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