Posts By :

Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: Lead Your Empire 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: Lead Your Empire

In the last few weeks, we learned the 3 pillars of leadership.

  • Lead yourself.
  • Lead your family.
  • Lead your empire.

Once you can lead yourself and family..

This is where things challenging. 

So buckle up as it’s time to lead your empire.

Now first, let’s define “your empire.”

Your empire can show up in many ways.

It could be leading your country, state or city.

It could be leading your entire company.

It could be leading your department.

It could be leading your team.

1 thing is for certain in whatever it is for you..

The ability to lead any empire requires a strong foundation in the first 2 pillars.

As the stronger your foundation, the larger potential empire you can lead.

Now I wish I could give you a magic trick to allow you to lead your empire instantly. 

I cannot.

The truth is that leading an empire especially at scale is complex.

It requires many skill sets.

It also requires time.

Leadership is a process.

I’ve been studying it for 15 years.

One could argue I’m fluent.

Some one else could argue that there is still so much for me to learn.

I would argue that both perspectives are true.

And by staying in touch with my weekly lessons..

We will improve our leadership ability together as a lifelong pursuit..

This will equip you to lead your empire.

My friend, Happy New Year.

Let’s lead into 2024 to make it the best yet..

[MM]: 3 questions from 2023 150 150 Bryce Henson

[MM]: 3 questions from 2023


As we look to 2024..

I hope you have and will take time to plan your goals.🌟

I also hope you also take a little time to reflect on this past year.✨

This is hard to do with your busy schedule. 

But this investment of your time is where the big breakthroughs are found!💥

I learned this 3 question framework this past year from a friend which is simple yet effective.⚡️ 

Given my interest in supporting your health & fitness, that’s where my recommendation is focused. 

However, this exercise can/should be done in all major aspects of your life such as family, fitness, faith and finances.

  • What worked?
  • What didn’t?
  • What would have I done differently?

Please carve out 60 minutes in the next week to write down your answers in detail regarding your 2023.

If you are the 10% of people who do..

I promise you your 2024 will be even better!🔥

In closing, thank you for an amazing 2023.

My team and I are grateful to be on this journey together.🥰

Let’s make the new year even better!


-Coach Bryce

PS. GOOD NEWS! I am officially announcing that our 8-week New Year challenge starts January 22, and you get to work from NOW until January 22 for FREE! Click HERE to register.

Leadership Lesson: The 3 Leadership Principles 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: The 3 Leadership Principles

Last week we learned that the #1 skill of an entrepreneur is leadership.

When you learn to LEAD..

You liberate yourself from needing to learn every task in the business.

That’s impossible.

Instead, you can then bring on a team of subject matter experts that will explode your business.

This is the power of leadership.

This in mind, I wanted to share my 3 pillars of leadership framework which I use as a guiding principle to expand your leadership ability..

  • Lead yourself.
  • Lead your family.
  • Lead your empire.

Why does the framework start with you?

Well, before you can lead anyone else..

You must lead yourself.

I know this because I used to be a poor leader of myself.

I slept in, wasn’t fit, ate junk food, consumed excessive sugar, hit the snooze button, was disorganized, had little impulse control and suffered from a cocaine addiction & alcoholism in my early 20’s that made me unaccountable to myself.

Think about that for a second…

When you cannot hold yourself accountable.

How can you hold others accountable?

You couldn’t.And I sure didn’t.

Major leadership failure.

Then something happened.

I decided to change.

I hired a fitness coach.

I committed myself for 90 days.

It was hard.

I felt like quitting.

But I kept pushing forward.

That 90 days turned into 17 years and counting of consistent action. 

It created discipline, increased my impulse control, and allowed me to lead me.

That was and is the first step in leadership.

Lead yourself.

The morale of today’s story:

Taking control of your health & fitness is one of the best places to start in the pursuit of leading yourself. 

(MM): Hardship is relative (2023 reflection) 150 150 Bryce Henson

(MM): Hardship is relative (2023 reflection)

Happy Monday!🙌

As 2023 winds down..

I wanted to share some perspectives that I received from a thought leader I follow.✨

I believe it’s important that you create time for reflection as often as possible.

This creates growth and perspective.📈

It also helps you be a better person.

So I hope you get value from the below, and it allows you to enjoy the holidays a bit more which will also set the tone for 2024.

That’s my goal for you!🥰

For a small amount of perspective at this moment, imagine you were born in 1900. 

When you are 14, World War I starts and ends on your 18th birthday with 22 million people killed. 

Later in the year, a Spanish Flu epidemic hits the planet and runs until you are 20. 

50 million people died from it in those two years. 

Yes, 50 million!

When you’re 29, the Great Depression begins. Unemployment hits 25%, and global GDP drops 27%. 

That runs until you are 33. 

The country nearly collapsed along with the world economy.

When you turn 39, World War II starts. 

You aren’t even over the hill yet.

When you’re 41, the United States is fully pulled into WWII. 

Between your 39th and 45th birthday, 75 million people perish in the war and the Holocaust kills 12 million. 

At 52, the Korean War started and 5 million perished.

At 64 the Vietnam War begins, and it doesn’t end for many years.

4 million people died in that conflict. 

Approaching your 62nd birthday you have the Cuban missile crisis, a tipping point in the Cold War…

Life on our planet, as we know it, could well have ended.


Thankfully, great leaders prevented that from happening.

As you turn 75, the Vietnam War finally ends. 

Think of everyone on the planet born in 1900. 

How do you survive all of that? 

A kid in 1985 didn’t think their 85-year-old grandparent understood how hard school was. 

Yet those grandparents (and now great-grandparents) survived through everything listed above.

Perspective is an amazing art.🌟

As 2023 ends, let’s try and keep things in perspective as all hardship is relative. 

Let’s be smart and take care of ourselves.👊 

This way, we can help each other which is my message today. 

Make it a GREAT Monday!🔥

-Coach Bryce

PS. GOOD NEWS! I am officially announcing that our 8-week New Year challenge starts January 22, and you get to work from NOW until January 22 for FREE! Click HERE to register. 

Leadership Lesson: The #1 Skill 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: The #1 Skill

I had my semi-annual ½ day with Bedros last Monday to discuss big picture strategy for Fit Body growth. 

We talk about sales, marketing and scaling as a primary focus as the norm.

This time, we also talked about my personal branding. 

And how it is used as a marketing strategy to continue to grow our Franchise System.

We then discussed my passion for leadership. That parlayed into a follow up marketing meeting with Lauren and Trevor..  

In that meeting, it dawned on me why I enjoy the study of it so much.

You see, when I first started out my entrepreneurship journey..

I knew that if I launched a successful business.. 

I could then provide myself freedom, income, impact and legacy.

The target was clear:

To become a strong entrepreneur and grow a successful fitness business to accomplish the above goals. 

And while I knew the concept of Leadership was important.

I didn’t understand the GRAVITY of it until about 2 years into my entrepreneurial journey when I realized my leadership was broken.

You see..

I focused on how to be better in these categories:

Sales, Marketing, Operations, Recruiting, HR and all other skill sets an “entrepreneur” needs to be successful in launching a business. 

It overwhelmed me.

Then about 2 years in the journey, I attended a workshop Bedros put on about his 6 Pillars of Leadership.

He went into great detail not only teaching the content, but showcasing his leadership of oversights as a young entrepreneur. 

I had many of the same. 

It was then I had my big ah-hah around the #1 skill in business and life success..

And why my team wasn’t buying into my vision and why my business was good but not great..

What was it?

You guessed..

It was my lack of LEADERSHIP skills.

You see, to run a business there are so many skills needed in the team.

So many!!

It’s overwhelming and impossible for 1 person to acquire them all which was my previous belief.

The challenge is if you attempt to learn every skill set that a business needs, it is a recipe for overwhelm and failure.

What I realized is that if I could acquire and get good at the #1 skill of leadership. 

I then could assemble a team of subject matter experts way better than me at their given zone of genius. 

I could lead an all star team and build a company that creates more income, impact and legacy more than I even thought was possible.

Turns out, I was right.

This is the value of LEADERSHIP.

It’s the #1 skill.

It’s is always the problem. It’s always the SOLUTION to an entrepreneur’s goals of income, impact and legacy.

Next week I will share my 3 guiding principles around leadership so stay tuned..

[MM]: The Season of Separation 150 150 Bryce Henson

[MM]: The Season of Separation

Happy Monday and season’s greetings!🌟

While the holidays are upon us with lots of fun things to look forward to..

I look at this season a little differently.

I view it as “The Season of Separation.”✨


Well, most people take their foot off the gas of their goals and dreams this time of year.

They get distracted with all the hustle and bustle.

In fact, the average American puts on 5-10 lbs every year during the holidays.

The worst part?

On average, they only lose 50% of the weight gain the following January. These extra holiday pounds then compounds with time.

Fast forward a decade..

It’s easy to see why 80% of our country is either obese or overweight.


So while I believe you should enjoy this special time with your loved ones.

I also believe you should re-frame your view on this season as I did a few years ago.


I began to view it as “The Season of Separation.”

This is the month I get more dialed in on my fitness.👊

I get more dialed in on my focus.🤓

I get more dialed in on my future planning.


Momentum is real.💯

When you attack the last part of the year, instead of slowing down. You start the new year in full stride and with momentum.

Over the last 5 years, this switch in mindset has been a GAME CHANGER for me.

I want the same for you.🥰

So as you look ahead over the next 4 weeks..

Yes, enjoy some down time with loved ones.

But do NOT let your fitness or focus slack.

Instead, attack both your fitness and fat loss goals.

And when you attack every December like this..

Contrary to the average person..

You will look back with all the progress you made with complete happiness and joy.👏

After all, this is what the holiday season is all about.

Happiness and Joy!

Make it a GREAT Monday!🙌

-Coach Bryce

PS Click HERE to lose 10lbs within 6 weeks guaranteed with our new Ultimate Transformation Program.

Leadership Lesson: Your Character Under Attack 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: Your Character Under Attack

This week we will finish out the mini leadership series on character.

In the past few, we learned that a strong character is needed for strong leadership.

That telling the truth is the quickest way to improve it.

But what happens when your character is questioned or even attacked?

Here’s the tough truth. 

As a leader, it will.

There’s no way around it.

Even though you are a good person, a strong leader with strong character, there will be times it’s called into question.


Leadership is not easy.

It requires you..

To go against the grain.

To stand up for what’s right and not what’s easy or popular.

To stay the course in the face of criticism and adversity.

To defend people in private.

When this happens, human nature can be combative.

Human nature can resist.

As a result, you & your character will be attacked.

Why do I share this?

Not to scare you.

Rather to empower you.

This way you can expect it and overcome it.

The best way?

Take a deep breath, shrug it off, and keep developing your character so you can lead your team forward. 

Bryce & Barrett

Elite Mastermind

[MM]: EXACTLY where you should be 150 150 Bryce Henson

[MM]: EXACTLY where you should be

Happy Monday!🙌

I received this note from my good friend Tom a while back.📝

He is one of our Franchise Business coaches and 1 of our most successful owners of a Fit Body near Dallas, Texas.🌟

He sent the message to our Franchise partners as a piece of mindset coaching.

I made a note as I was inspired and believe it’s very applicable to you.

I trust you will get value.😍 

If you do, please pay it forward and share. 🙂


I had a fantastic coaching call with one of our franchise partners last week, and I hope YOU had a coaching call too!

Her location has been open for a little more than a year.

On the call, she asked me… 

“For being open one year – how do you think we are doing?”

My answer was straightforward and honest.

I replied..

You are EXACTLY where you should be based on the thoughts that you’ve had and the actions you’ve taken up to this point. 

And the same is true for you, your friends, your clients, and every single person on planet earth.

And it’s true no matter if we are talking about weight loss, career, financial success, marital success or ANYTHING else in life.

Ponder that for a second…

Both you and every single person on planet earth are EXACTLY where they should be based on the beliefs, thoughts, and actions that they’ve had up to this point.

So if you are content with where you are..


Keep doing what you are doing!

If you are NOT content with where you are in life, my suggestion would be. 

  1. Don’t worry about the past. It’s done and dusted.
  2. Start having the thoughts and then taking the actions that someone who is where you want to be would have.

Yes, it really is that simple.

Our lives are simply a culmination of our beliefs, thoughts, and actions.

Success truly is an inside job.✨

Lucky for you, you have a team of coaches that can help shape

your beliefs and assign you actions.

Please reach out to us, we are here!

Make it a GREAT Monday!🔥

-Coach Bryce

PS Click HERE to lose 10lbs within 6 weeks guaranteed with our new Ultimate Transformation Program. 

Leadership Lesson: Your Character 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: Your Character

Before jumping in today’s lesson..

I wanted to close the loop from last week on why I find my buddy Stefan to be 1 of the most interesting people I know..

He was born in LA.

This makes him American.

Although, he is European by culture. 

His parents moved to Paris for 10 years after being born, being that his dad is French.

He then spent the next 10 years in London as his mom’s English.

He speaks both languages natively.

He holds 4 passports and has lived in 3 countries for more than a decade a piece. 

Yes, I know what you might be thinking..

This dude sounds like Matt Damon in the “Bourne Identity” Hollywood Blockbusters.


As a result, I found deep intrigue, connection and we made quick friends back in 2005. 

Since then, he’s inspired me..

To travel the world. 

To gain fluency in Brazilian Portuguese.

To attain citizenship from Portugal.

To gain more perspective than I would have otherwise.

And this perspective has helped me with my leadership ability. 

Ok, I digress.

But his follow-up question around developing leadership was how to develop character.

Well, there are many ways to do this.

1 of the best ways is, to tell the truth at all times.

Simple yet powerful.

Although, not easy to do. 

As a leader, your word has to be impeccable. 

It must be flawless.

This can be 1 of the hardest parts.


Your primitive brain wants its selfish desires at any cost.

It tempts you if left unchecked. 

You must combat that by working on growing yourself to a higher level.

A more evolved version of you.

This is why attending my 12-step program has been so powerful for me in helping me stay sober from alcohol and to become a better leader.

It helps me tell the truth and develop my character.

These are requirements for strong leadership. 

In fact, most times people are very surprised to find out the main focus of the 12-step program isn’t toward a focus on talking about alcohol.

Instead, the focus is on telling the truth to develop character.

In fact, the motto is it is “a program of rigorous honesty”.

But more on that next week.

For now, remember that your ability to tell the truth shapes your character, and your character shapes your leadership.

[MM]: Perspective 1024 768 Bryce Henson

[MM]: Perspective

Happy Monday Mindset!🙌

I hope you had a great Thanksgiving!🙏

It’s my favorite holiday of the year without question.

The best part?

Tatiana and I coached the day’s sessions!🌟

With my role in overseeing our brand, I don’t get the opportunity often.

But it’s always a treat.


It reminds me why I got into the business.

For the people!💥

It’s always such a fun experience connecting, coaching, supporting, and pushing our clients to success.🥰

It gives our team of world-class coaches a holiday break.

It grounds me to the business.

It reminds me of the challenge of the coaching role.

This all creates perspective.⚡️

And perspective creates fulfillment which is what I want for you!

My message today is to seek a new perspective.🔥

Mix up your routine.

Make plans to take a new hike.

Visit an old friend.

Go find a new restaurant.

Take on a new challenge or adventure.✨

Do something new or revisit something of the past.

This will also give you both perspective and fulfillment which will enrich your life. 

Make it a GREAT Monday!😍

-Coach Bryce

PS Click HERE to lose 10lbs within 6 weeks guaranteed with our new Ultimate Transformation Program.