
Leadership and Business Growth

Dysfunction #5: Inattention to Results 150 150 Bryce Henson

Dysfunction #5: Inattention to Results

Today we go through the grand finale which ties together our previous 4 leadership lessons..

The 5th dysfunction, inattention to results, is the ultimate dysfunction of a team and refers to the tendency of team members to care about something other than the collective goal or mission of the group.

As results need to be the ultimate focus on any strong team!

So to put a bow on these last 5 weeks of leadership learning..

We learned in our previous weeks that in order to lead any team..

Foundationally, you need trust which fosters healthy conflict, healthy conflict in turn fosters commitment, commitment fosters accountability, and accountability fosters results. 

These dysfunctions tie together as a domino effect and why teamwork and leadership are so challenging but mission-critical to any winning organization.

Please keep these in mind in all aspects of your professional and personal lives. 


Dysfunction #4: Lack of Accountability 150 150 Bryce Henson

Dysfunction #4: Lack of Accountability

We learned in our previous weeks that in order to lead any team, you need trust which fosters healthy conflict, healthy conflict in turn fosters commitment, and commitment fosters accountability

But what if you have a break in the chain of being able to hold each other accountable?!

Sady, this becomes insurmountable for any team.


Only with a strong level of accountability, can you produce results. 

In fact, as part of our EOS model in operating our business, every critical aspect of the business requires 1 person to “own the accountability.”

This is because if multiple people are accountable to any task or department, then no one is.

As accountability forces positive pressure to drive results.

And results are what every successful team needs in order to continue to operate which is the 5th dysfunction of a team

More next week!

Dysfunction #3: Lack of Commitment 150 150 Bryce Henson

Dysfunction #3: Lack of Commitment

Last week we learned that only with strong team trust, can we engage in true healthy conflict. And only when we are able to engage in a healthy conflict where teammates feel heard, can a team get true commitment or “buy-in” from its people.

Why is this important?

Because if there is a lack of commitment, this prevents any team from making decisions that the company can stick to for the long term.

And you know that long-term consistency is an ally to leadership and results.

So if a company cannot stick to long-term commitments, there’s a lack of accountability to the results which is another downfall of any organization.

This is what we will discuss next week.

Simple concept, yet extremely important and not easy, as many leaders miss this approach. 

So to recap…

In order to lead any team, you need trust which fosters healthy conflict, healthy conflict, in turn, fosters commitment, and commitment fosters accountability.

Is this beginning to make sense?

More to come next week on dysfunction number 4 which is the avoidance of accountability. 

Dysfunction #2: Fear of Conflict 150 150 Bryce Henson

Dysfunction #2: Fear of Conflict

Last week we learned that only with strong team trust, can we engage in healthy conflict.

And why again is healthy conflict a good thing?

People have good ideas and bad ideas. 

That’s the truth and I certainly have both too!

So healthy conflict is a must as it allows any organization to vet out ideas where through discussion via “pressure testing”, the good ones rise to the top and the bad ones disappear.

And that’s a very good thing in any company.

Now, what happens if there’s a fear of healthy conflict?


Well, a lack of commitment to any decided initiative is the result which is the next dysfunction that will be addressed today as we work ourselves up the chain.

Let me give you an example:

Have you ever been part of a meeting or team where you didn’t feel your voice heard? Rather, the leader of the group just barked out orders…

Then a team decision is made, but guess what?

You didn’t really feel bought into the decision and therefore were not totally committed to taking massive action to accomplish the game plan.

You have been there before, right?

I have.

Well, here’s the good news.

As humans, we can actually accept and get behind ideas with full commitment even if it’s not our original desire.

What’s the caveat?

You must feel heard, even if the decision doesn’t go your way. 

As long as you feel heard, and even if your idea didn’t get the vote, you will still be able to commit to the direction since we have an internal pull towards “fairness”.

Meaning, if you were outvoted, internally you will be more accepting of the decision given its “fair”.

But the opposite is also true.

If you don’t fully feel heard, and the decision isn’t your desire, you will feel resistant and not fully commit to the initiative which has further consequences which we will discuss next week. How does this all tie together?

If you have trust, then you have a healthy approach to conflict where your team feels heard, and ultimately you will have team commitment, no matter the ultimate decision

If you doubt the truth to this, you are invited to jump on the next CAP L10…

Every L10, we “battle it out” on aligning systems and processes within the Fit Body Way. Candidly, most times not everyone initially agrees with the decision since there’s seemingly always a divided vote.

But guess what?

Each guy on the team feels they can throw their weight around and “get their opinion heard”. Each of us has a strong personality and a deep trust that Barrett has cultivated from his team…

So even if it’s not the direction we end up going for that specific teammate, we all get behind the decision as we feel empowered to let our opinions known, and onward we move!

That’s the type of healthy conflict and commitment we need to grow our location’s income through impact!

Is this making sense?


Dysfunction #1: Trust 150 150 Bryce Henson

Dysfunction #1: Trust

Trust is the foundation to a strong team at the first dysfunction of a team. It affects everything up the chain in any company, ending with results. 

Without trust, you are without results.

Why is this?

Without trust, your team will not be willing to engage in a healthy conflict which is dysfunction #2 that we will discuss next week.

As you must trust your teammates to be able to share your candid insights which sometimes will conflict with others on your team. 

And that healthy conflict is a good thing.

Without trust, human nature will not engage in sharing true insights for fear of retribution as this is all tied to your ability to promote trust with your peers as a leader!

I’ll use a metaphor and tie this to free speech and why it’s so important in any society.

With free speech, the good ideas of any society eventually rise to the surface, and consequently, the bad ideas eventually die as more people engage.

The opposite is also true. 

Want an example?

Think dictatorships without free speech and idea-sharing. This leads to silence due to fear of conflict and punishment.. 

Ultimately, this is the demise of any civilization and incredible oppression soon follows. History is riddled with examples. 

On the contrary…

The idea of free speech, idea sharing, and consequently healthy conflict is absolutely necessary. 

As when you have healthy conflict, which is a form of free speech, the best ideas eventually rise to the surface and bad ideas die, even though the conflict at the moment is uncomfortable.

Tying this back to your leadership…

As a leader and lesson today, you must create a culture of trust so that if you/your team speak your mind and even though there might be friction, it’s valued and there’s an understanding it’s healthy.

Want to build more trust?

Below is an exercise with our leadership team together last week at our EOS Annual. 

I would highly encourage each department lead to set up an additional 90-minute meeting with your team to go through this exercise with the sole focus of building trust. 


  1. Best childhood memory?
  2. What was your biggest hardship/challenge?
  3. What would you tell your 20-year-old self?
  4. How/why did you enter this career?
  5. How do you decompress?
  6. You’re Unique?


  1. What’s the 1 thing that I admire most about you?
  2. What’s the 1 thing you need to start/stop doing because it’s hurting you more than helping you is?!..

PS if you disagree with me as your CEO, that’s totally ok and could be a good thing. In fact, you will at some point which is inevitable. As I will to you, just be respectful and know that your idea might not be acted upon due to a variety of factors. But also know that your ideas are valued, they will be considered and you should always feel empowered to speak your mind in our company. Onward!

The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team 150 150 Bryce Henson

The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team

“If you can get all the people in any organization to be rowing in the same direction.. You can dominate any industry, any market, any competition, at any time. This is the power of teamwork!” – Robert Lencioni

Our leadership team is at our EOS annual and will be back at HQ tomorrow. It’s always incredibly productive to gain more clarity on our path ahead via our commitment to the EOS system. This process has been business changing for us..

We will be debriefing you and the team shortly on the plan of attack.

In preparation, we were asked to re-read “The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team’’ by Patrick M. Lencioni who is a talented leadership expert. 

I have listed each of them below for you to review..

Each of the dysfunctions naturally come up in any team dynamic given human nature. So as a leader, you shouldnt be surprised when they reveal themselves. 

However, strong leadership is aware of each of the dysfunctions and works to overcome them through intentionality and strong leadership strategy. 

Over the next 5 weeks my lessons will be around how these issues present themselves and how to overcome them. Get ready!

  • Lack of Trust 
  • Fear of Conflict 
  • Lack of Commitment 
  • Avoidance of Accountability
  • Not attentive to Results 


2020 logo
2020 Predictions 1024 545 Bryce Henson

2020 Predictions

What trends can we expect to see in the fitness space in 2020?

Boutique fitness will still trend upwards in 2020 as the fitness industry continues to boom.

Large group training will continue its upward ascent and will be the center piece in the coming decade. Shorter-term, for as long as the economy continues to perform, smaller group training will also rise in popularity.

Recovery fitness will also continue its rise as an important niche in the fitness industry boom. Overtraining is real; so flexibility, supplementation, stretch, cryotherapy, and float therapy (among other types of recovery fitness) will continue to trend upwards.

However, when the pending economic correction occurs which many economic experts are talking about, large group (which is the most affordable niche of personal training) will continue to be a major staple of industry growth.

How do you expect FBBC’s consumer habits to shift?

Supplementation will be a big focus of 2020 as recovery is paramount to training success.  And as studies continue to show the benefits and results from nutrition; the 2020 release of our nutrition coaching program via the FBBC philosophy of direct macro counting, will continue to be a focus for consumers as results drive consumer retention.

How will technology continue to make an impact in the fitness industry?

Technology isn’t going anywhere, and those who embrace it will continue to win. Although the real success will occur when companies are able to personalize the technology (as for every process/piece of technology there is a PERSON at the other end of it – aka the consumer). So the companies who can utilize technology while incorporating a “personal” feel towards the consumer, will win.

Additionally, in the coming 3-5 years, Artificial Intelligence will be a catalyst for market disruption where Fit Body Boot Camp will be on the leading edge with its development of ARTI (our proprietary AI, currently in development).

What type of growth is FBBC expecting to see in 2020?

Fit Body Boot Camp will continue its upward trend of gaining market share in the growing fitness industry. 2019 was a solid year of internal restructuring and laying the foundation for support of ownership and growth, due to growing pains of our previous years of rapid growth. We literally reinvested millions in infrastructure, technology, talent acquisition and in supplementation, so that 2020 will be an explosive year of sustainable growth!

Bryce Henson speaking at Empire Business Summit
Stronger Together: Fit Body Boot Camp Support Helps Drive Growth for Franchisees and the Brand 1024 683 Bryce Henson

Stronger Together: Fit Body Boot Camp Support Helps Drive Growth for Franchisees and the Brand

Delivering on our core values – drive change, exceed expectations – is key to the success of our clients, and it’s also key to helping our franchisees reach their goals. Our ongoing support enables Fit Body Boot Camp franchisees to have a greater impact on clients’ lives, which, in turn, has a greater impact on
franchise owners’ income. Along with the abundant marketing support we provide, we offer year-round training opportunities because a team trained at a higher level produces at a higher level.

Initial Support Starts Franchisees off on the Right Foot
When you sign on to be a part of the Fit Body Boot Camp team, one of the first action steps your onboarding specialist will assist you with is site selection for your Fit Body Boot Camp gym in your thoroughly researched market. You and the specialist will work with a local real estate broker to view sites with high visibility in areas with the right demographics for Fit Body Boot Camp.

Once the lease is signed, the team at Fit Body Boot Camp headquarters creates your website and social media sites, which will be helpful for developing awareness in your market.

You will also begin working with your Coaching and Profitability (CAP) coach, who serves on a team of six business coaches. The CAP Department is made up primarily of other Fit Body Boot Camp owners, who have been with the brand four or more years and understand the challenges and rewards of owning a fitness franchise. The coach assigned to you will serve as your mentor leading up to your gym opening and for the duration of your Fit Body Boot Camp franchise ownership.

The CAP team also leads the in-person FBBC University training sessions at our headquarters in Chino Hills, California, where you will learn more about the Fit Body Boot Camp franchise model. Resources for your online training can be found on the FBBC University intranet site. FBBC University sessions are held four times a year for new and existing owners.

New franchisees are introduced to Fitness Marketer Lab, our partner in digital marketing and
advertising. Fitness Marketer Lab and your CAP coach will launch your grand opening program 12 weeks
before you open the doors to your gym to help you generate client leads and convert them into paying
clients. This comprehensive marketing program features a multi-channel approach to digital marketing,
including a combination of traditional local PR support and media outreach, promotional giveaways, e-
mail campaigns and social media ads.

Ongoing Support Drives Change, Exceeds Expectations for All

Because reaching your goals as a fitness franchise owner is important to us, we provide ongoing support after you open the doors of your Fit Body Boot Camp gym. For example, we know that attracting new clients and keeping existing clients engaged with the workouts and the brand is essential to membership growth and retention. Fit Body Boot Camp developed three group challenges, which are held at different times of the year when people are thinking about their health – the beginning of the year, summer and fall – to attract and inspire new and existing clients. We provide everything you need to run the group challenges, including all the marketing and promotional assets for franchisees, as well as food lists, meal plans, journals and more to share with your clients.

Among the post-opening support we offer are opportunities for continuous training to help you and your team deliver the best, most effective Fit Body Boot Camp experience to your clients. Training opportunities include:

  • World Conference – Fit Body Boot Camp’s annual two-day convention in April features training
    for owners, facility leaders, coaches and administrators, along with presentations on motivation,
    team building, developing culture and more by inspirational entrepreneurial leaders in the
    fitness industry. Breakout sessions provide additional insight into a variety of aspects of running
    your gym, including coaching, operations, programming and more.
  •  Domination Day – This full day of training is hosted by Fit Body Boot Camp’s Vice President of
    Product and Client Experience Matt Wilber, who is the brand’s most financially successful
    franchisee. On Domination Day, which is held the day before World Conference, Matt shares the
    best practices he utilized to get where he is and how he remains there.
  •  Mastermind – This additional, high-end training opportunity is ideal for owners who want to
    become multi-unit franchisees. Held for two intensive days, three times a year, it includes
    speakers, work sessions and sharing best practices. You’re also provided an accountability coach
    and access to a private Facebook group for Mastermind franchisees.

We Grow with our Franchise Owners

A rising tide lifts all ships. The more we support our franchisees, the more clients they attract. Those clients then get better results and preach about their experience to friends and family. This strengthens the Fit Body Boot Camp brand on both a local and national level, which allows each location to make more income and impact and allows the franchisee to expand into more territories. This is how we grow together.

To learn more about the franchise opportunity with Fit Body Boot Camp, fill out our franchise form at or call (888) 638-3222.