Posts By :

Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: The #4 Law of Navigation 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: The #4 Law of Navigation

Anyone Can Steer the Ship, but It Takes a Leader to Chart the Course. 

This is the Law of Navigation.

As the leader of your life, it’s YOUR responsibility to chart the course. Leadership in its foundational form is about taking responsibility. 

That said, you can and should enlist the help of others who have deeper knowledge “aka situational authority” on certain aspects of your journey. 

As guidance from a seasoned expert can be a very good thing to time collapse your way to the destination.

But while you can enlist the help of others (steer the ship), ultimately it’s up to YOU to chart the course.

This is the Law of Navigation.

The Freedom to Fail 🇺🇸 150 150 Bryce Henson

The Freedom to Fail 🇺🇸

Happy Monday Mindset!

Happy 4th of July. 🇺🇸

It’s one of my favorite days of the year for many reasons.😍 

The biggest 2 are that it’s because it’s summertime and is a celebration of what I believe to be the best country in the world ever founded.

Does America have its problems?

Absolutely. ✅

Every country founded by humans does.

However, we have a lot to be thankful for. This includes 1 of my most favorite principles of our country being founded on FREEDOM.

While people usually hit on the positive aspects of freedom which is a good thing as there are many.

In a free society, you also have the freedom to FAIL!

And that my friend is also a good thing!👍

Why you might ask?

Failure ensures inefficiencies and bad ideas die. It fosters an environment where only the good ideas remain and prosper.

After all..

Failure is not finite. Rather, it’s just a form of feedback.👊

Did you slack on your workouts and nutrition and gain a few pounds?

Just feedback to adjust the course if you want to win in the future… This “Failure” teaches you how to treat your body better.💪

Fail to execute a project for work and your boss writes you up?

Just more feedback to ensure you are more prepared for next time so you execute and succeed!

So as you enjoy the 4th and all the freedoms America provides.🙌

Also appreciate you have the freedom to fail, learn and grow. I call that “Failing Forward.”

When you look at it from this perspective, this is one of the most valuable gifts that freedom provides.🎁 

Happy 4th of July!🇺🇸

-Coach Bryce 

PS Click HERE to lose 10lbs within 6 weeks guaranteed with our new Ultimate Transformation Program. 

Leadership Lesson: The #3 Law of The Process 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: The #3 Law of The Process

I wish Law #3 weren’t true but it is. 

“Leadership is learned daily, not in a day.” 

The tough truth is that there is no instant solution that will make you a great leader. You need to work on it every day by making personal development a part of your daily routine. 

This is the Law of the Process.

[MM]: Peopl e who pay… 819 1024 Bryce Henson

[MM]: Peopl e who pay…

Happy Monday Mindset!🙌

In 2009, I decided to learn a foreign language from scratch. 

I landed on Brazilian Portuguese as I was inspired by a visit to Rio de Janeiro over Christmas 2008. And I have been on a consistent journey ever since.🇧🇷

I am happy to report I am conversationally fluent after years of painstaking work.💥

How have I accomplished this goal?

Well, in many ways.  

I’ve lived in Brazil for 2 years. I’ve taken many online classes. I’ve enrolled in a Brazilian University. I’ve hired tutors. I married a Brazilian gal. I have lived with her family. I invested in the Rosetta Stone and executed countless other strategies in order to achieve fluency.

Many of these strategies have added to my bilingual ability, including most notably my mother-in-law Cristina and my private teacher Mara. 

Specific to Mara, she lives in Laguna Beach. 

She was born & raised in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil nearly 30 before I was born.  We started working together in June of 2014 and meet every weekend for an hour. 

There’s an occasional weekend where we are traveling that we miss. But that aside, we are very-very consistent. ✨

Is it easy? No. 

Truthfully, most weekends I do not “feel” like taking class prior. I have my internal doubts and think of all the other things I could be doing instead of the hard work!

But I always seem to dig deep, push those feelings aside and meet with her.  And you guessed it.. After our lesson, I am always happy I did!🥰

Kinda like working out. 🙂

As a result and through the years, she’s becoming one of my closest friends. In fact, we have grown a deep affinity and love for one another.😍

We have deep insights into each other’s lives as our classes have transitioned from grammar and vocabulary. Now, most of the time we catch up for an hour as friends. 

So nowadays, my language development is a bi-product of meaningful conversation.

This is coaching at its finest as Mara is a beautiful soul and an incredible relationship builder. I am deeply indebted and grateful to her.🙏

Now if you can believe, a few years ago she let me know that she enjoys our relationship so much, she would teach me for free.

While this is true, I politely declined.

I am sure you are thinking… 

Why turn down such an offer?!

Because I pay her for me.😀

Let me explain..

My business partner and founder of Fit Body, Bedros Keuilian told me this little secret about human nature over a decade ago. It didn’t make sense at the time but I do know 100% it’s true after coaching thousands of fitness and business clients for many years.👇

“People who pay, pay attention”, he said. 

The truth is that people who get the best results are the ones who pay. 

Because when you pay, an energy/accountability transfer happens. You then feel an internal tug to pay attention. As people disappoint themselves, but it’s more painful to disappoint someone else. 

A quicker and long-term result is the bi-product. 

So as much as Mara is one of my closest friends in life. If I stop paying her, the probability increases that I will stop paying attention which I will not let happen. 

Ultimately, I pay her for me.💥

So here is my message today for you. 

Invest and pay for whatever areas in life you need support in. If there is long-term value, happily pay for the coaching.💰 

Yes, that’s the right thing to do. In addition, it will be most impactful for YOU to keep you long-term committed.

After all, people who pay, pay attention!💯

Make it a great Monday!

-Coach Bryce 

PS Click HERE to lose 10lbs within 6 weeks guaranteed with our new Ultimate Transformation Program. 

Leadership Lesson: The #2 Law of Influence 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: The #2 Law of Influence

I was inspired by last week’s Law of the Lid message. As I shared being it was reinforced by Rich Lohman on our Mastermind 3.0 Leadership Zoom training.

So looking ahead, we are going to spend the following weeks diving into the 21 irrefutable laws of leadership by John Maxwell who is 1 of the world’s top leadership experts.

The #2 Law of Influence 


Leadership is not management, entrepreneurship, knowledge or position.


The true measure of leadership is influence – nothing more, nothing less.

How do you develop your influence? 

There are many ways and here are a few areas of focus:

You can create influence by developing your character, relationships, knowledge, intuition, experience, success, & ability.

[MM]: 10 tips to improve your life. 150 150 Bryce Henson

[MM]: 10 tips to improve your life.

Happy Monday Mindset!🙌

I hope you enjoyed Father’s Day weekend. 🔥

As June pushes forward, I cannot believe nearly 50% of the year is already gone.

How is everything going to date?

To create some value, I crafted a message with 10 things that can improve your life. 

They have really helped me and want the same for you.

So please review and consider implementing.👇

1. Move your body every day. The old saying is true. You either move it or lose it. So don’t lose it!

2. Limit your calories if you’re trying to lose weight. It’s a simple formula: Eat fewer calories than you use, and you will lose weight.

3. More water, fruits, and veggies. Less candy and chips. You know this, but are you doing it?

4. Hire a fitness coach….Everyone has blind spots, coaching helps shore those up. I hear good things about a place called “Fit Body” 😀

5. Tell your loved ones you love them more often. I have an ASANA reminder to send 1 gratitude/love message a day. It’s helped me connect and built stronger relationships. Highly recommend executing. 

6. Sleep well. Work hard and rest hard. You cannot live a good life if you are constantly sleep-deprived. Good sleep makes everything better. The opposite is true. 

7. Remember, exercise is the miracle drug. It’s good for your bones, muscles, balance, heart, breathing, mental health, and sleep.

8. Practice Gratitude. When you are grateful, it’s hard to be angry, anxious or upset. Your life is made up of the quality of emotions. Choose positive emotions and this will help.  

9. Reduce your Social Media & Netflix. Easier said than done. But go for a walk, a hike, or a workout. Get some fresh air. 

10. Stop watching the bad news! Mainstream media has 1 goal, grab your attention so advertisers will pay more money.  It’s not to inform you with accurate information. As the more they scare you, the more they grab your attention (human nature). Turn it off and watch your mental life improve!

Make it a great Monday!💪

-Coach Bryce 

PS Click HERE to lose 10lbs within 6 weeks guaranteed with our new Ultimate Transformation Program. 

Leadership Lesson: The #1 Law of Leadership 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: The #1 Law of Leadership

The Law of the Lid.

Leadership Expert, John Maxwell defines the ​Law of the Lid​ this way:

“L​eadership ability is the lid that determines a person’s level of effectiveness. The higher an individual’s ability to lead, the higher the lid on his potential.”

The opposite is also true.

The morale of the story?

Develop your leadership skills, increase your lid, & increase your potential.

[MM]: Avoid the Happiness Trap 150 150 Bryce Henson

[MM]: Avoid the Happiness Trap

Happy Monday Mindset!🙌

Last week Coach Tatiana and I went up to Monterey, California for a Spartan Race. It was a quick 36-hour trip and very successful. 🔥

In fact, Tatiana made a personal record time for herself. It was inspiring to see her success and I am very proud!

She also received an email from Joe DeSena, the CEO of Spartan prior to the race. It contained the positive message below. It inspired me so I wanted to pay it forward and do the same for you!✉️


I recently took a business trip overseas. Instead of pushing for an upgrade and high-end service, I proactively chose the worst experience — connecting flight, middle seat, back row, a sad pack of stale cookies, the bathroom door banging in my ear the entire way. 


Because I believe our constant focus on comfort and ease — how we feel right now — leads to unhappiness. 

In short, we humans are wired to constantly raise the bar on what makes us happy, something scientists call the “hedonic treadmill.” 

We get stuck in a loop where we’re always grasping for something new, different, better in the hopes that now, finally, we will feel satisfied. 

The result? 

We don’t enjoy it now. The grind. A sense of entitlement creeps into all we do. So we click, swipe, and indulge ourselves in a never-ending search for fulfillment. 

After studying this topic for 40 years, I’ve learned that when we choose to live with less, let others go first, take the more challenging path, a new world opens up and we begin to appreciate life as it comes. 

It’s a simple but massive mindshift because it short-circuits our inherent striving nature. 

For example, when I arrived in Spain after that long day of airline travel, suddenly everything was better by comparison. The sun felt a bit warmer, the food more flavorful, and my bed was a comfortable relief from my cramped airline seat. 

I realized in that moment, that I was truly experiencing the emotion we too often overlook: Gratitude. I was grateful, and enjoyed the inevitable contentment that followed. 

Here’s to The Hard Way..


Make it a great Monday!💪

-Coach Bryce 

PS Click HERE to lose 10lbs within 6 weeks guaranteed with our new Ultimate Transformation Program. 

Leadership Lesson: It’s not about you 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: It’s not about you

Being a leader is not about you.

It never has.

It never will be.

Leadership is about creating value to those you serve.

To be a more effective leader..

Fight the self-serving urge.


Redirect that urge to your people.

Like a muscle, it will get easier with time.

This is leadership.

[MM]: Garbage In, Garbage Out 150 150 Bryce Henson

[MM]: Garbage In, Garbage Out

Happy Monday Mindset!🙌

I received this recently from my good friend Mike Zakarian, who is a Franchise Business Coach and Owner of a Fit Body location.

It was a wonderful message and wanted to pass it along so you received the value!💥

“Hope you had a wonderful weekend.

In the computer science space, there’s a saying: Garbage in, garbage out.

It means that the quality of input = the quality of output.

I’m no computer science major but what I do know is that this is true in life and business! 

It’s simple…

Watch the news, and feel doom and gloom.

Hang with victims, feel like a victim.

Eat like crap, feel like crap.

You simply cannot show up as your best self with your family, team, and clients if you have garbage input.

If you want to change your life, it starts with controlling what you let into your mind! 

My challenge for you is to do an audit of all the input you’re taking everyday and make one change! 

Replace one thing with something positive and watch how much better you feel. 

Reply back with what input you’re changing!”

-Coach Bryce 

PS Click HERE to lose 10lbs within 6 weeks guaranteed with our new Ultimate Transformation Program.