Posts By :

Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: 5 Ways to Develop Leadership, Culture and Morale 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: 5 Ways to Develop Leadership, Culture and Morale

The 2nd lesson to Develop Leadership, Culture and Morale is below which will compound over the coming weeks.

Build Your Belief

Yes, the passion bug strikes every so often. But the most passionate and successful leaders are very intentional and continually build their belief about leadership, fitness, nutrition and mindset. Just like a lawyer litigating his case in trial by diving into content & research. 

As the bigger belief you build around your vision & offering.. The more followers you will attract and consequently the more your business will grow and lives you will change!

Todays call to action?

Intentionally surround yourself with other passionate people. Do this by habitually enrolling in live workshops & trainings, listen to inspirational podcasts, and proactively network with other positive people in our industry.

When you do, watch your leadership belief explode.

MM: The more you sweat in battle, the less you bleed in war. 1024 683 Bryce Henson

MM: The more you sweat in battle, the less you bleed in war.

Happy Monday Mindset!

As we kick off our 6-week Drop 1 Size Fitness & Nutrition challenge today, I thought of you this past weekend.

As the below message was my keynote to over 50+ Franchise Partners, Leaders, and Coaches at our Elite Training which can very much apply to your fitness journey.

The more you sweat in battle, the less you bleed in war..

For some backstory..👇

My HQ team & I went out to Providence, Rhode Island to conduct our Fit Body Coaches Elite training so we could pour into our coaches (training in battle). So they can in turn level up their coaching and pour into our global Fit Body clients.

As the reality is that both fitness, business and life can be “war”. They can all be very challenging as it all comes at you fast.💨

And if you don’t sweat in battle (work on your fitness, nutrition and mindset)… 💦

When the real problems of life happen (sickness, disease, the next virus), you will be more prone to significant bleeding.

This is why we pour into our coaches who in turn pour into you!!

As our mission is truly to INSPIRE FITNESS & CHANGE LIVE EVERY DAY! More than a tagline, it’s our life’s work.

So next time you are feeling down, and have thoughts of throwing in the fitness towel…


The more you sweat in battle, the less you bleed in war.. 💪

And the best part?

We are here for you, so please reach out to us whenever you need. As we are always ready to go to battle together! 🙌

Make it a great Monday!

-Coach Bryce

PS Click HERE to lose 10lbs within 6 weeks guaranteed with our new Ultimate Transformation Program

Leadership Lesson: 5 Ways to Develop Leadership, Culture and Morale 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: 5 Ways to Develop Leadership, Culture and Morale

I was reviewing some of my notes and stumbled upon some content I taught to our Mastermind 2.0 group a few years ago around leadership, culture and team morale.

Being repetition is the mother of skill and an indicator of strong leadership, I wanted to share 5 of these takeaways over the coming weeks

The content is different but resembles the 5 C of Leadership framework we learned a few months ago and also starts with clarity.

The first lesson is below and I am excited to check in over the next 4 weeks with the complete lesson on how to Develop your Leadership, Culture and Team Morale in any organization!

Get Clear

Clarity is a super power. Can you imagine taking a trip without the specific address of your destination? It’s laughable but happens every day in business. 

Get clear about your WHY. Better yet, define your mission, vision and values. Yes, this can be scary as it will polarize you. 

It will repel the people who are not aligned with you; but more importantly will attract the team and clients who have a burning desire to build your vision.

[MM]: Give the world the best you’ve got anyway.. Trash 150 150 Bryce Henson

[MM]: Give the world the best you’ve got anyway.. Trash

Happy Monday Mindset!🙌

I recently read a poem by the late Mother Teresa and struck a chord so I wanted to share.👇

It’s entitled “Anyway” and has practical applications to your fitness and life.✨

I trust you will get value and recommend you share with a friend or family member in need for some positivity. 💥

People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered..Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives..Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies..Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you…Be honest and frank anyway.

What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight.. Build anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous..Be happy anyway.

The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow..Do good anyway.

Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough..Give the world the best you’ve got anyway.

~ Mother Teresa

Make it a great Monday!🫶

-Coach Bryce

PS Interested in joining our Drop 1 Size for Summer 6 week Challenge? It starts THIS coming Monday, April 24. And if you register NOW, you can train for FREE until challenge Launch! Click HERE!

Leadership Lesson: The Solution 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: The Solution

When I have a bad day..

When I have to deal with the litany of outside forces creating friction on the path ahead.. 

When I get frustrated I have to deal with problems that are not my doing.. 

When I feel like the world is crashing down..

I then take a deep breath and realize a leader not only provides the solution but a leader IS THE SOLUTION.

As without the problem, there’s no need for the solution or for my existence on the team. 

That’s the value of a leader.

So next time you get frustrated with all the “problems” (aka opportunities) in business and life..

My message for you is this: (which is the same advice I give myself)

Suck it up cupcake and realize as a leader in our company, YOU ARE THE SOLUTION which is where your value resides!

And when you do that; your leadership, fulfillment and income will grow.

[MM]: Pain & Passion = Purpose (My Video BackStory) 150 150 Bryce Henson

[MM]: Pain & Passion = Purpose (My Video BackStory)

Happy Monday Mindset!

I am coming to you today to inspire you with Tatiana and my story on opening Mission Viejo Fit Body!🙌

The journey is one of PAIN and PASSION that led to our PURPOSE!💥

Here is what I mean..👇

Pain = we were not fit in our younger days which was PAINFUL. This eventually led us to taking action to make a change in our fitness and life!💪

Passion = by going through our own fitness transformations, we were filled with PASSION to help others!✨

Purpose = by developing our passion of wanting to help others, this created a PURPOSE which was to open Mission Viejo Fit Body to help you and our community!🤲

This is our formula and click 👉 HERE to listen to our story.

We are both so grateful for you!🙏

Make it a great Monday!

-Coach Bryce

PSS Interested in joining our Drop 1 Size for Summer 6 week Challenge? It starts on Monday, April 24. And if you register NOW, you can train for FREE until challenge Launch! Click HERE!

Leadership Lesson: If you want to be liked… 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: If you want to be liked…

“If you want to make everyone happy, Don’t be a leader. Sell ice cream!” Steve Jobs.

This is the tough truth about leadership.

Most times when you help people, people don’t like it. 

At least, at first. 

But like a parent, your job as a leader is to do what’s best for your followers..

Not what they “like/want” at the moment.

Rather, what’s best for them long term. 

That means you have to make tough decisions and have tough conversations for their future best interest.

Even if it means a short time, they don’t like it or you.

Get used to it as this is the job of a leader.

(MM): “If physically fit, hungry to learn and be better..” 150 150 Bryce Henson

(MM): “If physically fit, hungry to learn and be better..”

Happy Monday Mindset!🙌

“If you’re twenty-two, physically fit, hungry to learn and be better, I urge you to travel – as far and as widely as possible. Sleep on floors if you have to. Find out how other people live and eat and cook. Learn from them — wherever you go.” – Anthony Bourdain

I read this quote by the late Anthony Bourdain when I was 20 and took it to heart. 19 years of consistent action against it changed my life.♥️


It opened my eyes to the value of your fitness which is your passport to the world.🌍

It opened my eyes to the value of your travel which is your passport to perspective.👀

This is also what I want for you and my message for you today!

Looking back at the last 7 days..

My brother Barrett Henson and I came to Manila to serve our team, Franchise Partners and Global Clients.🇵🇭

But as it turns out, we received the most. 🙏

So I wanted to share a big thank you..🫶

Thank you to our Fit Family. 

Thank you to our HQ team both on-site and back home. 

Thank you to our Franchise Partners. 

Thank you to our Filipino family. 🇵🇭

And most of all.. 

Thank you to YOU, our Fit Body community of clients. 

After all, we were here because of you. 🙏

You truly Inspire Fitness and Change Lives Every Day.

== > Click HERE for pictures.

Ps made it back safely late on Friday after a 22-hour journey home. An expensive “travel tax” to see the world and gain perspective. The only tax that’s worth every penny in my book.

Make it a great Monday!🙌

-Coach Bryce

PSS Interested in joining our Drop 1 Size for Summer 6-week Challenge? It starts on Monday, April 24. And if you register NOW, you can train for FREE until the challenge Launch! Click HERE!

Leadership Lesson: Who is it about? 150 150 Bryce Henson

Leadership Lesson: Who is it about?

As a leader..

It’s definitely not about you!

It never has been.

It never will be.

When you accept this truth..

Your leadership will explode.

[MM]: I wanted to say thank you.. 150 150 Bryce Henson

[MM]: I wanted to say thank you..

Happy Monday Mindset!🙌

As planned, I made it to the Philippines safe and sound over the weekend.🇵🇭

My heart is full with gratitude having been able to connect with my long-time teammate and friend Emma and her amazing family.♥️

And during this experience, I thought of you.

Since after all..

I am here because of you.🫶

So I wanted to say thank you.🤗

Thank you for investing in your health in fitness.💪

Thank you for trusting my team and I as your fitness coaches.

Thank you for wanting to grow as person every day.

Thank you for taking care of yourself; so you can take care of others.

Thank you for engaging with these Monday Mindset emails.

Thank you for sharing them with your friends, so we can spread more positivity to the world. 

Thank you for caring and being such a value add to society.

Because of you..

My team and I get to live my passion of helping support you and our community here in Mission Viejo lead happier and healthier lives.

You mean the world to my team and we are am super grateful for you!

I hope that created some happiness. 

Todays call to action?🤔

My only ask is please pay it forward and text 3 people today that you care about how much you mean to them!🥰

That will make today and the world a better place for others.

Love and gratitude.🙏

Make it a great Monday!🙌

-Coach Bryce

PS Click HERE to lose 10lbs within 6 weeks guaranteed with our new Ultimate Transformation Program.