
Leadership and Business Growth

Leadership Lesson: #7 The Law of Respect 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: #7 The Law of Respect

John Maxwell sums up his thoughts on the Law of Respect in one key sentence:  

“Followers are attracted to people who are better leaders than themselves.” 

As it is rare that someone would follow a leader they do not respect and can easily outperform.

This is why continuing to build your character while you remain a student of leadership is of utmost importance.

And yes, striving to become a better person while constantly adding to your leadership skills might seem like alot of pressure.

The fact is in leadership… pressure is a privilege. 

Please never forget that as it pertains to law #7!

Leadership Lesson: The #6 The Law of Solid Ground 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: The #6 The Law of Solid Ground

No one will follow a leader they dont trust. Therefore, Trust is the nucleus of strong leadership and a healthy organization. 

While no one is perfect. Every leader will make mistakes and lose some credibility from time to time.

Developing strong trust needs to be the focus of any strong leader and thriving organization.

The secret to developing trust quickly?

There is none. 

Trust takes time and consistency. It takes time to build and can be quickly eroded. 

That said, here are some strategies that if you execute consistently, will lead to strong team trust. 

  • Love on and care for people
  • Intentionally Develop your character
  • Always tell the truth
  • Speak highly of people when they are not present
  • If you need to provide criticism in private, make it about the action and not the person
  • Be open and vulnerable


Leadership Lesson: The #5 Law of Addition 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: The #5 Law of Addition

The Law of Addition is the 5th law of leadership.

The Law of Addition states that a truly great leader leads by adding value and serving others rather than climbing the ranks.

How can you add value?

There are many, but here are a few.

  • Value people.
  • Make yourself available to your people.
  • Relate to what your people value.
  • Solve Problems. 

From a personal application perspective, the biggest mindset shift to take advantage of this law is this..

View your value as being the SOLUTION! 

Problems will ALWAYS happen. This is engrained in the human condition and a sign of life. 

So instead of pitying yourself when problems arise which we are all guilty of.. Instead, view yourself as the SOLUTION. 

In fact, this is why you get paid to be a problem solver!

This shift changed my leadership ability which is what I want for you, and is the LAW OF ADDITION at work. 

Leadership Lesson: The #4 Law of Navigation 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: The #4 Law of Navigation

Anyone Can Steer the Ship, but It Takes a Leader to Chart the Course. 

This is the Law of Navigation.

As the leader of your life, it’s YOUR responsibility to chart the course. Leadership in its foundational form is about taking responsibility. 

That said, you can and should enlist the help of others who have deeper knowledge “aka situational authority” on certain aspects of your journey. 

As guidance from a seasoned expert can be a very good thing to time collapse your way to the destination.

But while you can enlist the help of others (steer the ship), ultimately it’s up to YOU to chart the course.

This is the Law of Navigation.

Leadership Lesson: The #3 Law of The Process 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: The #3 Law of The Process

I wish Law #3 weren’t true but it is. 

“Leadership is learned daily, not in a day.” 

The tough truth is that there is no instant solution that will make you a great leader. You need to work on it every day by making personal development a part of your daily routine. 

This is the Law of the Process.

Leadership Lesson: The #2 Law of Influence 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: The #2 Law of Influence

I was inspired by last week’s Law of the Lid message. As I shared being it was reinforced by Rich Lohman on our Mastermind 3.0 Leadership Zoom training.

So looking ahead, we are going to spend the following weeks diving into the 21 irrefutable laws of leadership by John Maxwell who is 1 of the world’s top leadership experts.

The #2 Law of Influence 


Leadership is not management, entrepreneurship, knowledge or position.


The true measure of leadership is influence – nothing more, nothing less.

How do you develop your influence? 

There are many ways and here are a few areas of focus:

You can create influence by developing your character, relationships, knowledge, intuition, experience, success, & ability.

Leadership Lesson: The #1 Law of Leadership 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: The #1 Law of Leadership

The Law of the Lid.

Leadership Expert, John Maxwell defines the ​Law of the Lid​ this way:

“L​eadership ability is the lid that determines a person’s level of effectiveness. The higher an individual’s ability to lead, the higher the lid on his potential.”

The opposite is also true.

The morale of the story?

Develop your leadership skills, increase your lid, & increase your potential.

Leadership Lesson: It’s not about you 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: It’s not about you

Being a leader is not about you.

It never has.

It never will be.

Leadership is about creating value to those you serve.

To be a more effective leader..

Fight the self-serving urge.


Redirect that urge to your people.

Like a muscle, it will get easier with time.

This is leadership.

[MM]: Garbage In, Garbage Out 150 150 Bryce Henson

[MM]: Garbage In, Garbage Out

Happy Monday Mindset!🙌

I received this recently from my good friend Mike Zakarian, who is a Franchise Business Coach and Owner of a Fit Body location.

It was a wonderful message and wanted to pass it along so you received the value!💥

“Hope you had a wonderful weekend.

In the computer science space, there’s a saying: Garbage in, garbage out.

It means that the quality of input = the quality of output.

I’m no computer science major but what I do know is that this is true in life and business! 

It’s simple…

Watch the news, and feel doom and gloom.

Hang with victims, feel like a victim.

Eat like crap, feel like crap.

You simply cannot show up as your best self with your family, team, and clients if you have garbage input.

If you want to change your life, it starts with controlling what you let into your mind! 

My challenge for you is to do an audit of all the input you’re taking everyday and make one change! 

Replace one thing with something positive and watch how much better you feel. 

Reply back with what input you’re changing!”

-Coach Bryce 

PS Click HERE to lose 10lbs within 6 weeks guaranteed with our new Ultimate Transformation Program. 

Leadership Lesson: Why Leadership is Hard 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: Why Leadership is Hard

Leadership is hard because your job as the leader is to help people, not to make them happy.

Let me explain..

Think about parenting, aka leading your child.

Your child wants candy.

Your child wants to stay up late.

Your child does not want to wear clothes or bathe.

Your child wants total chaos whenever they want it.

Am I right?

But by letting them do want they want..

Yes, that will make them happy in the moment. 

But I believe you would agree..

That’s not being a good parent or leading them well.

So here’s the tough reality.

Leading is about helping people.

And when you help people, many times they don’t like..

At least, it was at first.

It’s only as the process unfolds where this becomes apparent.

This is why leadership is hard.

So remember..

It’s your job as a leader to HELP PEOPLE, not to make them happy.