
[MM]: Do you go along with the herd?

[MM]: Do you go along with the herd? 150 150 Bryce Henson

                  Happy Monday Mindset! 🙌 Last month I had my good friend Will come to Fit Body Headquarters.  He’s from the East Coast, moved to California years ago, and is a world-class educator. Through being a teacher, he realized something alarming. The education system has good intentions…

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Leadership Lesson: A Leader of Leaders

Leadership Lesson: A Leader of Leaders 150 150 Bryce Henson

As a leader of self, you will create a strong life. As a leader of followers, you will create a big impact. As a leader of leaders, you will impact the world.  Given this framework, I was recently asked how to become a leader of leaders in a coaching call.  Well, leveling up your leadership…

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[MM]: This 1 thing changed the game

[MM]: This 1 thing changed the game 150 150 Bryce Henson

Happy Monday Mindset! 🙌 I read this quote by Benjamin Frankin during my junior of college. It stopped me in my tracks at the simplicity but genius of it. “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” I wanted to be healthy, wealthy, and wise so it resonated. But truth…

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Leadership Lesson: The Buck Stops With You

Leadership Lesson: The Buck Stops With You 150 150 Bryce Henson

When you break it down, leadership is about ownership. Simply put, the buck stops with you. Whether you are the CEO of an International Fitness Brand or the CEO of your life. You are responsible for your success. No one else. After all, as a leader, the buck stops with you. Yes, that’s heavy but…

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[MM]: 4,354 days ago

[MM]: 4,354 days ago 150 150 Bryce Henson

Happy Monday Mindset! 🙌 4,354 days ago, my wife Tatiana and my Fit Body Boot Camp ownership journey began on a cold dark morning in Orange County, California. The date was November 5, 2012.  I had Tatiana and my sister work out at every session to “make the sessions seem more full” being we started…

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Leadership Lesson: The 5th Answer

Leadership Lesson: The 5th Answer 150 150 Bryce Henson

On a recent podcast of ours, Bedros asked me 5 leadership questions.  In the spirit of serving you, I thought it would be of value to break each question and answer down in the next 5 weeks! Here is the 5th week’s question and answer. 5.) What do you wish you had started doing earlier…

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[MM]: My morning routine (the important few)

[MM]: My morning routine (the important few) 150 150 Bryce Henson

Happy Monday Mindset! 🙌 With so many things on my plate running an international fitness franchise, I often get asked this question: “Bryce, what’s your morning routine?” The answer is simple. Turns out, there are only 3 things I do when I wake up before getting to work. 30-minute full-body workout 🏋️ 10-minutes in the…

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Leadership Lesson: The 4th Answer

Leadership Lesson: The 4th Answer 150 150 Bryce Henson

On a recent podcast of ours, Bedros asked me 5 leadership questions.  In the spirit of serving you, I thought it would be of value to break each question and answer down in the next 5 weeks! Here is the 4th week’s question and answer. 4.) What are some common misconceptions about delegation, and how…

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[MM]: Why you must be challenged

[MM]: Why you must be challenged 150 150 Bryce Henson

Happy Monday Mindset! 🙌 Here’s the truth about human nature. Just like an electrical current. Humans take the path of least resistance. Need proof? Go to the airport or shopping mall and observe the escalator vs. the stairs. 99% of humans will take the easier path of an escalator. We are just wired this way.…

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Leadership Lesson: The 3rd Answer

Leadership Lesson: The 3rd Answer 150 150 Bryce Henson

On a recent podcast of ours, Bedros asked me 5 leadership questions.  In the spirit of serving you, I thought it would be of value to break each question and answer down in the next 5 weeks! Here is the 3rd week’s question and answer. 3.) What does “delegate and elevate” a company means, and…

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