
Monday Mindset

Monday Mindset: You can have ANYTHING, just NOT EVERYTHING! 469 461 Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset: You can have ANYTHING, just NOT EVERYTHING!

Happy Monday!!

Halloween is almost here which is always fun, so ensure to wear your costumes to work out on Thursday!!

Aside from that highlight and to fill you in, I try and read/listen to about a book a week (fitness, nutrition, business, leadership) to help me be a better leader for my team and clients. I am in the middle of re-reading of “Crushing It” by Gary Vaynerchuk and thought of you!

The book is about building a business and personal brand, and in it, Gary made a comment that really hit me.

“You can have ANYTHING, just NOT EVERYTHING” so you must choose wisely.

This is such a simple concept, but mind blowing and a great mental reframe, so wanted to share so you get value too!

As an example, and how this relates to you….

You eat cake for breakfast, sugar in large quantities, alcohol every day, and virtually no veggies or lean proteins.

But if you do this, you will sacrifice being healthy, lean, fit and most likely long-term happiness.

Another example…

You can build a BILLION-dollar business from scratch, with all the fame and fortune that comes with it….

But if you do, chances are you will have to sacrifice/spend 50+ years of working 80-hour work weeks, forgoing leisure, family time and relaxation (at least for the first 3 decades of the journey).

One more…

You can wake up early, get to boot camp 4x per week, eat lean proteins, veggies, and lots of hydration to get the health, fitness and body of your dreams….

But if you do, chances are you will have to sacrifice being lazy, going to bed late, eating any sugary or sweet foods that taste great in high quantities, and ultimately forgoing the immediate gratifications.

There are just 3 little examples, but they carry over to any aspect of life, and by now, you get the point!

The liberating feeling and call to action is that you can have ANYTHING YOU WANT if you put your mind and full dedication to it. Just know there is a price/sacrifice for everything.

As ultimately……

“You can have ANYTHING, just not EVERYTHING” so you must choose wisely.

-Coach Bryce

text with a quote
WARNING: Excitement AND Challenge!! 635 492 Bryce Henson

WARNING: Excitement AND Challenge!!

Happy Monday!
I cannot believe mid-October is already here and we are entering week 5 of our Fall Challenge!
This also marks both an exciting and challenging time in the fitness journey!!
It is exciting as being over a month in, results are just starting to show for those who have been
committed to getting to boot camp, following the meal plan, counting macros, drinking more
water and getting more sleep!

On the flip side, it starts a challenging aspect of the journey, as you will often see people
(sometimes close family, friends, or coworkers) beginning to be critical of your success.
Comments like “Jeez, are you still going to that boot camp”, “live a little, have some desert”, “it
seems like your obsessed with this fitness thing, relax.” “Come on, take a cheat day, your being
too intense.” “Get over yourself already.”

Not all, but many of these comments can come from people who actually love you.
But the reality is that your success & commitment, shines a spotlight in their lack of effort. And
instead of stepping up their game, people can default to being critical, so they point the
proverbial spotlight off them and onto you (even if it’s done subconsciously and not

So, this in mind when faced against the criticism (which will happen as your body changes and
you start achieving success). You must keep the excitement, keep the momentum and keep

Remember that this is about YOU and the success you deserve for the actions you take!
And when you hear comments like this, (since you are now warned), you will be able to handle
the situation much better by smiling, thanking them, brushing it off and continuing on your
journey knowing you are the light that will empower yourself, family and others!!!

Coach Bryce

“You will never be criticized by someone who is doing more than you. You will only be criticized
by someone doing less.” – Apostle Stevenson