
Leadership and Business Growth

Success Leaves Clues: Nick Saban’s Leadership Lesson #10 150 150 Bryce Henson

Success Leaves Clues: Nick Saban’s Leadership Lesson #10

This week is Nick Saban’s Leadership Lesson #10

Teams must take ownership of themselves and their personalities.  The most successful teams have a culture where all the members have a say.

Team – this is why I teach leadership to empower YOUR leadership! 

Humbling myself as your CEO, the success we have seen in the last 3+ years is not because of me. Instead, it’s because of YOU and your leadership development. 

Situational authority is at the foundation of this philosophy.

Meaning many times “boots on the ground” teammates have the best insight to make decisions. And/or at the very least need to have space to provide feedback. 

Therefore, as an organization, we need to continue promoting a feedback culture so everyone feels empowered to lead.

That’s my vision and focus and appreciate your massive help in continuing this culture!

Success Leaves Clues: Nick Saban’s Leadership Lesson #9 150 150 Bryce Henson

Success Leaves Clues: Nick Saban’s Leadership Lesson #9

This week is Nick Saban’s Leadership Lesson #9

Sometimes what is best for the individual is not what is best for the team.  

The goal of a leader is to align-self & team interests in as many opportunities as humanly possible. 

However, sometimes it’s not. 

When this happens, the dichotomy of leadership holds true for effective teams and leaders. 

Yes, it’s incredibly challenging. But a leader must put the group’s interest in front of self-interest to ensure the team wins.

That goes for everyone in the organization as everyone in our organization leads.

Success Leaves Clues: Nick Saban’s Leadership Lesson #8 150 150 Bryce Henson

Success Leaves Clues: Nick Saban’s Leadership Lesson #8

This week is Nick Saban’s Leadership Lesson #8

You must trust, not just believe.  Belief is trust that is firm.  Are you willing to put your success in someone else’s hands?

Trust is hard to come by. But it’s the foundation of strong teams. Without trust, a team cannot be effective. 

How to earn trust?

Make and keep promises. Rinse, repeat, and don’t stop.

Success Leaves Clues: Nick Saban’s Leadership Lesson #7 150 150 Bryce Henson

Success Leaves Clues: Nick Saban’s Leadership Lesson #7

This week is Nick Saban’s Leadership Lesson #7

Having skill is not having talent.  Brilliant!  Coach Saban says, “Skill alone does not equate to talent.  Talent is putting skills into productive use.”

Success Leaves Clues: Nick Saban’s Leadership Lesson #6 150 150 Bryce Henson

Success Leaves Clues: Nick Saban’s Leadership Lesson #6

This week is Nick Saban’s Leadership Lesson #6

Do not allow mistakes to go uncorrected.  You must evaluate the previous game and ensure mistakes are corrected for the upcoming game.

This is the value of having a feedback culture.

No, it’s not easy giving candid feedback to your team especially in pointing out opportunities to improve. But your primary job as a leader is to get the team better, not be over-sensitive on hurting feelings. 

Yes, continue to develop you’re soft interpersonal skills so the feedback you provide is better received by your team. But ultimately, your job as a leader remains to provide feedback to those you lead. So do your job.

Success Leaves Clues: Nick Saban’s Leadership Lesson #5 150 150 Bryce Henson

Success Leaves Clues: Nick Saban’s Leadership Lesson #5

This week is Nick Saban’s Leadership Lesson #5

You can have no flickering lights.  The torch must be fully lit when passed from the upperclassmen to the underclassmen.

This mindset and standard shows the importance of your whole team being bought into and having a deep understanding of your mission, vision, and values.

While team training should never be tribal. Culture is shared and passed down through the organization. 

Success Leaves Clues: Nick Saban’s Leadership Lesson #3 150 150 Bryce Henson

Success Leaves Clues: Nick Saban’s Leadership Lesson #3

This week is Nick Saban’s Leadership Lesson #3

Get out of yourself and into the team.  Coach Saban wants his players to rise above their own selfishness and ambitions and dissolve themselves into the team.

In the study of human nature, humans default to acting in their own self-interest. This is a bi-product of evolution. 

And while there can be many points of value in that.

Long term and if you want to accomplish a BIG GOAL, you have to focus on the team and not yourself.

Teamwork makes the dream work.

Another way to look at that is to play work on yourself to look for the long-game perspective. 

As the long game, eventually becomes the short game, quicker than you would like.

Not convinced?

Have a chat with anyone over the age of 60 and ask their perception of time’s speed and the value of a long-game perspective.

Success Leaves Clues: Nick Saban’s Leadership Lesson #2 150 150 Bryce Henson

Success Leaves Clues: Nick Saban’s Leadership Lesson #2

Success leaves clues. Like within our franchise system, most times there’s not a need to reinvent the wheel.

Instead, look for success at the highest of levels and model it. 

That’s the formula I have used for any success I have achieved to date. And one that I encourage you to do the same.

 Recently, Steven Hadley sent me the recently published “The Leadership Secrets of Nick Saban.” 

If you are not familiar, Saban is the undisputed best college football coach in history. 

It’s an incredible read with some big takeaways from one of the best leaders in history. In the book, there are 11 leadership lessons Saban runs his program by. ‘’

This week is Nick Saban’s Leadership Lesson #2..

Everything you do, you do to the team.  This speaks to personal responsibility and accountability.

Ultimately, we rise and fall as a team. 

When 1 of us wins, we all do. 

When 1 of us loses, we all do.

We are a team unit and rise and fall together.

This is teamwork which is the foundation for leadership.

Success Leaves Clues: Nick Saban’s Leadership Lessons 150 150 Bryce Henson

Success Leaves Clues: Nick Saban’s Leadership Lessons

Success leaves clues. Like within our franchise system, most times there’s not a need to reinvent the wheel.

Instead, look for success at the highest levels and model it.

That’s the formula I have used for any success I have achieved to date. And one that I encourage you to do the same.

Recently, Steven Hadley sent me the recently published “The Leadership Secrets of Nick Saban.”

If you are not familiar, Saban is the undisputed best college football coach in history. 

It’s an incredible read with some big takeaways from one of the best leaders in history. In the book, there are 11 leadership lessons Saban runs his program by.

We will explore them over the next 11 weeks starting with Lesson number 1 today.

Lesson 1. There is no “I” in the team. But there is an “I” in win.

Coach Saban preaches individual responsibility.  His teams perform their best when individuals put the group first and do what is best for the team.

Leadership is influence. Nothing more or less. 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership is influence. Nothing more or less.

Last week I had one of my followers on the Gram tell me I was an idiot on a post I made about citing Adolf Hitler’s strong leadership skills. 

He went on to tell me how Hitler was a horrible person so couldn’t be a good leader. Stating that he didn’t get any electoral votes citing government beauracity and positional authority.

While I agree with his facts on the lack of democracy. I also agree that clearly, Hiter was a HORRIBLE person.

But he missed the point on what leadership actually is. 

Yes, Hitler was a HORRIBLE person but a great leader.

Leadership is influence. 

Nothing more or less.

If you have influence, you have leadership.

And clearly he had it.

Taking it a step deeper into the rabbit hole..

Leadership is actually neutral. 

It is just a tool that can be used for the good and bad.

So my message today is to arm yourself with leadership skills. 

And then use them for good to HELP and NOT hurt others!