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Monday, July 12, 2021

Monday Mindset: Monday gratitude! 725 281 Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset: Monday gratitude!

How was your weekend?
I hope you had some time to rest and relax, all while still being productive.
Mine was exceptionally special as we conducted our quarterly training with our Yorba Linda and Mission Viejo teams. This was planned strategically so we could discuss and “unpack the box” from our World Conference training from a few weeks ago.
And most importantly, because we just finished our 2020/2021 transition from being physically closed, to train in place modality, to a hybrid model throughout June, and now having fully transitioned to normal boot camp aka station work in July.
So much in motion and many changes for you and for us!
Being such, it was important for our team to connect, bond, celebrate, and realign on our processes, support for you, our clients & the community.
In reflection, these last 17 months have been such a ride! That’s also the same for you and humanity.
In fact, it would have told me in January of 2020 what would have happened, the adversity we would have all faced, the shutdown downs, and economic contraction etc. I would have had a very hard time believing you.
And would have had a VERY hard time envisioning we would still be here supporting you, our clients, and the community.
But because of our strong team and coaches, and most importantly because of YOU, we are here rebuilding!
So today I wanted to acknowledge you for your support. To acknowledge you for making your health and fitness a priority. To acknowledge you for your openness to embracing and driving change which is 1 of FBBC’s core values. To acknowledge you for trusting us & leaning on us as your fitness coaches being that your success fills our cup!
So today’s call to action is to pay it forward by sharing some gratitude to someone deserving in your life.
I definitely know there are 1-2 people that you should send some positive vibes and acknowledgement of gratitude their way.
Yes, you are busy, but take the time to let them know how much they have meant to you and how grateful you are for them being in your life.
When you do, your life will be enriched. Let’s make it a GREAT week!
-Coach Bryce