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Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Leadership Lesson: 4 Lessons from my 4 Decades 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: 4 Lessons from my 4 Decades

In recent weeks, I have covered the first 7 John Maxwell’s 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. 

We will reconvene with the list on September 5, being that variety is also a good thing. So in the next few weeks, we will go off script and explore other leadership ideas. 

Specific to today, I’m reflecting on yesterday. I still can barely believe I turned 4 decades young.

That’s right, the big 4-0.  

It sounds way older on paper and especially much different than I thought 40 would “feel” when I got here. I suppose it is a good thing. 🙂

As I reflect, here are 4 leadership lessons for each of my 4 decades on planet earth.

  • Leadership is a skill that can be developed. It’s not factory installed in any of us. The good news? This means you have the ability to develop & enhance your leadership ability. 
  • If you want to become a better leader, the most important word is.. “Ownership”.
  • Leadership is messy. It’s hard, really hard. But everything rises and falls on it. So a skill worth learning. If not for anyone else, but to ensure you can lead yourself. 
  • The more I learn about leadership, the more I realize how little I know..

I trust you got value. Now here is to the next 4 decades ahead of us!