
Leadership and Business Growth

Leadership Lesson: Good 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: Good

Being a leader means leading oneself first and foremost. It takes a tough and stoic mindset.

Below is one of my favorite pieces of leadership advice from 1 of the world’s greatest leaders in Jocko Willink, retired Navy Seal and author of “Extreme Ownership”.

Jocko Willink “GOOD” (Official)

“When things are going bad, don’t get bummed out, don’t get startled, don’t get frustrated.

If you can say the word “Good”. 

Guess what?

It means you’re still alive.

It means you’re still breathing.

And if you’re still breathing.

Well then hell, you got some fight left in you.

So get up. 

Dust off. 




And go out on the ATTACK.” 

– Jocko

Leadership Lesson: 5 Ways to Develop Leadership, Culture and Morale 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: 5 Ways to Develop Leadership, Culture and Morale

The 5th and final lesson of the series to Develop Leadership, Culture and Morale is below..

Communicate Clearly and Consistently

Clear and consistent communication is the ally of any great leader. Here are a few examples you can implement in your leadership. 

  • Send a weekly mindset email
  • Create a regular schedule of meetings
  • Create a regular scheduled weekly mindset/leadership live on social media
  • Build a consistent routine so your team and clients know when to expect you. 

These acts of rigorous consistency and communication will energize your team, build a strong culture, and create the incredible success you deserve.

Leadership Lesson: 5 Ways to Develop Leadership, Culture and Morale 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: 5 Ways to Develop Leadership, Culture and Morale

The 4th lesson to Develop Leadership, Culture and Morale is below which will compound over the coming weeks.

Create a Culture of Feedback

This is absolutely critical to your building your leadership, morale, and culture. 

Don’t know where to start? 

Ask your team to listen to “Giving and Receiving Feedback Part 1 & 2” of the Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast which is included below. 

Collectively reflect on the episodes together which will provide the foundation to establishing a feedback culture which exposes weaknesses, and builds off strengths.

➡️Giving and Receiving Feedback, Part 1 – Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast

➡️Giving and Receiving Feedback, Part 2 – Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast

Leadership Lesson: 5 Ways to Develop Leadership, Culture and Morale 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: 5 Ways to Develop Leadership, Culture and Morale

The 3rd lesson to Develop Leadership, Culture, and Morale is below which will compound over the coming weeks.

Invest in Relationships

Build strong relationships with your team and clients. Invest in & attend leadership training. Schedule monthly hang outs. Show more face time to your team whenever possible. Take your coaches’ boot camp sessions regularly. 

This builds bonds with your team, franchise partners, and clients.  Praise them often and really show them that you care through authentic recognition. 

We are in the people business first and foremost. The stronger your relationships equal the strong your culture, morale and business.

Leadership Lesson: 5 Ways to Develop Leadership, Culture and Morale 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: 5 Ways to Develop Leadership, Culture and Morale

The 2nd lesson to Develop Leadership, Culture and Morale is below which will compound over the coming weeks.

Build Your Belief

Yes, the passion bug strikes every so often. But the most passionate and successful leaders are very intentional and continually build their belief about leadership, fitness, nutrition and mindset. Just like a lawyer litigating his case in trial by diving into content & research. 

As the bigger belief you build around your vision & offering.. The more followers you will attract and consequently the more your business will grow and lives you will change!

Todays call to action?

Intentionally surround yourself with other passionate people. Do this by habitually enrolling in live workshops & trainings, listen to inspirational podcasts, and proactively network with other positive people in our industry.

When you do, watch your leadership belief explode.

Leadership Lesson: 5 Ways to Develop Leadership, Culture and Morale 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: 5 Ways to Develop Leadership, Culture and Morale

I was reviewing some of my notes and stumbled upon some content I taught to our Mastermind 2.0 group a few years ago around leadership, culture and team morale.

Being repetition is the mother of skill and an indicator of strong leadership, I wanted to share 5 of these takeaways over the coming weeks

The content is different but resembles the 5 C of Leadership framework we learned a few months ago and also starts with clarity.

The first lesson is below and I am excited to check in over the next 4 weeks with the complete lesson on how to Develop your Leadership, Culture and Team Morale in any organization!

Get Clear

Clarity is a super power. Can you imagine taking a trip without the specific address of your destination? It’s laughable but happens every day in business. 

Get clear about your WHY. Better yet, define your mission, vision and values. Yes, this can be scary as it will polarize you. 

It will repel the people who are not aligned with you; but more importantly will attract the team and clients who have a burning desire to build your vision.

Leadership Lesson: The Solution 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: The Solution

When I have a bad day..

When I have to deal with the litany of outside forces creating friction on the path ahead.. 

When I get frustrated I have to deal with problems that are not my doing.. 

When I feel like the world is crashing down..

I then take a deep breath and realize a leader not only provides the solution but a leader IS THE SOLUTION.

As without the problem, there’s no need for the solution or for my existence on the team. 

That’s the value of a leader.

So next time you get frustrated with all the “problems” (aka opportunities) in business and life..

My message for you is this: (which is the same advice I give myself)

Suck it up cupcake and realize as a leader in our company, YOU ARE THE SOLUTION which is where your value resides!

And when you do that; your leadership, fulfillment and income will grow.

Leadership Lesson: If you want to be liked… 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: If you want to be liked…

“If you want to make everyone happy, Don’t be a leader. Sell ice cream!” Steve Jobs.

This is the tough truth about leadership.

Most times when you help people, people don’t like it. 

At least, at first. 

But like a parent, your job as a leader is to do what’s best for your followers..

Not what they “like/want” at the moment.

Rather, what’s best for them long term. 

That means you have to make tough decisions and have tough conversations for their future best interest.

Even if it means a short time, they don’t like it or you.

Get used to it as this is the job of a leader.

Leadership Lesson: Who is it about? 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: Who is it about?

As a leader..

It’s definitely not about you!

It never has been.

It never will be.

When you accept this truth..

Your leadership will explode.

Leadership Lesson: Winning 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: Winning

Winning needs to be your #1 focus as the desired outcome as a leader. 

In fact, you have a duty, obligation and responsibility to your team and clients to keep this as your north star. 

Although 2 things can also be true.

The 2nd is that you also must realize that no leader can do it alone.

That would impossible have this expectation of yourself.

So putting this into true perspective when you break it down… 

The real job of a leader is to put your team in a position to win.

This includes casting the vision.

Creating alignment.

Ensuring your people are highly trained.

Once that is accomplished..

Then you must ensure to provide the needed space for your team to execute the vision.

This increases the probability for the desired win which is your #1 focus!