Posts By :

Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset – I dropped 80 lbs. & 8 pant sizes, and that is freedom.. 1024 788 Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset – I dropped 80 lbs. & 8 pant sizes, and that is freedom..

Meet my friend Natalie. 


I am so incredibly proud of her for putting in the hard work. 💪👏🙌


I am also proud of our coaches and YOU for the support you have provided Natalie and our entire fit family. 🥰🔥🙏

Today’s message is to inspire you through her story as her video is below which include some strong mindset quotes. 👇



“I’ve struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember, and it really took a toll.”


“The biggest change has been in my compensation. I went from a size 16 to 8, and that’s freedom”. 


“For me to reach this point, it’s pivotal and gratifying. I am so beyond grateful to be here.”


“When you go from motivation to discipline. When it becomes a habit, it’s beautiful.”

“I’ve never been the type to think working out is fun. But with Fit Body Boot Camp, working out IS A LOT OF FUN!”


Click HERE!


-Coach Bryce


PS Simple, not easy but I am here to help. Click HERE.

Monday Mindset: The ultimate gateway drug 804 972 Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset: The ultimate gateway drug

On Friday I was invited to be on a self-development podcast.🎙
In the episode, I was asked about a habit that I acquired which has helped me in business and in life.
Undoubtedly, the answer was simple. 👇
“Fitness” as it’s the gateway drug to a better life. In fact, it is the solution to all of these questions and many more:
  • Want more energy?⚡
  • Want a better body? 💪
  • Want more confidence? 👌
  • Want more mental clarity? 🧠
  • Want more happiness? 🥰
  • Want better relationships?💕
  • Want more money?💲💲💲
  • Want better sleep? 😴
  • Want a better life? 🙌
Yes, that is right, fitness is the ultimate gateway drug to a better life. ✔💯
And the best part is, while it’s not easy, it’s simple.
Here is the formula:
Attend at least 3+ boot camps per week, drink ½ your body weight in ounces every day, sleep 7+ hours a night. Pick up the protein and put down the sugar.
Now go out and use this gateway drug to better your life.
-Coach Bryce
PS Simple, not easy but I am here to help. Click HERE.
Monday Mindset: The start of something great… 682 316 Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset: The start of something great…

I remember when I first started my fitness program that changed my life.

It was January 2007, and I lived in Newport Beach California. 

I had made a few previous attempts at getting fit. Although nothing seemed to stick.

But this time was going to be different. 


This time, I had the support of a coach which ended up being game changer.


Yes, the first few months of doing circuit training, lifting weights, executing HIIT cardio and tracking my food, was not easy.

Many times, I felt like quitting.


In fact, a few times I almost did.


As my muscles ached, my cardio was not strong, and my body hurt most days.


But I stuck with it. 


And 1 week turned into 2. Then 2 to 3.  


And about 2 months my friends began noticing the changes they saw.


About 3 months in, I noticed too.

About 6 months in I had stripped away 20 lbs. of body fat, replaced it with muscle and finally begin to get fit and become even more motivated.


Remember, the start is ALWAYS the hardest. 


Now looking ahead and how this applies to you?

Today is a big day.


We have over 8,000 people in North America embarking on a journey of change enrolled in our Fall Transformation/Nutrition Challenge! 


All this to be a better version of themselves.

So if a guy like me, without any fitness background or initial desire to lift weights/eat clean can do it, anyone can.


Which is my message for you today.


Just start. Put 1 foot in front of the next. 


It might not be immediate. It won’t be easy at first.


But you will see progress. 


It will get easier. 


You will still get frustrated. You will even feel like quitting on occasion.


But if you keep showing up, you will be successful like the thousands of transformations we have supported in the last decade.


You can and will do this!


-Coach Bryce


PS looking for a change and need fitness, nutrition, and mindset support? Click HERE.


Monday Mindset: “If I hadn’t started with Fit Body… I could be dead.” 1024 570 Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset: “If I hadn’t started with Fit Body… I could be dead.”

Have you ever been out of shape or overweight? 


Maybe you are currently embarrassed with the way you look and feel?


Well, friend and Fit Body client Jeff can relate. 


Before starting with us..


He had the health of a “72 year old” according to his Garman data tracker. He weighed in at a whopping 269lbs and had a 44 inch waist line.


But enough was enough and Jeff accepted the Fit Body Challenge.

It wasn’t easy. 


The 1st week he could only do 5 minutes without feeling gassed.

But he came back the 2nd week, then the 3rd week, then the 4th week.

And with the support of our coaches and family, he began to see a difference.

This inspired him to continue to put in the work.

And with that commitment and some time, he dropped the weight and his life changed.

Check out his story HERE!


And my question is will you?


-Coach Bryce

PS here is your LAST chance to join our Final Transformation Challenge of 2021:


Yorba Linda –
Mission Viejo –

Monday Mindset: Remember their labor.. ❤️ 779 768 Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset: Remember their labor.. ❤️

As Labor Day is already here and I hope you enjoy yourself. But let’s not forget the fallen and stranded American citizens and allies who cannot celebrate.
The fact is that they labored for us so we could enjoy a healthy, fit and fulfilling life. I believe it’s our duty and obligation to not let their sacrifice be in vain.
Below is a message I shared on social last week and hope you gain value. Have a great Monday and holiday.
In the midst of this tragedy and chaos..
I am taking a moment to honor our lost loved ones. And our fellow Americans and Ally troops stranded.
You are true heroes and here to acknowledge your sacrifice, it will not be in vain.
Over the years, I have learned that leadership is always the problem and always the solution.
In this continued challenging time, I feel embarrassment, frustration, and rage like many of you.
While much of this is outside our control, my call to action today is to focus on what is within our control.
Do not let these lives lost be in vain.
Turn any of these strong emotions towards good, as every challenge contains a seed of opportunity.
And in the words of Tim Grover, friend and Michael Jordan’s former personal trainer…
“Michael unleashed 48 minutes of controlled rage against his opponents, and for his team every single night.”
So to honor the lives lost both past and future, I will do the same against our opponent (obesity) and for my team (local and global community) for the betterment of humanity.
I would encourage you to do the same in whatever area is your calling.
Leadership is always the problem and always the solution.
And while many times, you cannot control top-line leadership…
Lead yourself and others to a better life.
Thank you to those who have served. And may our protectors Rest In Peace.
-Coach Bryce
PS looking for a change and need fitness, nutrition, and mindset support? Click HERE.
Monday Mindset: Sad it’s over, but grateful it happened.. ❤️ 150 150 Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset: Sad it’s over, but grateful it happened.. ❤️

This past weekend was bittersweet as we sent off Coach Jenn to a new chapter in her career in the medical field..
She served our Yorba Linda team and clients for the better part of the last 8 years. She was a client for nearly 9. 🙏
To her credit, she was one of the best coaches Tatiana and I have ever led or worked with brand-wide. 💪🏽
When the average fitness coach stays in the industry less than 6 months.. This is an incredible accomplishment and a testament to her dedication to her craft and love for our clients.
And while sad for us, we are happy for her. Even more so, grateful that she continued to lead by example from start through finish in incredible fashion. 🙏
From top to bottom, the right way.
For Tatiana and I, it was especially refreshing and touching, being she was there for us since the very beginning.
Far before we had an incredibly stocked facility, dialed in operations, or with any credibility/trust in the community and with very few clients.
Far before I was announced the CEO of an international franchise or any proven success in our industry.
Back when we only had 4 walls and some mats without any equipment, credibility, or clientele. Scared and vulnerable, just after investing our life savings into this dream.
Humble beginnings to put it nicely. ❤️
Yet, there she was from the beginning..
Jenn, we love you. Your legacy will live on. You lived and breathed our core value of “Exceeding Expectations” every day. And Tatiana, team, clients, and I could have asked for nothing more.. ❤️
Below is my sendoff note from Saturday. If this resonated, my call to action today is to reach out to someone who has helped you in your journey and let them know how much you appreciate them.
-Coach Bryce
PS looking for a change and need fitness, nutrition, and mindset support? Click HERE.
Monday Mindset: How Rachel dropped 26lbs & 10.6% body fat.. 💃 834 498 Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset: How Rachel dropped 26lbs & 10.6% body fat.. 💃

Rachel played sports her whole life.
But that came to a screeching halt after college.
She decided to take 2 weeks off, which turned into a year.
Maybe you can relate?
But after looking at the scale and feeling embarrassed, she became motivated to change.
That is when she set out to find “her new team” which was Fit Body.
After tapping into the support of our coaches, she put in the work. As a result, has dropped 26lbs, and 10.6% body fat.
But more than that, she feels confident to take pictures again and even supports others on their journey.
“That’s what Fit Body did for me. Now I can help others too.”
-Coach Bryce
PS looking for a change and need fitness, nutrition, and mindset support? Click HERE.
PS If you have a story you would like to inspire our family with; please click HERE.
Monday Mindset – “I was the loser, and then I became the winner.” 🏋️ 1024 540 Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset – “I was the loser, and then I became the winner.” 🏋️

“I was the loser, and then I became the winner”..
These are the words from our friend and client Russel Crabtree describing his incredible transformation at Fit Body Boot Camp. 🎉
Before this happened and looking back, he clocked in at 220+ lbs. and was in bad shape. 🙀
This was especially after a humbling visit with his family, and the moment he knew he needed a serious change.
He remembered hearing about Fit Body Boot Camp from a friend. So he looked us up and discovered the Fall Challenge was his entry point.
It was uncomfortable, it was hard, but he committed and put in the work. And as a result of his dedication and with our coaching support, he dropped 30lbs. 💪
This was the catalyst for his incredible transformation to follow which is the same thing we want for you..
So let me ask you, what are you waiting for?
-Coach Bryce
PS looking for a change and need fitness, nutrition, and mindset support? Click HERE.
PS If you have a story you would like to inspire our family with; please click HERE.
Monday Mindset – By any means necessary 🥇 150 150 Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset – By any means necessary 🥇

I hope you watched a good amount of the Tokyo Olympics over the last 2 weeks, as sadly they just finished.

There are so many lessons to unpack as the event is filled with inspiration, sacrifice, determination and the deep desire to win for self and country.

I am very grateful for all our American athletes who gave it their all. And yes, I am very proud to be an American! 🇺🇸

And while this is top of mind, I want to share with you a clip I saw that a mentor of mine posted on his social media on Friday. It wasn’t specifically of the Tokyo Olympics but inspired by it.  

The clip is of a Texas A&M College track meet in 2019 where Infinite Tucker “super manned” across the finish line to win the race!

I’ve watched this clip over a dozen times, in pure awe of this guy’s heart. His willingness & determination to scrape and claw for every inch. To literally bust his face by putting everything on the line for himself and team.

So, todays message is to play with this heart, with this scrappiness and with this WINNER’s mentality.  To literally do whatever it takes with your fitness and in life just like Infinite Tucker. 

As you only have 1 shot, so make it count by any means necessary. 🏋🏽

Let’s have a great week!

== > Super Man Finish

-Coach Bryce

PSS looking for a change and need fitness, nutrition, and mindset support?

Monday Mindset: Only 30 minutes of your time but will get you in the best shape of your life… 150 150 Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset: Only 30 minutes of your time but will get you in the best shape of your life…

“Only 30 minutes of your time but will get you in the best shape of your life. It’s way more than a workout, it’s a way of life.”
Those are the words of Corey & Joy, who have been coming to boot camp since 2015.
But it wasn’t always this way…
Starting was very difficult as Joy elaborates in their story below.
“I never liked working out, but when I looked at my pictures, I knew it was time for a change.”
With 4 grandkids (4 boys in fact), they knew they needed more energy to keep up with them.
And having lost weight, body fat percentage, and all their bloodwork numbers down, they see a big difference in their lives. This is why keep coming back and putting in the work daily.
Congrats Corey and Joy, we are all very proud of all your hard work and the inspiration you provide others!!
-Coach Bryce