
3 takeaways from 9 years..

3 takeaways from 9 years.. 150 150 Bryce Henson

Mission Viejo Fit Body just celebrated our 9-year anniversary this past Saturday.🥳 Thank you to you and all those who supported!🙌 1 part of me cannot believe nearly a decade has whipped by quicker than a blink of an eye.😱 1 part of me reflects on the blood, sweat, and tears poured in by you,…

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Leadership Lesson: 4 Stoic Virtues: Courage

Leadership Lesson: 4 Stoic Virtues: Courage 150 150 Bryce Henson

I listed the 4 Stoic Virtues last week below.. They are in no specific order according to the Stoics. But the best way I digest them specific to leadership is attacking COURAGE as number 1. The fact is that strong Leadership often times means going against the grain. It means taking action not that is…

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How my battle with alcoholism can help your fitness journey

How my battle with alcoholism can help your fitness journey 150 150 Bryce Henson

Yes, that’s right… Not a fun topic to admit, but it’s the truth.💯 I am recovering alcoholic.  In fact, I just celebrated my 6th-year alcohol-free at the end of December.🙌 How have I done it? Definitely not 6 years at a time. Rather, 1 day at a time.. Why is this important?🤔 We are in the 2nd…

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Leadership Lesson: The 4 Stoic Virtues

Leadership Lesson: The 4 Stoic Virtues 150 150 Bryce Henson

A philosophy called Stoicim emerged thousands of years ago in the ancient world by a man named Zeno who was a successful sea merchant and died in Athens, 236 BC.  Stoicism was created as a framework on how to live a better life and to cope with its challenges being Zeno lost everything in a…

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[MM] Perspective

[MM] Perspective 150 150 Bryce Henson

Happy Monday Mindset!🙌 As we kick off our New Year “10Lbs Challenge” brand-wide, I wanted to strengthen your mindset for the road ahead! As yes, there will be A LOT of success, but also A LOT of challenges! And no better way than to provide some perspective from some challenges our ancestors faced. As I…

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Leadership Lesson: Leadership is a Verb

Leadership Lesson: Leadership is a Verb 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership is a verb. It requires action. The lowest level of it, is simply telling a subordinate what action to take.  The highest level of it, is modeling the desired action.  Today’s lesson? Whatever your desired action is, lead by taking that action as an example to yourself & team.  This is true leadership.

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Martin Luther King – procrastination is still the thief of time

Martin Luther King – procrastination is still the thief of time 150 150 Bryce Henson

I want to share one of my favorite quotes of all time with you.💥 “We are now faced with the fact, my friends, that tomorrow is today.   We are confronted with the fierce urgency of now.  In this unfolding conundrum of life and history, there is such a thing as being too late. Procrastination is still…

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Leadership Lesson: Standards & Expectations

Leadership Lesson: Standards & Expectations 150 150 Bryce Henson

I once heard a podcast with John Maxwell and he was asked how you can identity the leader in the room? His answer was simple: “The person who has the highest standards & expectations……of him/herself.” This is very true.  Strong leadership first requires a higher expectation of yourself, long before you can lead others. Want…

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[MM] My Head Coach Jake got hitched! (3 Important Business Lessons)

[MM] My Head Coach Jake got hitched! (3 Important Business Lessons) 768 1024 Bryce Henson

Happy Monday Mindset!💥 On Saturday night, my family attended Head Coach Jake’s wedding in Carlsbad. He’s been a dear friend and a key leader in our Mission Viejo Fit Body location for the past 7+ years.❤️ It was an amazing event celebrating his marriage to his beautiful bride Sara after many years of dating.🎉 Throughout…

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Success Leaves Clues: Nick Saban’s Leadership Final Recap

Success Leaves Clues: Nick Saban’s Leadership Final Recap 150 150 Bryce Henson

Nick Saban’s Leadership Final Recap Team, I trust you have enjoyed the leadership lessons from one of the all time best leaders in sports history. Since repetition is the mother of skill, here is a recap of what we have learned over the last 11 weeks. And remember, you are a leader in our organization…

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