
Monday Mindset

Monday Mindset – 4 action steps to help unite our community….. 1024 581 Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset – 4 action steps to help unite our community…..


My good friend and fellow VP of Fit Body Boot Camp Matt went on a rant yesterday about all the craziness that’s continues to happen in our country. 🇺🇸

As if you watch the main stream media, you will know what I am talking about as it seems as if 2021 is on an even rockier start than 2020.

And while he is frustrated, just as most of us are….

His message included 4 calls to action to help unite our community which I received value from and trust you will as well so wanted to share..

And remember, head up and keep moving forward by being the positive change you want to see in our world!! ♥️

Committed to your success,

-Coach Bryce

Our politicians and mainstream news media is absolutely disgusting.

On both sides…

They are not leaders, they are public servants who are supposed to do what is right by the American people.

I believe most have good intent when they run but many ultimately become cowards and will do anything necessary to protect their position and their power.

Our country is broken. PERIOD.

The calls for UNITY are a joke at this point.

Unity is NOT tearing apart and attacking the beliefs of other who do not agree with you.

Unity is NOT silencing voices that are in opposition of yours.

Unity is NOT condoning actions when it serves you and then condemning it when it serves you.

Here is my call for Unity in our local communities.

  1. Ensure your house is in order and you exemplify what you expect of others first.
  2. Help support those in need in your local community.
  3. Help support local business.
  4. Stand up for what’s right.

When we UNITE as a community and help thy neighbor that has a trickle affect and maybe it will reach DC.

Let’s stop attacking each other, let’s stop trying to be right at all costs, let’s be good humans.

We are not each others enemy although our public servants and news media would like to make us believe that.

I don’t care what your beliefs are…

I care whether you’re a good human. I care about your character.

I also believe if you break the law you should go to jail/prison. Period. That includes our public servants. Actions have consequences.

Rant over…

Please be an agent for positive change in your community.

P.S. This rant is about all politicians and news outlets. 

Monday Mindset – How to eat an elephant? (the secret to your 2021) 808 850 Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset – How to eat an elephant? (the secret to your 2021)


I hope you enjoyed the holidays and your New Year Celebration with your family/friends whatever it may have been as you deserve it! 🎉🎉

Now here we are, 2020 is gone, all our problems have ended and life is smooth sailing from here..

We can now kick back our feet, and let the good times roll with absolutely nothing to worry about…..


As much as I wish it were true, I am going to tell you something you already know, life is not that easy!

COVID and many of the other problems of 2020 are still here to be solved.💪

This is inclusive of the American obesity rate now closing in on 45% of the adults in our country which is the largest health crisis statistically by an enormity, that in my humble opinion the media should be spending most of its time on.

As obesity complicates every disease, adds incredible stress to nearly every existing health condition, and is the foundational health issue that is the catalyst to the kill rate of millions of Americans pre maturely every year via Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke, COVID, Diabetes, etc., that has actually gotten worse this past year…

That said, while that’s the tough news, the good news is that there is light being you have the ability to help the cause! 💡💡

The New Year is here which represents a new chapter. In fact, you are stronger than the year before. You realize that health and wellness is everything and 2021 is going to be YOUR YEAR to get/stay fit! 🎉🎉

So while you are all fired up, where do you even start?  Yes, it can be a little overwhelming (or a lot) to eat the proverbial elephant.

But just as the saying goes, you eat an elephant one bite at a time.

So my question to you which is also the secret to your 2021…

Is what can you do for the month of January that is just 1 bite that will get you closer to your 2021 dream health level and body? 🥕

  • Could it be just to drink 2 more glasses of water per day?
  • How about starting with 1 more boot camp session per week?
  • What about ONLY tracking your food for the month, so you get a baseline on how much you consume?
  • Or how about reducing your fast food consumption just 1 meal per week?
  • What if you drank just 1 protein shake with a scoop of greens every day?

While the new chapter is here and full of excitement, I know the challenge of setting a giant goal can feel overwhelming..

So I am here to remind you that even the tallest building in the world [the Burj Khalifa in Dubai], started construction by removing 1 payload of dirt to create the foundation.

So my call to action for you today is to set just 1 health/fitness goal just through the end of January as your foundation. Make it manageable so you can hit it with some effort & focus, and let’s stack a few wins, and the momentum of January will set up your 2021 for the best one yet!! 🔥

And remember, if you need any help with your fitness goals, please reply to the message as we are here to help!!

Committed to your success,

-Coach Bryce

Monday Mindset – To the New Year! 1000 594 Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset – To the New Year!


This will be the last Monday mindset of 2020 which I can barely believe.

On one hand it felt like 2020 has lasted centuries. And on the other, it’s nearly gone in a blink of an eye.

And know you can probably relate…

Although, one thing for sure is that there is a lot to reflect on which I will share some lessons learned in the coming weeks ahead.

But as we approach the end of the year and to keep today light, I wanted to wish you an INCREDIBLY Happy New Year and trust 2021 will be even better given the growth and challenges of 2020.

And as my mother Donna always says “What is hard to endure, is sweet to recall” which will certainly be the truth of 2020 as we look back in coming years as we have all grown immensely.

That said and something to be reminded of,  there’s no magical man-made line that starting this Thursday at midnight (Jan 1), things will magically improve.

It’s up to us to keep moving forward, one foot in front of the other. Always has been and always will be.

We are still in this together, to fight for our health. To fight for our wellness. To fight for fitness and to fight our freedom that we enjoy in this flawed, but beautiful country of ours.

Here’s to 2021! Onward.

Committed to your success,

-Coach Bryce

Monday Mindset – Another reason to take care of yourself… 150 150 Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset – Another reason to take care of yourself…


Happy Monday!

Today I hope to inspire you and provide some perspective.

Our Facility Leader Hailey and Coach Jenn from Yorba Linda shared this with me last week and was touched by the powerful message so wanted to pass along.

Please watch until the very end.  Click HERE!

And as the holidays approach, this serves a great reminder that it’s very important to take care of yourself. And not only just for you, but so can take care of the ones you love that mean the most.

Happy Holidays and wishing you and your family the best!

Committed to your success,

-Coach Bryce

Monday Mindset – 2020 Gratitude 🙏🏼♥️ 1024 768 Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset – 2020 Gratitude 🙏🏼♥️


Happy Monday!

Throughout all the adversity and challenge 2020 has and continues to bring….

Here we are, still in the fight making progress at our health & fitness which is the foundation for a happy and successful life. 💪

And with rising obesity rates in our country (43%), which is by far the #1 health threat & foundation for compounding disease to our citizens and taxing our healthcare system….

You still remained plugged in by putting your proverbial oxygen on mask first, so you can better serve your family, friends and community.🔥

So my message today is that of gratitude as we enter the Holiday Season. My team and I are incredibly grateful for YOU! ♥️

We are grateful that you invest in yourself, health & fitness every day.

We are grateful you continue to show up and push through the tough workouts 3+ times per week.

We are grateful you pick up that protein and greens shake, and put down that cheesecake (most times LOL).  🍰

We are grateful you have overcome so adversity this year.

We are grateful you trust us as your fitness coaches.

We are grateful you have been there to support us, as we have worked hard daily to support you.

This hasn’t been easy, but definitely worth it and wanted to send our big token of gratitude, love and appreciation! And rest assured our passion toward supporting you continues. 🙏🏼♥️

As such, below is a Holiday/Gratitude video my team created for you. As the goal is to thank you while sending love your way as we are on fire to support you, and serve our mission of Inspiring Fitness and Changing Lives Every Day!! 🔥

As we close out 2020, please enjoy the time with your families and continue to take care of yourself as YOU are the foundation to a happier life for your family, friends, co-workers and community. And get ready to ATTACK 2021!!

A 2020 Thank You & Happy Holidays Too | FBBC Yorba Linda, CA

A 2020 Thank You & Happy Holidays Too | FBBC Mission Viejo, CA

Committed to your success,

-Coach Bryce


Monday Mindset – How do you respond to your environment? 🥕🥚☕️ 574 547 Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset – How do you respond to your environment? 🥕🥚☕️


Happy Monday!

I hope you had an incredible weekend like I did. That in mind, it was extremely challenging, but one filled with bonding with our team. So I am very excited to share some big takeaways next week!

But for today, I received this message from my good friend Matt who is a Fit Body Boot Camp owner in Michigan and fellow Vice President of our franchise.

The message was so profound and timely that I received value and trust you will to..

“How do you respond to your environment?

This message is so important in our current climate.

Jon Gordon, one of my favorite authors and thought leaders says there are 3 types of people when it comes to responding to your environment (the rest is paraphrased from a speech he gave).

You have the carrot, the egg, and the coffee bean.

When you put a carrot into hot water it gets soft and it gets weakened.

When you put an egg into hot water it gets hardened.

When you put a coffee bean into hot water it transforms its environment into coffee.

So often we allow our environment to weaken us like the carrot.

So often we allow our environments to harden our hearts, make us angry, make us bitter, and make us resentful like the egg.

Instead, we want to be like the coffee bean. The coffee bean transforms the world from the inside out.

We transform from the power that is inside of us as that is where the power lies.

Your circumstances do not define you, you define your circumstances.

You define your circumstances by your belief, your faith, your optimism, your vision, your purpose, and by your love.

You have the ability to shape your world.

You have the ability to shape your future.

The power lies within you. Be like the coffee bean!”

Make it a great Monday and week!

Committed to your success,

-Coach Bryce

Monday Mindset – Giving Thanks 🙏🏼🙏🏾 1024 569 Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset – Giving Thanks 🙏🏼🙏🏾


Happy Monday!

I hope you and your families had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

By far, it is my favorite holiday and was great to take an intentional moment and show gratitude for all the blessings in my life, even though it was a little harder than previous years.

Yes, 2020 has been tough.

Yes, 2020 has been unfair.

Yes, 2020 has given us a lot to complain about.

But the reality is that if you are reading this message…

You have electricity and own a computer or a phone, which makes both you and I better off than a large number of people in this world.

So while 2020 has been a tuffy, this is a gentle reminder for us all, that we have a lot to be thankful for!

As such, I wanted to take this reminder and thank you for being part of our fitness family.

Thank you for trusting us as your fitness coaches.

Thank you for taking your health and fitness seriously despite the pandemic.

As this investment (exercising, eating nutrient dense foods, increasing hydration, etc.) proactively builds your immune system and is the best health care option.

And thank you for inspiring your family, friends, co-workers and children.. As they are watching, and your example shines the light for all!

In closing, please pay it forward and tell someone who has helped you how grateful you are as that will brighten both their and your day.

Make it a GREAT Monday and week!

Committed to your success,

-Coach Bryce

Monday Mindset – The root problem and your SOLUTION… 💪🔥 1024 768 Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset – The root problem and your SOLUTION… 💪🔥


Happy Monday and what a weekend! 💪🔥

Our CEO Bedros K, my brother Barrett and I led a 3 day workshop called “Fit Body Elite Training” where we poured into our leaders and coaches both locally and throughout our brand! As teams from California, Texas, and Oregon were in attendance which was absolutely incredible!

Saturday was by far my favorite which is coaches day as it’s always inspiring surrounding yourself with happy, positive, fit people who want to help others! ♥️

One of the teachings that we presented and topic of today’s message which was inspired by a friend Joey, from our Elite Training in Atlanta’s feedback earlier this year. It was that on building belief around our mission of Inspiring Fitness and Changing Lives Every Day. 🏋🏻‍♂️

So as a precursor I presented on the “the need” which in looking at the data from the CDC; sadly it’s not hard to uncover many scary facts. 🙀

As the truth is our country is in a SERIOUS HEALTH CRISIS!

And no, I am not talking about COVID….

Yes, COVID can be a nasty bug; especially dangerous for the elderly, and unfit….

However there is a root cause to this danger which is our OBESITY epidemic.

You see, OBESITY is the root issue of much of our disease in this country, which compounds the effects of COVID, and many other diseases inclusive of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer.

Sadly, these are all the leading causes of preventable, premature death and inclusive of COVID cases which unfortunately is not highlighted enough by our educators and media.

And if there are any doubts, check out some research below directly from the 2018 CDC report which paints a very scary but real problem for Americans.

CDC 2018 Stats on Obesity specific to American Adults

  • The prevalence of obesity was 42% as of 2018 (and will be closer to 50% when the 2019 data is released).
  • The prevalence of obesity increased from 30% to 42% from 2000-2018.
  • The prevalence of severe obesity increased from 4% to 9% from 2000-2018.
  • The estimated annual medical cost of obesity in the United States was $147 billion in 2018 US dollars; the medical cost for people who have obesity was $1,429 higher per year than those of normal weight.
  • 84 million U.S. adults consume fast food every day which is a leading factor in obesity.
  • Only 25% of young adults are too overweight to serve in our military which poses a national security threat.
  • Only 23 % of adults who met the Physical Activity Guidelines for both aerobic and muscle-strengthening activity which is another leading factor in obesity.
  • Getting enough physical activity could prevent:
    • 1 in 10 premature deaths
    • 1 in 8 breast cancer deaths
    • 1 in 15 heart disease deaths

So while alarming, the GOOD news is this…

There is a solution and YOU can be a part of it!!

And while its not easy, it is simple…

  1. Take proper care of yourself by way of working out at least 3 times per week (inclusive of intense cardio activity and strength training). 🏋🏻‍♂️
  2. Eat nutrient dense foods 🍏
  3. Drink a gallon of water daily 💧
  4. Sleep 7+ hours… 😴

If you and our community & country take this simple action plan, we would eliminate obesity and drastically reduce the effects of COVID and the countless other diseases listed above which obesity compounds.

So the silver lining is the CHOICE IS YOURS!! 🤲

And this is exactly why my team and I are SO PASSIONATE about our mission of Inspiring Fitness and Changing Lives Every Day and rest assured, we are here to support you in your journey every step of the way!! 🔥💪

Make it a GREAT Monday and week!

Committed to your success,

-Coach Bryce


Monday Mindset – Decide, Commit and Overcome. 🔥🎉 768 1024 Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset – Decide, Commit and Overcome. 🔥🎉

“Bryce, I hate to bother you with this, but we are in a very challenging bind so looking for some ideas…

Due to preexisting issues with the former owners, and then COVID hitting a week before we took the keys to Poway, our landlord just notified us that he is forcing us to move out of location by Thanksgiving. So we need to begin looking at real estate solutions ASAP and looking for some guidance on specifically what to look for…

Needless to say, Gina and I are a mix of incredibly frustrated and completely heartbroken given the situation.

But rest assured, we will do whatever it takes to make sure our clients and team are taken care of. We are invested in them and our team, we absolutely love Fit Body and want to continue changing lives in our community as this is our calling!!!”

This was the opening dialogue from a University coaching conversation with Justin, friend and former owner of Poway Fit Body a few months ago.

Now to lay down the brief backstory….

Justin and his life & business partner Gina (both US Veterans) had entered the Fit Body Brand during the first week of March, a whopping 1 week before shut downs happened. 😱

They didn’t have business ownership experience or good handle on the Fit Body model yet. And entered in the absolutely worst time in the history of the fitness industry! 🙀

But they did have PASSION and HEART towards serving others. ♥️🔥

Now in hindsight, I can tell you from experience that the average owner would have been out of business in 30 days walking into that complex situation. And definitely would have been done after the death notice from the landlord given the pre existing infrastructure problems. 😫

But NOT Justin/Gina..

They had made a decision, committed to it and were willing to do whatever it takes to overcome and serve their people. 🔥

And in a true form of serendipity, Tatiana and I had just come to the realization that due to my prior commitments at FBBC HQ and our 2 Orange County locations much closer to where we live that need continued focus…

That it was going to be in the best interest of our San Marcos clients & team to find owners who were passionate & present in order to best serve the community at the highest of levels. ♥️

In fact, being so impressed with them both, the thought had ran through my mind a couple months prior without the knowledge of their need.

And when the problem was addressed on the call, I already knew the solution given Justin and Gina’s incredibly strong performance, positive mindsets, as the vision was already presented to me..

So that call was the spark that led to a few month transition that would allow Justin & Gina to become the new owners of San Marcos Fit Body Boot Camp which just officially happened today, fresh off celebrating our clients 5 year anniversary on Saturday. 🎉

And while I have no crystal ball, I do know in my heart of hearts with their determination and passion towards serving, they will become two of the most successful owners in the FBBC brand in the coming years. 💪

Which all means the San Marcos clients, team and community are in store for some very bright days!! So while the last 5 years were great, the next 5 will be even better!!☀️☀️

So this all in mind, my message today if you can learn anything from Justin/Gina is this..

Make a decision. Commit to that decision. And as a result,  you will overcome any obstacle in your way! 🤲

Now to be clear…

Yes you will have bad days. 👎🏽

Unforeseen things will come up that take you off the mats and out of camp on occasion. 😫

Your nutrition is going to get derailed from time to time. 🎂🎂

You might even gain a few pounds now and again. 🤭

Life hits hard, and you might have to adjust your strategy or approach. That’s the harsh reality of being human.

But when you have the heart and passion to see your commits through with the mindset laid out above, the Universe will conspire to help you on your health and fitness journey. In addition to our Fit Body team of Fire Breathing Dragon Coaches!! 😉🔥🐉

And when you do….. YOU win, your co-workers win, and your family wins, as everyone gets the best version of YOU!!  💪

But you MUST Decide, Commit and Overcome..

Happy 5 year Anniversary San Marcos clients and team! And HUGE CONGRATS to Coach Justin and Gina, team and clients!!!! 🎉

And make it a great Monday and week! 🏋🏻‍♂️

Committed to your success,

-Coach Bryce

Monday Mindset – 8 years of gratitude 🙏🏼♥️ 745 547 Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset – 8 years of gratitude 🙏🏼♥️


Happy Monday!

This weekend was a BIG ONE!  🤲

And no I’m not referring to the Presidential Election…

Rather, our team celebrated our clients on Saturday to thank them & YOU for the 8 years of my family starting our first 1st Fit Body Boot Camp location in Yorba Linda.

So for those who might not have seen my Facebook post, I wanted to ensure you got the message of gratitude. 🙏🏼

As what a ride it’s been because without YOU, we have nothing and will never forget that.♥️

So whether you are in our Yorba Linda, Mission Viejo, or San Marcos locations, the feeling and message is the same.

THANK YOU for trusting us with your health and fitness as Tatiana, my team and I are so incredibly grateful for the last 8 years and many more to come!!

In the case you missed it, please read my FB post below. 

-Coach Bryce

PS your call to action is to send someone that you are grateful for a quick note to brighten up their day!!



8 years ago, Tatiana and I opened the doors to our boot camp in Yorba Linda on a very cold and dark morning. 🥶

We had a only 4 clients on a free trial, 2 of them are still with us til’ this day. And 1 was my sister Emma, there for sympathy support. ❤️

Tatiana Lassance had moved to California from Brasil 7 days prior, her English was rusty and if you can believe, was incredibly shy at the time. 🇧🇷 🙈

We had very poor lighting and no equipment as we invested nearly every single penny to our name, just getting the doors open. Just 4 walls and some mats. 🚪

We also had absolutely no idea what we were doing or what we were about to embark on. And being very honest & speaking for myself, I was full of excitement, but absolutely scared out of my mind! 🙀

But we had a deep passion for fitness being it completely changed our lives and had a dream to offer that to others. 🔥

Little did we know, it would be one of the most challenging journeys of our lives, but definitely one of the most rewarding. 🏋🏾

Fast forward 8 years, we have been blessed to meet and attract some of the most amazing clients, team and people who have become friends and family. What a stroke of incredible fortune we cannot begin to even fathom. 🙌

So today we celebrated you, our valued clients. As whether you have been to 1 session or with us for 8 years, without you we have no purpose, we have no mission. 🙏❤️

You are the reason we do what we do and for any success we have achieved. We will never forget that and sincerely hope we have positively impacted your life even if it’s small. 🎈

Now to our team, both past and present, they deserve the true praise and credit. ⭐️

They have been with us through the thick and thin, and yes there has been plenty of both. As they are the true heroes and the reason for the success. Tatiana and I stand on their shoulders and so grateful for their massive contribution to you, our clients. 🙏

Thank you to my mentor, business partner and dear friend Bedros Keuilian for the vision of creating this amazing organization. We are forever indebted. 🙌

And to my HQ team, CAP, and band of incredible owners and clients across the country and world. You inspire me every day. ⭐️

And a big thank you to my brother Barrett, sister Emma, and our parents for being our biggest supporters. Love you mom e te amo mamy e família Braisleiro. ❤️

And again Yorba Linda Fit family, thank you for an incredible 8 years and many more to come!!! We are so grateful for you all. 🙏

#8years #family #fitbody #changelives #inspirefitness  #toys4tots #grateful #thankyou #teamhenson #yorbalinda #teamfitbody #missionviejo #sanmarcos

Committed to your success,

-Coach Bryce