
The Separation is in the Preparation

The Separation is in the Preparation 150 150 Bryce Henson

Happy Monday!🙌 I was chatting with my good friend Mara last week about this year’s World Conference. In case you need clarity.. The Fit Body World Conference (WC) is our annual convention for our Franchise Partners and coaches to learn and grow.  This way, our clients receive an even better experience and results here at…

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Leadership Lesson: 4 Lessons from my 4 Decades

Leadership Lesson: 4 Lessons from my 4 Decades 150 150 Bryce Henson

In recent weeks, I have covered the first 7 John Maxwell’s 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership.  We will reconvene with the list on September 5, being that variety is also a good thing. So in the next few weeks, we will go off script and explore other leadership ideas.  Specific to today, I’m reflecting on…

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4 lessons from 4 decades

4 lessons from 4 decades 150 150 Bryce Henson

Happy Monday!🙌 I cannot believe.. Today I turned 4 decades young!🎉 That’s right, the big 4-0.✨ It sounds way older to me on paper.. At least very different than I thought 40 would “feel” when I got here. I suppose it is a good thing. 🙂 As I reflect, here are 4 lessons from my…

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Leadership Lesson: #7 The Law of Respect

Leadership Lesson: #7 The Law of Respect 150 150 Bryce Henson

John Maxwell sums up his thoughts on the Law of Respect in one key sentence:   “Followers are attracted to people who are better leaders than themselves.”  As it is rare that someone would follow a leader they do not respect and can easily outperform. This is why continuing to build your character while you remain…

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The Coffee Guy

The Coffee Guy 150 150 Bryce Henson

Family!🙌 I am excited to share that I am the newest appointed coffee guy.☕️ No, I don’t drink coffee.❌ I’m referring to the 6 month commitment I picked up at my 12-step program last week. You see, on 1 hand I am the CEO of an International Fitness Franchise. This comes with plenty of authority…

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Leadership Lesson: The #6 The Law of Solid Ground

Leadership Lesson: The #6 The Law of Solid Ground 150 150 Bryce Henson

No one will follow a leader they dont trust. Therefore, Trust is the nucleus of strong leadership and a healthy organization.  While no one is perfect. Every leader will make mistakes and lose some credibility from time to time. Developing strong trust needs to be the focus of any strong leader and thriving organization. The…

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The Sound of Freedom..

The Sound of Freedom.. 150 150 Bryce Henson

When I began my fitness journey, I wanted a better physique. 💪  Vain but true.💯 Maybe you can relate? And while I achieved the goal within the first 6 months of my journey, I had no idea the other benefits fitness would provide. More energy, more mental clarity, more confidence and more enthusiasm toward life to…

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Leadership Lesson: The #5 Law of Addition

Leadership Lesson: The #5 Law of Addition 150 150 Bryce Henson

The Law of Addition is the 5th law of leadership. The Law of Addition states that a truly great leader leads by adding value and serving others rather than climbing the ranks. How can you add value? There are many, but here are a few. Value people. Make yourself available to your people. Relate to…

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50% complete.. Can you believe it?

50% complete.. Can you believe it? 150 150 Bryce Henson

Happy Monday Mindset!🙌 In the blink of an eye, more than 50% of 2023 is gone.😱 Complete, donezo, bye-bye.👋 Can you believe it? Life happens fast!💯 Given the half way marker, it’s a good time to take a step back and do some life & fitness inventory. Are you at your fitness goal? What is…

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Leadership Lesson: The #4 Law of Navigation

Leadership Lesson: The #4 Law of Navigation 150 150 Bryce Henson

Anyone Can Steer the Ship, but It Takes a Leader to Chart the Course.  This is the Law of Navigation. As the leader of your life, it’s YOUR responsibility to chart the course. Leadership in its foundational form is about taking responsibility.  That said, you can and should enlist the help of others who have…

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