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Monday, June 28, 2021

Monday Mindset – Michael Jordan’s fitness coach 1024 763 Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset – Michael Jordan’s fitness coach

Happy Monday!

This weekend was absolutely incredible! 


We brought some of our leaders and coaches to Scottsdale Arizona to our 2021 Fit Body World Conference which was absolutely epic.

We had nearly 400 attendees and it was extremely inspiring getting together after having to miss last year’s conference.


There were some incredible speakers including the keynote and friend Tim Grover, who was the personal trainer and fitness coach to Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Dwayne Wade, Charles Barkley, and many other professional NBA legends.


Tim taught on developing a strong and winning mindset to ensure we can overcome adversity and support you, our clients, and the community at a higher level. 


It was truly inspiring to see our team dive into the content with the goal of supporting you at a higher level.

And that’s my message today that I wanted to share.


As I was reminded that when the leader gets better, everyone gets better. And you are the leader of yourself and your family. 


So today’s call to action is to take care of and continue to invest in yourself by moving and eating well consistently. Seek out inspirational content to learn from that will provide you knowledge and skill growth on a regular basis.


As when you do, that’s the biggest act of selflessness and where fulfillment resides as you are better equipped to help your loved ones.

Let’s make it a GREAT week!


PS it looks like my awesome team shared some news about my new role in our global franchise so will share more info with some takeaway value points for you next Monday