Posts By :

Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset – The power of teamwork and training 150 150 Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset – The power of teamwork and training

I just read the book “5 dysfunctions of a team” by leadership experience Robert Lencioni. 

So, I wanted to share this quote which was very profound to me.. 👇

“If you can get all the people in any organization to be rowing in the same direction.. You can dominate any industry, any market, any competition, at any time. This is the power of teamwork!” – Robert Lencioni

Why was it so profound? 🤔

About 5 years ago, while I was doing many things right..

After a very tough and eye-opening experience, I realized very clearly that I needed to become a much better leader for you and my team, so began my intentional pursuit.

In fact, I realize realized 2 truths: 

  1. I was an ineffective leader and in some ways did not always lead by example (Morale Authority). 😮
  2. We, humans, are a very tribal species and evolved to become the Apex predators on the planet, not only because of our intelligence but by our ability to work together. And teamwork and leadership are a requirement in this pursuit..

Maybe a simple concept, but big ah-hah for me at the time. 😱

So, when I deeply saw the value and the need, I began to devote myself to bettering my leadership skills for the betterment of you and our team.

That’s when my leadership journey truly began and why I am so passionate to help guide you too. 💯

This is also why we will be closing operations this Saturday, Feb 5, to lead a Fit Body brand-wide team training for our coaches and to provide more support and training to our team. 🙌

This way, we can pour more coaching, accountability, and results at a higher level to benefit you!!

Let’s make it an INCREDIBLE WEEK!

-Coach Bryce

PS Need help with your fitness and fat loss? I can help. Click HERE.

Dysfunction #2: Fear of Conflict 150 150 Bryce Henson

Dysfunction #2: Fear of Conflict

Last week we learned that only with strong team trust, can we engage in healthy conflict.

And why again is healthy conflict a good thing?

People have good ideas and bad ideas. 

That’s the truth and I certainly have both too!

So healthy conflict is a must as it allows any organization to vet out ideas where through discussion via “pressure testing”, the good ones rise to the top and the bad ones disappear.

And that’s a very good thing in any company.

Now, what happens if there’s a fear of healthy conflict?


Well, a lack of commitment to any decided initiative is the result which is the next dysfunction that will be addressed today as we work ourselves up the chain.

Let me give you an example:

Have you ever been part of a meeting or team where you didn’t feel your voice heard? Rather, the leader of the group just barked out orders…

Then a team decision is made, but guess what?

You didn’t really feel bought into the decision and therefore were not totally committed to taking massive action to accomplish the game plan.

You have been there before, right?

I have.

Well, here’s the good news.

As humans, we can actually accept and get behind ideas with full commitment even if it’s not our original desire.

What’s the caveat?

You must feel heard, even if the decision doesn’t go your way. 

As long as you feel heard, and even if your idea didn’t get the vote, you will still be able to commit to the direction since we have an internal pull towards “fairness”.

Meaning, if you were outvoted, internally you will be more accepting of the decision given its “fair”.

But the opposite is also true.

If you don’t fully feel heard, and the decision isn’t your desire, you will feel resistant and not fully commit to the initiative which has further consequences which we will discuss next week. How does this all tie together?

If you have trust, then you have a healthy approach to conflict where your team feels heard, and ultimately you will have team commitment, no matter the ultimate decision

If you doubt the truth to this, you are invited to jump on the next CAP L10…

Every L10, we “battle it out” on aligning systems and processes within the Fit Body Way. Candidly, most times not everyone initially agrees with the decision since there’s seemingly always a divided vote.

But guess what?

Each guy on the team feels they can throw their weight around and “get their opinion heard”. Each of us has a strong personality and a deep trust that Barrett has cultivated from his team…

So even if it’s not the direction we end up going for that specific teammate, we all get behind the decision as we feel empowered to let our opinions known, and onward we move!

That’s the type of healthy conflict and commitment we need to grow our location’s income through impact!

Is this making sense?


Monday Mindset – The Rope or the Door? 150 150 Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset – The Rope or the Door?

I received this message/story last week from my business partner and founder of Fit Body Bedros Keuilian. It really resonated so wanted to share with you as I know you will get value..

A criminal was caught committing a crime and was brought before the king for sentencing. 

The king told him to choose between two punishments: 

  1. Hanging by rope OR 
  2. Taking whatever was behind an ominous, mysterious ironclad door 

Without hesitation, the criminal chose the rope. 

The king, not shocked, mumbled “everybody chooses the rope” while he ordered to have a noose put around the criminal’s neck. 

Seeing the king’s reaction, the criminal asked: 

“So… out of curiosity, what’s behind the door?” 

The king paused then said: 

“Freedom — but everybody is so fearful of the unknown that they immediately choose the rope.” 


Fear of the unknown is self-imprisonment. 

So many people are afraid of failing or having their ego or reputation hurt that they don’t play big enough to really win in life. 

Most do enough to just get buy leaving so much more on the table. 

The good news is, like many emotions, I do believe fear has its place… 


You just need a strategy to face it, so it doesn’t completely overwhelm you. 

If it does, you’re paralyzed…  

And you’ll most certainly “choose the rope”.  

When I’m facing the fear of a limiting belief, big lift, or business risk, here’s how I prevent the overwhelm: 

I breathe to create space between me and my fear.  

Just a sliver of space — a moment of detachment — and, in that space..

I bring awareness to the gift (yes, I said gift) that this fear is presenting to me, such as: 

  • Increased brainpower to focus.
  • Increased motivation to move.
  • Increased opportunity to grow.

And then comes the hard part: 

I barrel towards the fear. 

For you, it could be working out, tracking your food, public speaking, leadership, learning a new skill, starting a difficult conversation you’ve been putting off, ending a relationship —  

Whatever it is, remember that fear doesn’t have to confine you… 

It can be the thing that frees you and brings even more fulfillment to your life. 

Love and respect, 

-Coach Bryce

PS Need help with your fitness and fat loss? I can help. Click HERE.

Dysfunction #1: Trust 150 150 Bryce Henson

Dysfunction #1: Trust

Trust is the foundation to a strong team at the first dysfunction of a team. It affects everything up the chain in any company, ending with results. 

Without trust, you are without results.

Why is this?

Without trust, your team will not be willing to engage in a healthy conflict which is dysfunction #2 that we will discuss next week.

As you must trust your teammates to be able to share your candid insights which sometimes will conflict with others on your team. 

And that healthy conflict is a good thing.

Without trust, human nature will not engage in sharing true insights for fear of retribution as this is all tied to your ability to promote trust with your peers as a leader!

I’ll use a metaphor and tie this to free speech and why it’s so important in any society.

With free speech, the good ideas of any society eventually rise to the surface, and consequently, the bad ideas eventually die as more people engage.

The opposite is also true. 

Want an example?

Think dictatorships without free speech and idea-sharing. This leads to silence due to fear of conflict and punishment.. 

Ultimately, this is the demise of any civilization and incredible oppression soon follows. History is riddled with examples. 

On the contrary…

The idea of free speech, idea sharing, and consequently healthy conflict is absolutely necessary. 

As when you have healthy conflict, which is a form of free speech, the best ideas eventually rise to the surface and bad ideas die, even though the conflict at the moment is uncomfortable.

Tying this back to your leadership…

As a leader and lesson today, you must create a culture of trust so that if you/your team speak your mind and even though there might be friction, it’s valued and there’s an understanding it’s healthy.

Want to build more trust?

Below is an exercise with our leadership team together last week at our EOS Annual. 

I would highly encourage each department lead to set up an additional 90-minute meeting with your team to go through this exercise with the sole focus of building trust. 


  1. Best childhood memory?
  2. What was your biggest hardship/challenge?
  3. What would you tell your 20-year-old self?
  4. How/why did you enter this career?
  5. How do you decompress?
  6. You’re Unique?


  1. What’s the 1 thing that I admire most about you?
  2. What’s the 1 thing you need to start/stop doing because it’s hurting you more than helping you is?!..

PS if you disagree with me as your CEO, that’s totally ok and could be a good thing. In fact, you will at some point which is inevitable. As I will to you, just be respectful and know that your idea might not be acted upon due to a variety of factors. But also know that your ideas are valued, they will be considered and you should always feel empowered to speak your mind in our company. Onward!

Monday Mindset – 2022 is your year! 150 150 Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset – 2022 is your year!

Happy Monday and MLK Day!


I cannot believe we are already a couple weeks into 2022.


You haven’t forgotten about your big goals this year, have you?

I think not!

Here at Fit Body, our coaching team loves you too much to do that.

As such, we put together a little message of gratitude and excitement towards the new year.

Thank you for trusting us with your fitness.

We are here for you, lean on us.

2022 is going to be your best year yet as we change the global conversation from a focus on sickness to health!

We will do it together!

Click below!

Yorba Linda:

Mission Viejo:

-Coach Bryce 

PS Need help with your fitness and fat loss? I can help. Click HERE.

The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team 150 150 Bryce Henson

The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team

“If you can get all the people in any organization to be rowing in the same direction.. You can dominate any industry, any market, any competition, at any time. This is the power of teamwork!” – Robert Lencioni

Our leadership team is at our EOS annual and will be back at HQ tomorrow. It’s always incredibly productive to gain more clarity on our path ahead via our commitment to the EOS system. This process has been business changing for us..

We will be debriefing you and the team shortly on the plan of attack.

In preparation, we were asked to re-read “The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team’’ by Patrick M. Lencioni who is a talented leadership expert. 

I have listed each of them below for you to review..

Each of the dysfunctions naturally come up in any team dynamic given human nature. So as a leader, you shouldnt be surprised when they reveal themselves. 

However, strong leadership is aware of each of the dysfunctions and works to overcome them through intentionality and strong leadership strategy. 

Over the next 5 weeks my lessons will be around how these issues present themselves and how to overcome them. Get ready!

  • Lack of Trust 
  • Fear of Conflict 
  • Lack of Commitment 
  • Avoidance of Accountability
  • Not attentive to Results 


Monday Mindset – The Chinese Bamboo Tree. 150 150 Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset – The Chinese Bamboo Tree.

Happy Monday!
You know what that means?
Time to get that mind right as we kick off a new week!
This coaching story comes from one of the greatest speakers of all time, Mr. Les Brown- you can read through below and then be sure to watch this video to see the man in action. 
It was sent by my good friend Tom and thought would get value so passing it along..
The Chinese bamboo tree:
In the far east, they have Chinese bamboo trees.
The Chinese bamboo tree takes 5 years to grow.
It requires that someone waters and fertilizes the ground every single day.
The crazy part is that the bamboo doesn’t break through the ground until the 5th year.
But once it breaks through the ground, within 5 weeks it grows 90 feet tall.
Now the question is does it grow 90 feet tall in five weeks, or five years?
Some may say 5 weeks, some may say 5 years, but the answer is…
It grows 90 feet tall in 5 years.
Because at any time, if the watering and nurturing and fertilizing stopped, that bamboo tree would’ve died in the ground.
So, the question is..
How long have you been working on your dream?
  • Are you tending to your soil, and doing the daily work required to have the big breakthrough?
  • How many times have slowed down or wanted to give up because you didn’t see results?
  • But- what if- tomorrow, next week, next month, or this year is the time when you see the big breakthrough?
What if it’s just one more decision away.
Because we know that things never happen as quickly as we want them to happen.
But.. If we keep tending to our soil, when that breakthrough comes, watch out, because there is no turning back!
Be like bamboo, take your time, tend your soil, and then grow like crazy!
Much love and gratitude for you in the new year.
-Coach Bryce
PS Need help with your fitness and fat loss? I can help. Click HERE.
Monday Mindset – 15 years ago… 684 313 Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset – 15 years ago…

I hope you are excited for the New Year! 🎆🎇


I certainly am.


Ahh, the possibility..


And as I look at the date. 15 years ago, to the day is when I started my own fitness transformation journey. 


I still look at this picture in disbelief. 😮

As never in a million years would I think that it would be the 1st step to..


  • Shredding 15lbs of fat and replacing it with muscle
  • Becoming the top performing salesperson in my former company (2008)
  • Becoming a NASM personal training and fitness coach
  • Moving continents, becoming bilingual and meeting my beautiful bride
  • Starting a fitness business to change other people’s lives
  • Scaling to 4 locations to change more people’s lives
  • Becoming the VP and now CEO of Fit Body Boot Camp, the fasting growing boot camp franchise in the world


Yes, those are all the highlights. 


And trust me when I say there have been many, many low lights from the journey. 

But I do know 100% for certain..


Nothing and I mean nothing of this would have happened without my pursuit of fitness. 

As there’s nothing special about me.

It’s what fitness gave and continues to give me being the foundation of my life. 


The energy, mental clarity, enthusiasm, and confidence just to name a few. Much more than the physique which was my only initial goal. 


Health and fitness can open your world as it did for me. 💯


And I want that for you.

But here is the catch.. 


You are not promised another year.


Don’t be deceived as you are only promised today.

So let today be it.

Happy New Year and let’s go 2022. 🙌

The time is now!! ⏰


-Coach Bryce


PS Need help with your fitness and fat loss? I can help. Click HERE. 👈

Monday Mindset – Operation Christmas Child Thank You.. 150 150 Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset – Operation Christmas Child Thank You..

Happy Monday and I trust you had a very Merry Christmas.

I spent my first one in Michigan with my American family since 2007.  It was an incredible time and reminded me of fond memories of my childhood.

It was also fulfilling to have Tatiana view the way we celebrate for her first time. 

Full disclosure, there was a little family drama with a few cousins. More on that later as I will share a big lesson for you in the following weeks.

Nothing is perfect. But all in all,… a very big win!  

And whether you are religious or not..

Christmas for me has turned into a celebration of family, loving, and giving.

Especially that’s my focus for you..

And speaking of giving, we were thanked by the President and Team of Operation Christmas Child for your generosity. Because of your willingness to give during our drive, many children’s Christmas’s were a lot brighter.

Love appreciation and sending good vibes to finish the last week of the year with strong momentum into 2022!

Fit Body Family!

Millions of Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts were dropped off during National Collection Week at over 4,000 locations across the U.S. Thank you for your generosity.

Wishing you and your family a happy and healthy holiday season! – Franklin Graham

== >> Operation Christmas Child Thank You

-Coach Bryce 

PS The holidays are not an excuse to skip out on your health. Need help with your fitness and fat loss? Click HERE.

Monday Mindset – 5 lessons for you.. 👇 150 150 Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset – 5 lessons for you.. 👇

Happy Monday! 

I just arrived back in California yesterday after a 9-day trip to visit Tatiana’s family. More of a “work remotely” experience for me. But I enjoyed the trip and took a break from the routine. 💻 

We both were very grateful for the family time.

And being Tatiana grew up on the other side of the world, it’s always a unique experience visiting where she spent her childhood. One with an incredible perspective.

It also always makes me a better leader & person for you and my team. As such, here are 5 lessons, I was reminded of and believe will be valuable for you. 📝 

  1. Learn the basics of the Metric scale. We Americans are truly unique. And while I love to measure in Fahrenheit and LBS just like you. The world doesn’t. You don’t have to be an expert with precision but having a basic understanding will greatly help you in your travels. And at the gym when you are abroad lifting in Kilograms 😉
  2. Traveling is not an excuse for skipping on your health. Admittedly, when on the road it’s much harder to work out and eat clean. Yes, you should prepare for some wiggle room. But no need to go off the rails. Indulge a little, but still commit to 2-3x workouts per week and keep most of your nutrition healthy. A mark of 70% of your normal clean living should be the target. 
  3. Be a traveler and not a tourist. Or at the very least be both. I learned this from the late Anthony Bourdain. Admittedly, I only go to Hollywood sign, Venice Beach, and Santa Monica Pier when a family from out of town comes in. Nothing wrong with seeing those sights. But that’s not what I do for fun, my daily routine, or how average California lives. 👊  Therefore, when you travel, yes go see some “tourists’ sights”. But also keep deep into the culture and see how people really live. You will be blessed with many perspectives and gain more value.  
  4. There’s beauty in the struggle. While traveling has some amazing and life-changing attributes. It’s also very hard and uncomfortable. Just like working out. Embrace the suck and know there’s beauty in the struggle. The struggle of traveling is the price you must pay to enrich your life. The outcome is your focus.
  5. Make good on your promises. In early 2012 and with my broken Portuguese at the time.. I promised Tatiana’s mom and family I would bring her back every December as I swept her to the US. Make good on your promises and remember that spending time with family is important. This is especially true during the holidays. You know that but always a great reminder.
  6. Bonus (exceeding expectations): The more you travel, the more you realize you don’t know. That’s a good analogy for life. Travel (and fitness) both give you incredible confidence, but also humble you at the same time. I love both for this reason and want to inspire you to do the same.

Wishing you and your family a happy and healthy holiday season! 🎉 

-Coach Bryce

PS The holidays are not an excuse to skip out on your health. Need help with your fitness and fat loss? Click HERE.