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Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset – A Warrior in a Garden đŸ€ș 150 150 Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset – A Warrior in a Garden đŸ€ș

Happy Mindset Monday!

I had a different message lined up today. But with attacks by Russia against Ukraine taking the main stage on the globe, I wanted to share some ideally inspirational thoughts through the tragedy. đŸ‡·đŸ‡șđŸ‡ș🇩

 I would imagine just like me, you have a hard time watching this play out especially as it pertains to possible world implications…😱

Violence is always horrible and especially with unprovoked attacks on innocent lives. ⚔

And while I do strongly believe peace should always be the focus, unfortunately, we can live in a violent world.

 The reality is that sometimes people or things will come intentionally to harm you, unprovoked.

That’s a tough truth that is riddled throughout human history. 💯

This top of mind, I heard this analogy many years ago, and really that really resonated so wanted to share:

“You would much rather be a warrior in a garden, than a gardener in a war.”

What this means to me is that you should have peace as your default and desired mantra.  However, you should prepare yourself like a warrior in case violence comes knocking at your door, just like we are seeing in Ukraine.

In other words, possess a “peace through strength” mindset.

The secret? đŸ€«

Preparation. ✅

Preparation is everything just like most things in your life, including your health & fitness.

Unfortunately, though, most people take the “wait and see approach”, then when sickness hits, they are unprepared and not strong enough to thrive, let alone survive. 

We saw this with COVID as the most severely impacted people, aside from the elderly, were the obese.

Sadly, they were unprepared when a war (virus) attacked unprovoked.

As time passes and emotions fade, we will undoubtedly reflect and learn about these experiences with much greater clarity.

But my message today is to train yourself to be a proverbial warrior.

Get and stay fit. Workout at least 3 times a week. Train hard. Hydrate. Eat foods that will nourish you. Prepare your body, mind, and soul for the battlefield of life as your life depended on it. 

Truth be told, it doe

If you are reading this message, I trust you are not the type of person who is proactively looking for trouble

However, when sickness, a virus, another pandemic, or heaven forbid an outside attack on our country comes to your door unprovoked, you better be ready.

After all..

 “You would much rather be a warrior in a garden, than a gardener in a war.”

 Much love & respect and let’s pray for peace. 🙏

-Coach Bryce

PS Need help with your fitness and fat loss? I can help. Click HERE.

7 Steps to a Crucial Conversation 150 150 Bryce Henson

7 Steps to a Crucial Conversation

We hired an HR and leadership consultant Anne Laguzza to speak to our Fit Body Elite Mastermind group a few weeks ago. There were many take-aways but her talk on “Crucial Conversations” was especially valuable. 

What are Crucial Conversations you might ask?

There are tough conversations you don’t want to have. But ones that are needed in order to resolve any situation needing adjusting so the team can win.

Unfortunately and whether we like it or not, these are realities in business and in life. 

In fact, the stronger the leader, the more willing they are to lean into crucial conversations which is a big leadership lesson for today. To add more value, here are the 7 steps for you to implement in your next crucial conversation so you have a framework as your guide. 

  1. Embrace. Yes, embrace the suck. Reminder, these crucial conversations are not comfortable but important. Reframe these in your mind as an opportunity for you both to get better.
  2. Don’t Procrastinate. There’s a balance between letting emotion die down and being close enough to the incident as there’s value. Be conscious of this and lean in as soon as possible. 
  3. Clarify Intention. Be clear in your intention for the conversation. Approach with facts, remove emotion and be objective. 
  4. Preparation. Gather information. Data is mission critical to a productive crucial conversation. 
  5. Active Listening. Be Present. What do they feel? Is there anything else I need to know?
  6. Come to a Resolution. Reach agreement. Summarize understanding and then detail out pending action steps.
  7. Follow up. As part of your pending action steps above, set a meeting time to follow up before you end the meeting. Then do it as the fortune is in the follow-up! Check-in with the teammate. Put any non-sensitive information in writing as a follow-up. Anything sensitive can be discussed at your follow up meeting instead of through email.
Monday Mindset – People are hard to hate close up.. 150 150 Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset – People are hard to hate close up..

Happy Mindset Monday!

Last week I was interviewing my friend Drew Manning on a podcast who is a world renown-celebrity trainer and an overall great person. đŸŽ™ïž

During the conversation, he told me of a story where he criticized someone in his early days just upon entering the fitness industry. 

Although at the time, he admittedly didn’t know them well due to a perceived belief that he thought was true.

But a few years later he was able to get know to the person at a much closer level, and as it turns out his perception was completely wrong. ❌

But it wasn’t until he read best-selling author BrenĂ© Brown’s work below that included this quote that gave him the true learning lesson. 👇

“People are hard to hate close up. Move in. Speak truth to bullsh**. Be civil. Hold hands. With strangers. Strong back. Soft front. Wild heart.” – BrenĂ© Brown, Braving the Wilderness.

Upon reading these words “people are hard to hate close up”, he was immediately reminded of this experience which stopped him dead in his tracks.

As he realized he criticized without understanding the big picture. đŸ€”

Hearing this story, was a light bulb moment for me too. 💡

We humans are very quick to jump to conclusions and make assumptions on very little data. Especially when it comes to people we don’t know well and/or “something we heard through the grapevine.”

I know I’ve been guilty of this, and my guess is you have been too… 👊

So, this lesson and quote is a good reminder to take a step back, get curious, and gain some perspective. 

People are hard to hate up close because most people are genuinely good. Many times, it’s our false perceptions or far-out perspective that alters our view.

So, my message for you today is that you can apply with your family, friends, colleagues, coworkers

Be curious. Don’t be quick to jump to conclusions. There’s usually more to the story than meets the eye. 

Rather learn, build a closer relationship and seek to understand. Many times, you will be surprised by the goodness of humanity and the false beliefs you once had. 💯

That will help you in your relationships, perspective, and life.

Much love & respect. 

Let’s make it a great week!

-Coach Bryce

PS Need help with your fitness and fat loss? I can help. Click HERE.

Dysfunction #5: Inattention to Results 150 150 Bryce Henson

Dysfunction #5: Inattention to Results

Today we go through the grand finale which ties together our previous 4 leadership lessons..

The 5th dysfunction, inattention to results, is the ultimate dysfunction of a team and refers to the tendency of team members to care about something other than the collective goal or mission of the group.

As results need to be the ultimate focus on any strong team!

So to put a bow on these last 5 weeks of leadership learning..

We learned in our previous weeks that in order to lead any team..

Foundationally, you need trust which fosters healthy conflict, healthy conflict in turn fosters commitment, commitment fosters accountability, and accountability fosters results. 

These dysfunctions tie together as a domino effect and why teamwork and leadership are so challenging but mission-critical to any winning organization.

Please keep these in mind in all aspects of your professional and personal lives. 


Dysfunction #4: Lack of Accountability 150 150 Bryce Henson

Dysfunction #4: Lack of Accountability

We learned in our previous weeks that in order to lead any team, you need trust which fosters healthy conflict, healthy conflict in turn fosters commitment, and commitment fosters accountability

But what if you have a break in the chain of being able to hold each other accountable?!

Sady, this becomes insurmountable for any team.


Only with a strong level of accountability, can you produce results. 

In fact, as part of our EOS model in operating our business, every critical aspect of the business requires 1 person to “own the accountability.”

This is because if multiple people are accountable to any task or department, then no one is.

As accountability forces positive pressure to drive results.

And results are what every successful team needs in order to continue to operate which is the 5th dysfunction of a team

More next week!

Monday Mindset – Why Do You Train? đŸ’Ș 150 150 Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset – Why Do You Train? đŸ’Ș

This past week was incredible as we had dozens of locations from across North America come to Fit Body HQ in Chino Hills, CA for our Mastermind and Elite trainings which we host 3x per year.

Many of these owners, their leaders, and coaches have been in our organization for years and have been to multiple events like this before

So then why do we train again❓

Because it’s needed! 💯 

As humans, we constantly need inspiration, connectivity, and continuous education to improve. 

And this is like your health and fitness.

Yes, it’s very valuable you got in some hard full-body training sessions last week. You improved, you got leaner, stronger, and better!

But guess what? 😼

You still need to train your body and mind again this week.

This part continues if you want to lead a full and happy life.

 And the best part?

Our team and brand just got better for you! 🙌

So, get ready for some updates and enhancements to our fitness program in the coming weeks!

Love and respect, 

-Coach Bryce

PS Need help with your fitness and fat loss? I can help. Click HERE. 👈

Dysfunction #3: Lack of Commitment 150 150 Bryce Henson

Dysfunction #3: Lack of Commitment

Last week we learned that only with strong team trust, can we engage in true healthy conflict. And only when we are able to engage in a healthy conflict where teammates feel heard, can a team get true commitment or “buy-in” from its people.

Why is this important?

Because if there is a lack of commitment, this prevents any team from making decisions that the company can stick to for the long term.

And you know that long-term consistency is an ally to leadership and results.

So if a company cannot stick to long-term commitments, there’s a lack of accountability to the results which is another downfall of any organization.

This is what we will discuss next week.

Simple concept, yet extremely important and not easy, as many leaders miss this approach. 

So to recap…

In order to lead any team, you need trust which fosters healthy conflict, healthy conflict, in turn, fosters commitment, and commitment fosters accountability.

Is this beginning to make sense?

More to come next week on dysfunction number 4 which is the avoidance of accountability. 

Monday Mindset – The power of teamwork and training 150 150 Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset – The power of teamwork and training

I just read the book “5 dysfunctions of a team” by leadership experience Robert Lencioni. 

So, I wanted to share this quote which was very profound to me.. 👇

“If you can get all the people in any organization to be rowing in the same direction.. You can dominate any industry, any market, any competition, at any time. This is the power of teamwork!” – Robert Lencioni

Why was it so profound? đŸ€”

About 5 years ago, while I was doing many things right..

After a very tough and eye-opening experience, I realized very clearly that I needed to become a much better leader for you and my team, so began my intentional pursuit.

In fact, I realize realized 2 truths: 

  1. I was an ineffective leader and in some ways did not always lead by example (Morale Authority). 😼
  2. We, humans, are a very tribal species and evolved to become the Apex predators on the planet, not only because of our intelligence but by our ability to work together. And teamwork and leadership are a requirement in this pursuit..

Maybe a simple concept, but big ah-hah for me at the time. đŸ˜±

So, when I deeply saw the value and the need, I began to devote myself to bettering my leadership skills for the betterment of you and our team.

That’s when my leadership journey truly began and why I am so passionate to help guide you too. 💯

This is also why we will be closing operations this Saturday, Feb 5, to lead a Fit Body brand-wide team training for our coaches and to provide more support and training to our team. 🙌

This way, we can pour more coaching, accountability, and results at a higher level to benefit you!!

Let’s make it an INCREDIBLE WEEK!

-Coach Bryce

PS Need help with your fitness and fat loss? I can help. Click HERE.

Dysfunction #2: Fear of Conflict 150 150 Bryce Henson

Dysfunction #2: Fear of Conflict

Last week we learned that only with strong team trust, can we engage in healthy conflict.

And why again is healthy conflict a good thing?

People have good ideas and bad ideas. 

That’s the truth and I certainly have both too!

So healthy conflict is a must as it allows any organization to vet out ideas where through discussion via “pressure testing”, the good ones rise to the top and the bad ones disappear.

And that’s a very good thing in any company.

Now, what happens if there’s a fear of healthy conflict?


Well, a lack of commitment to any decided initiative is the result which is the next dysfunction that will be addressed today as we work ourselves up the chain.

Let me give you an example:

Have you ever been part of a meeting or team where you didn’t feel your voice heard? Rather, the leader of the group just barked out orders…

Then a team decision is made, but guess what?

You didn’t really feel bought into the decision and therefore were not totally committed to taking massive action to accomplish the game plan.

You have been there before, right?

I have.

Well, here’s the good news.

As humans, we can actually accept and get behind ideas with full commitment even if it’s not our original desire.

What’s the caveat?

You must feel heard, even if the decision doesn’t go your way. 

As long as you feel heard, and even if your idea didn’t get the vote, you will still be able to commit to the direction since we have an internal pull towards “fairness”.

Meaning, if you were outvoted, internally you will be more accepting of the decision given its “fair”.

But the opposite is also true.

If you don’t fully feel heard, and the decision isn’t your desire, you will feel resistant and not fully commit to the initiative which has further consequences which we will discuss next week. How does this all tie together?

If you have trust, then you have a healthy approach to conflict where your team feels heard, and ultimately you will have team commitment, no matter the ultimate decision

If you doubt the truth to this, you are invited to jump on the next CAP L10…

Every L10, we “battle it out” on aligning systems and processes within the Fit Body Way. Candidly, most times not everyone initially agrees with the decision since there’s seemingly always a divided vote.

But guess what?

Each guy on the team feels they can throw their weight around and “get their opinion heard”. Each of us has a strong personality and a deep trust that Barrett has cultivated from his team…

So even if it’s not the direction we end up going for that specific teammate, we all get behind the decision as we feel empowered to let our opinions known, and onward we move!

That’s the type of healthy conflict and commitment we need to grow our location’s income through impact!

Is this making sense?


Monday Mindset – The Rope or the Door? 150 150 Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset – The Rope or the Door?

I received this message/story last week from my business partner and founder of Fit Body Bedros Keuilian. It really resonated so wanted to share with you as I know you will get value..

A criminal was caught committing a crime and was brought before the king for sentencing. 

The king told him to choose between two punishments: 

  1. Hanging by rope OR 
  2. Taking whatever was behind an ominous, mysterious ironclad door 

Without hesitation, the criminal chose the rope. 

The king, not shocked, mumbled “everybody chooses the rope” while he ordered to have a noose put around the criminal’s neck. 

Seeing the king’s reaction, the criminal asked: 

 out of curiosity, what’s behind the door?” 

The king paused then said: 

“Freedom — but everybody is so fearful of the unknown that they immediately choose the rope.” 


Fear of the unknown is self-imprisonment. 

So many people are afraid of failing or having their ego or reputation hurt that they don’t play big enough to really win in life. 

Most do enough to just get buy leaving so much more on the table. 

The good news is, like many emotions, I do believe fear has its place


You just need a strategy to face it, so it doesn’t completely overwhelm you. 

If it does, you’re paralyzed

And you’ll most certainly “choose the rope”.  

When I’m facing the fear of a limiting belief, big lift, or business risk, here’s how I prevent the overwhelm: 

I breathe to create space between me and my fear.  

Just a sliver of space — a moment of detachment — and, in that space..

I bring awareness to the gift (yes, I said gift) that this fear is presenting to me, such as: 

  • Increased brainpower to focus.
  • Increased motivation to move.
  • Increased opportunity to grow.

And then comes the hard part: 

I barrel towards the fear. 

For you, it could be working out, tracking your food, public speaking, leadership, learning a new skill, starting a difficult conversation you’ve been putting off, ending a relationship —  

Whatever it is, remember that fear doesn’t have to confine you

It can be the thing that frees you and brings even more fulfillment to your life. 

Love and respect, 

-Coach Bryce

PS Need help with your fitness and fat loss? I can help. Click HERE.