
Leadership and Business Growth

Leadership Lesson: #8 The Law of Intuition 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: #8 The Law of Intuition

After a few weeks off for some variety, we are going to return to John Maxwell’s next 7 laws of leadership in the following weeks.

Specific to number 8, the Law of Inutrition..

Maxwell acknowledges that it’s more challenging than other laws to explain because it’s more fluid and less concrete. 

He describes, “The Law of Intuition is based on facts plus instinct plus other intangible factors, such as employee morale, organizational momentum, and relational dynamics.”

Because of this, intuition is much harder to teach although not impossible.

I also personally believe some people have better leadership instincts than others which is the “Nature” part of this equation.

Think Nature vs. Nurture. 

However, everyone can improve their leadership skills and become a strong leader via the nurture component for those who possess a student mindset.

This is why I strongly believe to be a student of leadership, you have to be a student of human nature.

With focus and intentionality, you can learn how people behave. 

And more specifically, learn from situations of high pressure or stress as this is when human nature is truly revealed. 

Today’s message:

Pay attention to how people behave.

Be observant on what things make them angry or happy. What things attract, repel or make people very emotional? 

Study people constantly with curiosity.

More specifically, learn from situations of high pressure or stress as this is when human nature is more deeply revealed. 

When you do, you will increase your intuition and become a better leader.

Leadership Lesson: The Incredible Leadership of Adolf Hitler 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: The Incredible Leadership of Adolf Hitler

I trust the headline got your attention. 

While it’s absolutely sincere, I don’t mean it in the way you most likely initially thought.

The truth is Adolf Hitler was an evil-evil man.

Let me repeat, and evil-evil man.

But also an INCREDIBLE leader.

You see, while leadership usually gets a positive connotation.

When you break it down to the core..

Leadership is just a tool. 

By itself, it’s neutral.

Here are a couple of other examples of what I mean..

Some people say money is good, others say its bad.

In reality, money is a tool, it is neutral. 

It can be used to create beautiful things or destroy them.

Same with energy.

it’s a tool and also neutral.

It can power civilizations or destroy them (Atomic Bomb).

Why is this my leadership topic for today?

Because 2 weeks ago, I visited hell on Earth from the years of 1941-1945 via the concentration camp of Auschwitz in Poland.

This was Adolf Hitzler’s most famous death camp in World War 2 that killed over 1 million Jewish people alone. 

Truthfully, I didn’t want to go.

Which was the exact reason why I had to go.

If you ever thought if things were not going your way..

As a friend and very lovingly, I politely urge you to gain some perspective. 

This was the coaching I gave to myself.

As I needed a dose of this medicine.

So I am not preaching at you, rather with you.

And by experiencing just the memory made me realize I need to step up my gratitude, perspective & leadership game.

My message today?

Leadership is perspective. 

Perspective is leadership.

It’s also a very powerful tool that you have a duty, obligation, and responsibility to develop and use for good.

Please never forget this.

And as humans, I strongly believe we all have a duty, obligation, and responsibility to see what happened with our own eyes in Auschwitz at some point in your life to gain more perspective.

And if you have already much love, respect, and would love your feedback.

PS “Those who don’t study/remember the past are doomed to repeat it.” – George Santayana

Leadership Lesson: Why I Study Leadership 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: Why I Study Leadership

At my core, I love people way more than other aspects of business.

Actually, it’s not even close.  

In fact, I believe the best leaders in the world have a deep love for people at their foundation.

As leadership (and people) are both very difficult. Very difficult. So you have to genuinely have a love for them, otherwise it’s too much.

And while this is at the foundation of strong leadership, that alone is not enough.

So I wanted to share another driver for me in the spirit of being vulnerable and raw with you.

Aside from loving people and seeing the incredible value of aligning people towards a common goal. 

Which ultimately is just what leadership is..

I’ve also learned that leading by example, which is referred to as the “Morale Authority”, is the most influential way to lead.

The hard part?

At my core, I’m far from perfect. 

In fact, I have many many flaws. Being an addict is 1 of the most severe. 

I’ve been addicted to drugs & alcohol just to name a few. These are all very selfish and not selfish endeavors. 

I wish it wasn’t so, but this is my ugly truth.

However, I’ve also learned through both life and my Stoic Philosophy, you can turn your biggest weakness into your biggest strength.

As left to my own devices with my selfish addiction, I could easily be on the streets & homeless in the most severe circumstances.

Sounds extreme, but it’s true. 

In fact, every time I see a homeless addict, I see a vision for what my life could easily become if I don’t focus on serving others.

I am the German Shepherd Bedros refers to.

However, the thing that keeps me grounded is my desire to add value to you, our team, owners and clients.

As if every day I strive to be a better leader for myself and others. This way, I can use this accountability to redirect my darkness to the light. 

So in the most selfless and selfish ways, my love for people and serving you, keeps me clean of alcohol, my biggest Kryptonite 24 hours at a time since December 2016.

My leadership message today?

Turn whatever is your weakness or lowest moment in your life, into a positive and for battling cry in the service other people. 

When you do this, your leadership grows and your following wins.

Leadership Lesson: 2 Areas of Focus 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: 2 Areas of Focus

Leadership is hard. 

Very hard.


Well, many reasons.

But when you break it down..

People have their individual thoughts, motives, beliefs and desires.

So in order to lead others..

You have to align their desires with the goal of your mission.

This takes plenty of perspective & situational awareness among other skills.

Within this framework, here are 2 areas of focus to level up your leadership.

  1. Outwardly Focus. You must consistently seek perspective and ensure you align your team’s desires (what’s in it for THEM) with both new initiatives & the overall mission. 
  2. Inwardly Focus. You must be able to lead yourself with strict discipline. As your team will only follow your leadership if they see undeniable proof of your ability to lead YOU! This is extremely difficult but creates significant influence in leading others. 

Now go forth and conquer. 

Leadership Lesson: The Problem & Solution 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: The Problem & Solution

Today’s lesson is a simple yet effective reminder. 

Leadership is always the problem. 

Leadership is always the solution.

Learn to lead yourself more effectively and watch your world change.

Leadership Lesson: The Separation is in the Preparation 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: The Separation is in the Preparation

I was chatting with my good friend and Portuguese teacher Mara last week about this year’s World Conference. 

More specifically, on how excited I am for our Franchise Partners, coaches, team and brand! And that we have the biggest WC in recent history with 467 people registered including HQ team and vendors. 

She asked me if I was nervous about the event and speaking in front of so many people.

My answer?

Absolutely!  Always am and always will be as that’s a sign of focus and care.

That said, the Conference or “game” as I referred to it, will already be won or lost before my HQ team arrives in Dallas. 

As at that point, we are just executing against our preparation. As there will be no miracles one way or the other.

In fact, how we prepare is how we execute.  

This is the bottom line. 

This is the same analogy for our locations when the doors open to welcome clients. The session has already been won or lost in advance by the teams alignment and preparation.

The good news?

We have been prepping for months and when game time arrives on Friday, execution will match. 

As leadership understands the concept that the separation is ALWAYS in the preparation.

Let’s go!!

Leadership Lesson: #7 The Law of Respect 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: #7 The Law of Respect

John Maxwell sums up his thoughts on the Law of Respect in one key sentence:  

“Followers are attracted to people who are better leaders than themselves.” 

As it is rare that someone would follow a leader they do not respect and can easily outperform.

This is why continuing to build your character while you remain a student of leadership is of utmost importance.

And yes, striving to become a better person while constantly adding to your leadership skills might seem like alot of pressure.

The fact is in leadership… pressure is a privilege. 

Please never forget that as it pertains to law #7!

Leadership Lesson: The #6 The Law of Solid Ground 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: The #6 The Law of Solid Ground

No one will follow a leader they dont trust. Therefore, Trust is the nucleus of strong leadership and a healthy organization. 

While no one is perfect. Every leader will make mistakes and lose some credibility from time to time.

Developing strong trust needs to be the focus of any strong leader and thriving organization.

The secret to developing trust quickly?

There is none. 

Trust takes time and consistency. It takes time to build and can be quickly eroded. 

That said, here are some strategies that if you execute consistently, will lead to strong team trust. 

  • Love on and care for people
  • Intentionally Develop your character
  • Always tell the truth
  • Speak highly of people when they are not present
  • If you need to provide criticism in private, make it about the action and not the person
  • Be open and vulnerable


Leadership Lesson: The #5 Law of Addition 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: The #5 Law of Addition

The Law of Addition is the 5th law of leadership.

The Law of Addition states that a truly great leader leads by adding value and serving others rather than climbing the ranks.

How can you add value?

There are many, but here are a few.

  • Value people.
  • Make yourself available to your people.
  • Relate to what your people value.
  • Solve Problems. 

From a personal application perspective, the biggest mindset shift to take advantage of this law is this..

View your value as being the SOLUTION! 

Problems will ALWAYS happen. This is engrained in the human condition and a sign of life. 

So instead of pitying yourself when problems arise which we are all guilty of.. Instead, view yourself as the SOLUTION. 

In fact, this is why you get paid to be a problem solver!

This shift changed my leadership ability which is what I want for you, and is the LAW OF ADDITION at work. 

Leadership Lesson: The #4 Law of Navigation 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: The #4 Law of Navigation

Anyone Can Steer the Ship, but It Takes a Leader to Chart the Course. 

This is the Law of Navigation.

As the leader of your life, it’s YOUR responsibility to chart the course. Leadership in its foundational form is about taking responsibility. 

That said, you can and should enlist the help of others who have deeper knowledge “aka situational authority” on certain aspects of your journey. 

As guidance from a seasoned expert can be a very good thing to time collapse your way to the destination.

But while you can enlist the help of others (steer the ship), ultimately it’s up to YOU to chart the course.

This is the Law of Navigation.