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Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Monday Mindset: The secret to your success… 1024 545 Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset: The secret to your success…

Happy Monday!

Exciting things happening her at boot camp, as our NYNY Challenge just launched today after our Orientations last week! We have just about 150 Challengers at our local locations and nearly 15,000 challengers FBBC Worldwide!  We are PUMPED UP!

The point of all this is, is to focus in and develop ourselves to be the best versions of ourselves by cleaning up our nutrition, being held accountable through coaching, and focusing on going the EXTRA mile (aka extra finishers), over the next 56 days TOGETHER as a TEAM to get RESULTS!

Which leads me to the main content of today’s message which is the power of leadership, development and TEAM training!

You see… last weekend a dozen of our leadership teammates participated in a team training led by good friends of mine, a former US Marine and Navy Seal, Steve Eckert and Ray Care;  called LTD Training (Leadership & Team Development).

The training was comprised of physical & team building activities in addition to classroom time where we debriefed to ensure the lessons were learned and can be implemented!

The activities included doing relay racing, carrying wooden logs, team work outs, and dizzy acrobatics, after being spun in a circle 12 times, don’t even ask…. 😉

We also learned how to provide better client support and service, and better ways to improve our communication and program; which means better results for YOU & our clients!  There were so many takeaways (I could go on for hours); but wanted to share the biggest one which is communication and teamwork!

As it’s a known fact that in the military, no one can work alone and be successful. The stakes are too incredibly high in the battlefield (life or death).  So the only way to be successful is to build a team, communicate and continuously work together. As if you don’t…. the consequences can be grave.

But as we learned, that’s the same in the “Battlefield of Business” or the “Battlefield of Life”. The truth is no one can do it alone, (not you or me); as true success is building a team (family, friends, coworkers, fitness coaches, etc. ); communicating and continuously working together!

So the more you can find people to support you, to communicate with you and to work together (in any aspect of your life), the more successful you will be!

And the good news is that this is our focus at Fit Body Boot Camp, to be an instrumental part of your “Fitness team”; and through the power of coaching, accountability, communication and teamwork; we can do BIG THINGS TOGETHER, which includes achieving MASSIVE RESULTS!

Have a GREAT Monday, and let’s make this week count!



-Coach Bryce