
Monday Mindset: The American Dream Story.. 🇺🇸

Monday Mindset: The American Dream Story.. 🇺🇸 547 510 Bryce Henson

“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” – Statue of Liberty 🇺🇸 This is one of my favorite quotes as we are a country made of hard-working…

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Monday Mindset – Michael Jordan’s fitness coach

Monday Mindset – Michael Jordan’s fitness coach 1024 763 Bryce Henson

Happy Monday! This weekend was absolutely incredible!    We brought some of our leaders and coaches to Scottsdale Arizona to our 2021 Fit Body World Conference which was absolutely epic. We had nearly 400 attendees and it was extremely inspiring getting together after having to miss last year’s conference.   There were some incredible speakers…

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Monday Mindset: Investing in you…

Monday Mindset: Investing in you… 861 582 Bryce Henson

Happy Monday! Summer is officially here and many good things are on the horizon. We just finished our Spring Challenge and results are being tallied! We also have our Fit Body Annual conference this weekend in Scottsdale Arizona after a miss last year due to COVID. And after a tough 2020, this conference is much…

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Monday Mindset: The only 1 true source of wealth…

Monday Mindset: The only 1 true source of wealth… 660 361 Bryce Henson

Happy Monday! I cannot believe June is already halfway through. In a blink of an eye and we are almost halfway finished with 2021. A friendly reminder to live with urgency as our time is ticking. With that in mind, I heard something last week when I was talking to a colleague of mine and…

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Monday Mindset: D Day

Monday Mindset: D Day 777 555 Bryce Henson

Yesterday was the 77th anniversary of the infamous D Day where allied troops from the US, Great Britain, and Canada stormed the beaches of Normandy France to overtake Adolf Hilter and his Nazi regime.  I can only imagine what it would have been like to be one of those soldiers who were ordered to invade…

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Monday Mindset: We Remember

Monday Mindset: We Remember 594 811 Bryce Henson

I hope you are enjoying your Memorial Day weekend. And really hope you take a moment to remember the meaning. While he doesn’t understand yet, I’m excited to teach my nephew Ryder about some things I’ve learned over the years as he grows up. I’ll make sure he sees the value of exploring the world.…

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Monday Mindset: Graduation Advice

Monday Mindset: Graduation Advice 420 200 Bryce Henson

It’s late spring and graduation season is in the air. It’s so exciting to hear about the children of our client’s & community ready to finish off their last semester of schooling.  And then, are becoming ready to take that next step after graduation! With that framework in mind, I watched a few commencement addresses…

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Monday Mindset: The Man in the Arena

Monday Mindset: The Man in the Arena 768 1024 Bryce Henson

Happy Monday! I was sent the included gift a couple weeks ago from a dear friend and owner of Fresno Fit Body Boot Camp. She was appreciative of some support we provided her team and clients.  So today wanted to pass this gift on to you in the hope you also receive the benefit. And…

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Monday Mindset: A mother’s day lesson..

Monday Mindset: A mother’s day lesson.. 768 1024 Bryce Henson

Happy Monday! I hope you had a fantastic Mother’s day. Mine was incredible as I was able to get a bunch of work done in the morning to help support our team.   And I then finished off with a dinner in San Clemente with my mother Donna, Tatiana, and sisters Emma’s fiancĂ© Bobby &…

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Monday Mindset: Do what you can, with what you have…

Monday Mindset: Do what you can, with what you have… 668 757 Bryce Henson

It’s a very exciting time as today we have just under 10,000 challengers across North America ready to get fit as we kick off our 6-week Spring Challenge! Lots of tough work outs, clean nutrition and plenty of hydration are in our future, so cannot WAIT to see the results which I believe we will hit over 100,0000…

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