
Monday Mindset

Monday Mindset: Is your focus serving you? 697 341 Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset: Is your focus serving you?


Today’s Monday Mindset is around your focus and how it effects your life.

So today I wanted to share with you a personal story of very bad habit I used to have..

What was it you might ask?!

Well.. about 8-9 years ago, I picked up the bad habit of watching “Investigative Discovery” and shortly after became addicted which is very congruent with my personality.

On the weekends, I could easily burn through 3-4 hours of episodes per night.

Now if you haven’t heard of Investigative Discovery or “ID” for short, it’s a channel on the Discovery network with many themed episodes which typically recounts “True” murder stories.

I put “true” in paraenesis; as the finished product of true story can sometimes hardly resemble the couple facts in which they build the foundation.

But since I am a very curious person and fascinated with people, psychology and the human mind, I quickly became obsessed. As the lure of psychopaths & serial killers would just pull me in for hours.

Extremely embarrassing to admit, but true.

But after about 2 years of binging on this content upwards of 6-8 hours nearly every weekend, it started affecting me mentally.

It got to the point I began researching cases that I had seen including suicides, serial killings, and murder cases in general.

After a little time I began noticing it was affecting my mental state and normal levels of happiness and positivity..

Until finally one day I hit a breaking point as I woke up in a complete panic after a nightmare in which I was being followed.

So later that day, and I decided enough was enough. I needed to stop watching this garbage for my brain and change my focus which is exactly what I did.

So I took a complete stand of eliminating any ID or any murder mystery show.

Was it easy? Heck no!

As being completely transparent, for the first 3 months of the ID detox, I had to put the “parental block” on the Discovery Network to detour me until I began to return to my normal state of happiness.

Consequently, my life and outlook changed.

Why do I tell you this?

Because what you focus on shapes your thoughts and life. Ultimately, it shapes your outlook, your view of the world and your actions.

**And as it turns out in looking at homicide data around the world objectively speaking, statistically we live in the safest time in human history as it pertains to homicides or violent crime. That’s right…. in human history!

In fact, from 1990-2015, the number of homicide victims per 100,000 people has fallen 20% worldwide according to Quartz research study.

Statistically, the world is actually getting SAFER from homicide and violent crime perspective.

Although, with my focus on ID consumption, I would have never known as the world began to feel bleak and dangerous.

So my friends, to kick off this incredible Monday, my call to action is for YOU!

And while I am not saying the world is care free without danger.

But I am asking…

What are you focusing on that is not serving you?
What can you mentally remove from your life that will HELP you be a better version of you?
What can you eliminate from your daily or weekly routine that will allow you to be a more positive light for this world we live in?

I highly encourage you to take a quick audit, be honest with yourself, and take action on whatever it is for you, just like I did for me..

As consequently, it completely shaped my focus & mentality in a very positive way and know it will do the exact same for you!

Committed to YOUR success,

Coach Bryce

Monday Mindset: Fighting Back 745 493 Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset: Fighting Back

Happy Monday!

I hope all you fathers enjoyed your special day yesterday.

Whether you are a dad, have/had a dad, or act as a dad type figure, the world need you so much love and gratitude.

Looking ahead, a few things in motion!

I cannot believe Summer has officially started being we just past the summer solstice here in the Northern Hemisphere.

All while our 6 week challenge is finishing up. Challengers, SPRINT through the finish line!

And excited to launch our Fat Loss Forever Coaching program as a continuation of our accountability and nutrition coaching program. Great things in the works!

Aside from that and in today’s message, I wanted to share an uplifting story I received from my friend Pat M. as I received value and trust you will too.

“An old man used to meditate early every morning on the bank of the Ganges River in India. One morning he saw a scorpion flailing helplessly in the strong current of the river, tangled in a complex network of the tree roots.

The old man immediately reached out to rescue the drowning scorpion. The panicked animal tried to sting him, but the man persisted. For several long minutes, his hand darted back and forth, evading the scorpion’s plunging stringer as he tried to rescue it.

A passerby on the riverbank saw the struggle. “Hey, old man, what’s wrong with you? Don’t you know that you might die trying to help that dangerous animal?”

Slowly the man turned his head to gaze calmly into the stranger’s eye, “Friend, it is the nature of the scorpion to sting. Why should I give up my own nature, for fear of his?”

Maintaining our compassionate nature in a world that sometimes bites and stings can feel like a struggle; perhaps it’s merely a dance to remind us who we truly are.”

Committed to YOUR success,
-Coach Bryce

Monday Mindset: What do you control? 482 254 Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset: What do you control?

Happy Monday!

With the world’s problems still in full tact, but emotions a little less this week. I wanted to share a quote I found valuable to strengthen your mind through any difficult situation.

To preface, it comes from Marcus Aurelius’, the Roman Emperor and Stoic philosopher.

“You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.”

This realization is simple, but not easy to comprehend. But keep the thought front of mind, and you will have more peace.

Make it a great Monday and week!

Coach Bryce

Monday Mindset: Your lens, your choice. 1024 1024 Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset: Your lens, your choice.

Happy Monday!

As the world we live in continues to change, we continue to forge ahead.

And with all the recent greyness, there is some light. As we are extremely excited to have reopened the rest of our internally owned Fit Body Locations as of this morning.

So this is something to celebrate and build from.

Thank you so much for trusting us with your health and fitness as we are beyond excited to have all our locations returned to in person training.

And as I was crafting my mindset message to you this past weekend…my good friend, business partner, and fellow Vice President at Fit Body Boot Camp, Matt shared the below message. And I received so much value, I wanted to pass it along as I trust you will too.

Head up, onward and let’s have an amazing week.

-Coach Byce

How you see the world is based on the lens that you see it through.

If you want to see all that wrong with the world that is your choice.

If you want to see all that is right with the world that is your choice.

Your lens, your choice.

The last 3 months I have experienced the most amount anger, frustration, hopelessness, disgust, and embarrassment then I have in my previous 33 years of existence.

You can imagine which lens I am looking through when I have those feelings.

Do you know who loses when you look through this lens?

You do.

When you look through this lens it creates negative emotions.

When you look through this lens you stop focusing on the things you can control (which is all that matters).

When you look through this lens you stop taking positive actions that can improve your life.

When you look through this lens you focus on the problem and not the solution.

When you look through this lens you look to attack instead of understand.

When you look through this lens you divide instead of unite.

Our country is divided. It always has been. We are imperfect and flawed humans and it has nothing to do with who the President of the United States is.

We were just as divided when Obama was the president as we are with Trump as the president.

The president, politicians, and the laws of our country do not determine our lens. We do.

Drive Change.

Change starts with unification and not division.

Change happens from building each other up and not tearing each other down.

Change happens by giving a hand up and not a hand out.

Change happens when we focus our time, energy, and focus is creating real solutions that help solve the real problems.

But here is the truth about change. Lasting change is REALLY hard and doesn’t happen overnight. It takes persistence and grit over long periods of time and doing it when you’re no longer motivated to do it.

This is why many people fail to make real change happen because when the motivation is gone, and the real work begins most people drop out and quit until they have a spark of motivation to get reinvigorated again.

This is why the change most people desire in their life doesn’t happen.

Change starts with you.

The world changes from the inside out.

Don’t look to change someone else, don’t worry about someone else’s household, don’t worry about what others are or aren’t doing. Worry about you.

Worry about your heart, worry about your actions, worry about you doing the right thing, worry about what you can do to make a difference first before you worry about or judge anyone else.

We are ALL flawed and imperfect HUMANS. It’s easy to cast stones at others but as the saying goes those who live in glass houses should not throw stones at others.

We all live in glass houses. No person is morally better than the other.

Remember that the next time you want to judge, criticize, or attack your fellow human.


Equality starts with respect. You cannot have equality without respect. Let’s start respecting each other. It’s a basic human right. No respect = no equality.

If you feel this is a political post or have the feeling to leave a negative comment I would encourage you to look at the lens you are viewing this post from.

Here is my promise to all of you.

I am switching my lens.

I am working with my team to help be a bigger part of the change that needs to happen in our company and our communities.

Not because we want to look good but because it’s the right thing to do.

We are ready to be a part of the change and we hope you will join us.

The world needs our light.


Monday Mindset: What is your focus? 952 952 Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset: What is your focus?

Happy Monday,

Although admittedly, I’m having to dig deep to pull out some positive mindset coaching today.

As if you are anything like me, you might be feeling a little or a lot down.  No denying, we are in extremely tough times for humanity and our country.

And if COVID wasn’t a battle enough, there is compounded cosmic injustice and inequality. Then to add insult to injury.. the riots, violence and destruction across our country are making it all worse, by pouring salt in the wounds.

While last week I promised some positive mindset coaching around the topic of fear. I decided to push that out until next week being the most recent events being very top of mind.

Very bluntly, the acts against George Floyd and the destruction that has followed is absolutely devastating on all accounts. “Gut wrenching” and “heart breaking” don’t even provide justice to either description.

That’s the reality.

As just as I shared with you in the Stockdale paradox weeks ago, we must be never overlook the brutal realities of our current situation that require change. But also never give up hope that the long-term outlook is positive. 

So while extremely hard to see at the moment.. Even in the darkest of darks, there is always some silver lining.


But it’s up to you and I to seek it out, build off it and keep the light as our focus so we can shine out the darkness.

This all said, here is my focus that I hope to shed some influence:

·         Evil definitely exists in humanity, but overwhelmingly in whole, humanity is very good.

·         Yes, there are some very bad police officers and first responders that need be brought to justice; but the vast majority of our police, 1st responders and protectors are good and do in fact protect.

·         No, there is not nearly as much freedom as we proclaim; but we are a free people and live in one of the best nations in the world, so have a voice to initiate peaceful change.

·         We are living in very interesting & challenging times, but with quick view at history and the data… we live in the best, safest and possess the highest quality of life in all of human history.

o   **Even though, emotionally, it doesn’t feel this way at the moment.

So yes, while it can be easy to feel the world is crashing down and the outlook bleak. You might be feeling that the situation is out of your control. And to some extent there is truth to this. As the vast majority of this universe we reside in, is out of your and my control.

But my message today is to focus on what you CAN control.

And what you CAN control, is your response. 

In fact, you can always control your response.

You can also control the respect you show to humanity. You can control whether you decide to love or hate.

You can control your ability to be kind and help your neighbor.

You can control whether or not to invest in your body and mind through health & exercise. You can control what foods you put in your mouth to help you look, feel and think better.

You can control to focus on the darkness OR to be the light that we all need right now.

It starts with YOU. It starts with US.

Let’s focus on the light, drown out the darkness, and be the genesis of positive and peaceful change our community, country and world needs.

After all, we are in this together.

-Coach Bryce


Monday Mindset: I almost failed the Challenge.. 1024 768 Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset: I almost failed the Challenge..

Happy Monday!

Today we have nearly 15,000 challengers across the WORLD fired up to kick off Day 1 of our 6 Week Transformation Challenge!

With our new Fit Body Coaching App and  higher-level nutrition coaching, this will be the challenge with the best results to date!

In fact, my team and I have been going through the challenge program and have tested out the functionality & accountability over the last 3 weeks which has been incredible! No doubt there will be A TON of weight, body fat % and inches that are about to be burned up! 100%!!!!

Now speaking of challenges, I did another personal one yesterday which strengthened my body, mind and soul.

A 1,105 push up EMOM challenge at BK Strength led by US Navy Seal and The Project/LTD instructor Ray Care. This guy is an absolute BEAST!

Now, I am a very fit and conditioned guy, but after 550 push-ups, my triceps physically could not push my upper body up anymore.

Was I frustrated? YES

Did I quit? Absolutely NOT

So for the last 30 sets, I transitioned to 30 second plank EMOM which totaled 15 minutes of planking. I still hit my shoulders, tri’s and core and got a great work out and really pushed myself in the process.

The learning lesson is failure is only giving up. As being successful requires you to keep pushing forward by doing what you can with what you have.

The conditions are never perfect. You might be extremely unconditioned when starting. Your nutrition may be terrible, and you might think you will be able to find success.

Or you might be more fit than the average person so need to push yourself more. Ultimately, you are on a unique path, so the only challenge is with yourself.

So regardless of the temporary circumstances, you MUST work like he** to execute the plan, and when you hit a roadblock (which you definitely will)…do NOT put your hands up and throw in the towel.

Rather dig deep, get creative, adjust, transition and find an alternate path still heading toward the desired result.


PS Some AMAZING info about Facility Reopening Plans are coming tomorrow, so stay tuned J

PSS That’s my best tough guy face, as rest assured I will be working on my tricep strength over the next 30 days, so watch out!!

Monday Mindset: Gratitude 399 260 Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset: Gratitude

I hope you had a great weekend and are fired up for the week ahead! I am starting a 7 Day Caffeine Day detox to reset my adrenal glands and cortisol levels which will strengthen my immune system.
Not going to lie, I am not looking forward to as I drink A LOT of caffeine. BUT see the big benefit in long term health.
And then big picture, I plan to do once every quarter. So once I get through my first (and have some experience with and can provide some coaching), am going to invite you all for the upcoming ones. This way, we can do it together for anyone wanting to join the fun J
Aside from that, we are in week 3 of our 28 Days of Fitness Client Engagement Program which is GRATITUDE week here at Fit Body Virtual Boot Camp! This is also the spirit of todays message.
And yes, the elephant in the room is still our COVID 19 quarantine. I hope and believe it will be our last month.
Regardless, think we can all agree there is a lot to be grateful for. In fact, there is A LOT of science showing health benefits of setting yourself to a grateful state.
What are these benefits of gratitude?
  • increased happiness and positive mood
  • more satisfaction with life
  • less materialistic
  • less likely to experience burnout
  • better physical health
  • better sleep
  • less fatigue
  • lower levels of cellular inflammation
Today I will leave you with a few things on my gratitude list. And I challenge you to create your own list to share with your loves ones.
1)   My life
2)   Our Fit Family (Clients and team)
3)   Our Southern California Sunshine
4)   I live where PALMS TREES grow (wasn’t always this way)
5)   My incredible mother (big day this coming Sunday for all our moms)
6)   YOU!!
Happy Monday and sending you some GRATEFUL VIBES!!
-Coach Bryce
Monday Mindset: Perspective 1000 496 Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset: Perspective


Hope you had a great weekend. And even being stuck at home, I hope you got outside, took a walk or a run and enjoyed the beautiful weather.

And even though we are cranking away in the dog days of Quarantine, there is light at the end of the tunnel as movement is beginning to happen throughout our country.

Regarding today’s message, I received the below note recently from a friend, thought leader and mentor of mine, that I found value in and wanted to share.

It puts things in proper perspective and trust you will get value as well.

Please feel free to share it with someone in need and let’s make it a GREAT WEEK!

-Coach Bryce

This too shall pass, and it will all be over soon. I don’t just mean the tough times, the dark days, the hard workouts, or dips you are going through in life. This also means the best days, the celebrations, the puppy months, the date nights, the big games.

Every 5-year-old turns 6.
Every play has an ending.
Every football game has a 4th quarter.

“Death twitches my ear. ‘Live,’ he says. “I am coming.’” – Virgil

Monday Mindset: Coach Tom 727 712 Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset: Coach Tom

Happy Monday!

We just finished up our Stronger Together Challenge and excited to keep the momentum going as we launch our Fit Body 28 Days of Fitness today! The program includes a weekly theme (this week is Hydration) along with a daily physical challenge to make sure we have some fun while keeping healthy & fit during Quarantine.

Aside from that and getting into today’s message; I am sad to report I received some very sour news last week. My grammar school basketball coach and best friend from my youth’s father, Coach Tom passed away unexpectedly.  He was 69, and tested negative for COVID 19, but as my friend Thayne said, in the last few years he let off the focus of self-care.

And while very sad, there is always a lesson which first and foremost, is to live with urgency and passion. As tomorrow is not promised for any of us and the most fulfilled and happy people I know, are in pursuit of a mission or purpose, bigger than themselves.

And the other giant lesson he left is to be intentional about the life you lead and the impact you want to have. As in the end, it’s not the materials things that you acquire (which will all be returned), it’s the legacy you will leave and the impact you had on those around you.

And for me, Coach Tom made a big impact.

Truthfully, he was rough around the edges, was a bit grumpy at times, which turned into downright scary if you upset him. He had very high expectations for our basketball teams and always ensured he held the line of discipline and structure in his program.

Which going through the experience, wasn’t very desirable most of the times in the actual moment.  But, he left an incredible positive mark on our teams mindset, work ethic, & desire to work together which led to the big success we had as a team.

He was also a very good-hearted man. And even though very tough on discipline, it was very easy to see it came from a good place which empowered us to work harder because no matter what, we knew he cared about us.

He didn’t like “flash” and cared mostly about the fundamentals of the game and a focus on out conditioning our opponents as being a foundational strategy for success.

And when things got too tough, he knew when to let up, and give praise, appreciation and an even a hug to ensure team morale was positive.

So in closing, here are the lessons from my Coach Tom that you can implement in your life.

  • Be tough & disciplined, but caring.
  • Train hard, whether or not anyone is watching.
  • Practice doesn’t make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect, so train every day as its game day.
  • Forget about being flashy; rather focus on & master the fundamentals.
  • Expect more of yourself and be a team player.
  • Care about the people around you.

Sound advice for us all. RIP Coach Tom. Your lessons will live on..

Let’s make it a GREAT WEEK.

-Coach Bryce


Monday Mindset: “Circumstance doesn’t alter responsibility” 714 1024 Bryce Henson

Monday Mindset: “Circumstance doesn’t alter responsibility”

Happy Monday!

I hope you had a great Easter weekend with your family.

With our new found Zoom video conferencing skills, I was able to host a zoom call with 30 family members in Michigan which was set up due to the amazing mother’s passion to keep the family connected. J

And while it was fun to see everyone in better spirits, and sharing our gratitude list, which is very much needed..

But in playing off the paradox mindset from a couple of weeks ago, I believe it still very important to be real about our current adversities. As staring them down in the face is the only way we will push past them and overcome them.

So in the spirit of being candid to strengthen your mindset, and start off our week.

Here we go…

This Quarantine situation is not fun. It sucks actually. And yes, much of this is out of our control. 😤

And just like you, there’s not a day that goes by (sometimes hourly) that I don’t receive some sort of less than ideal news. That’s our reality. 🤯

But the fact remains, that just because our circumstances are less than desirable at the moment, this does not change your responsibility to yourself and love ones, & most notably your family. 💪

As one of my mentor’s Michael, from Romania who immigrated here in his twenties, says “Bryce, suck it up cupcake.”

And he is right…

As despite of the circumstance, you still must lead yourself to be the best version of you. You still must get your workouts, your hydration, nutrition, and your reading in. 🎓

You still have to be a responsible leader for your family, a great parent/child/coworker, and an even better human. 🏋🏻

You still have a responsibility to yourself and others who are counting on you. And remember, even though it doesn’t feel like it right now, many people have gone through much worse. 😱

That true perspective is criticality important for you to keep top of mind. 👌

In closing and to toughen your mind even more so you can continue to brave the storm, with one of my favorite lines from Sylvester Stallone, in the Rocky film series:

“Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place and I don’t care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard ya hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done!”

Keep your head up and keep moving forward.

We are in this and STRONGER TOGETHER!


-Coach Bryce